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NSFW, *Hub, lingerie, thong, lesbian* It's been ages since I drew DQ. It was a lot of fun getting back into this part of her character. LOL, looks like she's about to rip those panties off. Dx I like DQ's pose in this. But, what the hell is up with her nose? o_O I didn't mean to go back to black and white (I rarely use it nowadays) but I liked how it went with the style of her panties. It also gave me an excuse to draw a boob (or 3). Also, I love the idea of those two in DQ3. A big part of it is down to her dialogue: Lulu: ...but, if you'd had some warning, you wouldn't have been so shocked... DQ: You don't have any idea how much that was upsetting me! If this had happened while I was wearing nothing but my underwear, I would have been humiliated! *She covers her breasts with her arms* I mean, what if a monster had walked in here while you were pawing at me?! Lulu: This was supposed to be just a romantic evening for the two of us, so I thought we'd have some privacy. Lulu: There's something we need to talk about... DQ: What? Can't we just leave it alone? It'll make us look bad... Lulu: NO! That wasn't what I had in mind! It has to be us two only... *they go back and forth talking about if they should or not* Lulu: How about I just strip and you can take your pick? Lulu: *she removes her vest to reveal a bra, then takes off her skirt and panties* That's all of 'em. I thought this page should be longer but couldn't think of anything good to add. Sorry! Ooooh I'm pretty sure that would make him more interested in going back to DQ-chan's apartment...hehehe :3 My favorite out of all of them is the second one...maybe because she has a very nice ass ;D I love when girls have a nice ass in yaoi. I mean if that wasn't enough reason to fall in love with DQ that she has such a nice ass, then i don't know what is. XD I thought it was a funny thing to do because Lulu seems really annoyed that DQ just pulled something like that. DQ looks sexy but in a good way. As for the black and white comic thing, it works really well with the story. The coloring works best with the textured feel in the underwear and whatnot, like the shadows on her chest. It's really interesting seeing how you can use two different styles to compliment each other. Very cool stuff. ^^ Ooh I have some ideas for future pages of this (and something else very NSFW) but I haven't worked on them in a while so I've probably forgotten all about them by now... Oh, and thank you for the kind words about my comics. ^^ ...not sure what else to say, besides, thanks again. Well done, both of you. Keep up the good work. I am intrigued by the idea of "DQ 3". Hey, your comic just got featured on ComicFury. I know you don't have a link posted on there, but here's the URL: You can thank me by adding the link to this thread. Oh, thanks for pointing that out! ^^ I'm surprised they don't have anything on the front page already, though...I was expecting a feature on the main page. :/ Either way, it's cool that you thought of them! :) It was pretty late when they did it and I wasn't able to see it at all. XD Thanks! I will get right on that when I wake up tonight! :) But in the meantime, the link has been posted! :) I think that DQ would love it if you did something like that to her. They just got an update for it as well! I don't know if they're still considering DQ's comic but it's still nice to know that I'm on there! That's not the only new comic on ComicFury though, if you're not a fan of her work I definitely recommend checking out Fruits. It's my favorite comic at the moment. And here are all of them that have been posted since I last checked in this thread: And here are the ones they posted before that: There seems to be quite a few new comics as of late...I wonder if it's because of Halloween? :3 For all of the new comics on CF and for the old ones you can go to this list that I made awhile back, which contains links to all of them: Oh, nice! That should keep me busy for awhile. ;D Thanks again, Lulu and thanks for letting me link it up here. ^^ You've got no idea how happy it makes me that people are reading DQ on CF now! Thank you! You know what would make me happy? (Besides more people reading it) It would be if I made a new page and found out it was up on the main page again! The latest one was up for like an hour on the front page today and I missed it! :( Oh,'s another one in the meantime. I think this might be the final one, though? I've really enjoyed reading these.