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That was intense. Did you enjoy these guys like that? Did I enjoy them? I love them. They were wonderful, and I enjoyed them. And they were also very kind. They knew how to act. If I did something wrong, they would tell me. They were right with me, they were helping me. And they have been very supportive of me. Their encouragement gave me the strength to achieve the goals that I wanted to achieve. Did you have any favorite players in the league, or what did you like about them? For my position, like a center, I had a lot of people to watch. [NFL.com's] Bucky [Brooks] was talking about DeMarcus Lawrence, who is a good one. Eric Fisher, I would say he’s a good one, because he’s a young player. I was able to watch DeMarcus, who was a young guy like me. And Eric, I’m a little older, but I see that Eric Fisher was a very intelligent player. We used to play together at school. We used to play together, and we were very good friends. And when I used to play at Washington, when [Aaron] Donald was there, I saw Eric very good. And I also like J.J. Watt a lot. He’s a very nice person. There are many guys from D-III I really love. I like a lot of guys from Division III. In particular, I really like DeMarcus [Ware] from St. Joseph’s. And he’s big, so I watch a lot of people. I really watch that guy a lot. And also the same way, I really watch DeMarcus Lawrence and J.J. Watt, because they’re really good, too. They have really big bodies. DeMarcus Lawrence is really good. He’s strong, he’s long, and he’s a good player. That’s a guy that I really like. I saw that you guys gave Mike Adams a pretty good contract recently. I read a pretty funny story about that. Could you tell me about that? (Laughs.) Oh, man, I didn’t know they were saying bad things about me. I didn’t know they were saying bad things about me. No, that’s OK, that’s just how I was as a player, man. I was always going up to the top. I had the hardest workouts. I was just working. I was always there. Mike Adams has had a lot of weight loss and a lot of stress in his life. And now he’s in the New Orleans Saints. Mike Adams worked hard in the offseason, so he has become a good player. But like I said, it was only natural to be that way. Because I think I’m a hard-working guy. I knew that, I knew I was a good player. I know I’m a good person. I know I’m a good teammate. I can help my teammates in every way I can. I’m a good player. I did a lot of things I was told to do in the league, and I got a lot of support from my teammates and my coaches. What was your transition like from the CFL to the NFL? It’s not that tough. I just played football like that. I know the rules of the NFL, and I know that the quarterback is the leader. I just played football. I didn’t have to change my style of playing football. But I know I have to be different. I have to work harder. I have to work in practice. I have to do more. I have to work hard in meetings. I have to work hard on the field. I have to show the coaches what I have. It’s just a thing that I have to work. I know how football works. I know how it’s run. I know the rules of the NFL, so I have to show the coaches how I can run the plays and show them what I can do and show them what I can teach. I think the transition was easy for me. It’s just a little bit difficult, because I had to learn some new rules. And it was different from college. It was a little bit hard for me, but it’s OK. It’s not that hard. I was going to do it in the end. I was going to be OK. How hard was it to pick up the Patriots offense this season, which is a pretty different offense from what you were used to? Honestly, I have to say it was really easy. I was really excited to come to New England and play for Coach Belichick and Coach [Josh] McDaniels and (tight end) Martellus Bennett and the entire offense. It was really easy. In order to play offense in the NFL, I needed to be athletic, quick, strong. And I was blessed. I think they like me, and I think I did a good job there in the preseason. I think they wanted me to stay here a long time. It was really hard to learn a new offense. But honestly, I had a lot of help from my teammates. They were just always with me, telling me, “No, just keep going.” I think they told me a lot of stuff. And they just told me I would get through it. So I was actually pretty easy with it, I have to say. You had the hardest schedule in the NFL in 2016. That’s not an easy thing to do. Yes, I had a hard schedule last year. It was hard to play eight games a year in the NFL, but I had to adjust and take care of my body. That’s what I had to do. That’s what I’m going to do. I had a good year last year. I did well, but I think this year is going to be a lot better for me because I have all the things I need to be the best that I can. How did you feel about being called out on the sideline by an offensive lineman for fumbling on the goal line? I think it was because of the pressure that I had on me. I was in bad situations. And I was tired. I was fumbling a lot of time. I had to learn, and that’s OK. I know now what I have to do. I know how to get better. I’m going to fix it and get better. I just know how to be smart, and I just know that every mistake can cost my team. So I need to improve on every part of my game. And I need to improve on my pass rush, too. I need to improve on my pass rush. That’s what I need to do. What’s your plan for this year to improve on your game? What are your goals for 2017? Well, I need to improve on my pass rush, so I need to be faster, faster, faster, faster, faster. Because that’s what I need to be better at. I need to be better at the pass rush and better at the run. And I need to improve on my strength. I need to improve on everything. I think I can be good, but I need to work a lot harder to get it. So I need to work harder. How much weight did you put on in the offseason? Actually, I only gained weight. I didn’t lose any weight at all. I gained about 10 pounds, but I got a lot of strength and I think it’s going to help me be a better player. And I know my coaches liked me in my game, and I also saw my teammates. They always told me, “No, no, you’re a good player.” They all were happy for me, so that helped me a lot. And when I got to New Orleans, the coaches and the players were great to me. They were good to me, and it was really nice to see. Do you have any specific weightlifting goals? (Laughs.) I don