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Bad bedtime storie
Biblical Praportio
End of life photog
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Unstable love poems for stalkers to their lovers. I’ll leave it at that, for my head aches when I start to think of this stuff. And you know what, I feel better. I’m still here, and still breathing, and we’re going to be together. So, let’s see, how can I express myself, the way my body feels, with words and art? I wonder what could be in store for me. Here goes: It’s been twenty seven days since the death of my former partner She gave me three rules I must always follow. First, don’t ever leave me. Second, I’m allowed to feel anything as long as I don’t cry, and my throat doesn’t get sore. And third, I must never write anything about her, or even mention her. She is no longer present to help me out. She also said she would only speak to me in dreams, but that the only way she could be sure would be to see me every day. Well, guess what? I’ve been doing this every day, and here I am. What can I do when I’m writing about a loved one? I go to the shelf, and look at her stack of books. She is right. I would only end up writing about her, if I kept on with this. So I leave it to the night, and head off to sleep. It’s been eight days since my heart stopped beating. And these pages are blank. I will keep this one I’ve written before, I’m still not ready to let go of her. She was, is, and always will be the brightest star in the night sky. “The thing is, the person you love will never love anyone else like you. I’m tired of trying to understand how, and when, but now I can only say the heart breaks, every time.” The way I loved her, it will never be the same as the way she loved me. Not to say it was hard, or that it wasn’t the sweetest thing, that I’ve ever felt. It’s over now, and I am fine with that, I am free of this, and free to live my life without her shadow. “What you feel for me, and everything else, it’s all still there Inside me, a place I will not abandon again.” Yes, it’s a strange thing to feel, to be loved for all the things you are, and all you are not. But I’m tired of this life now. It’s all the same, and if I’m being honest I always knew it would be this way. It’s a beautiful way to be, a beautiful loss. So, what do I do now? This is the question I need to figure out, before I run out of room. In the meantime, I feel empty, and I want to feel something. So what I do now, I keep on walking, and I think about these new rules. And there is no doubt about it, I have broken the very first rule. I don’t regret it at all. And I will keep on doing it. “I know you. You know me. It’s a part of us that will always remain, but I think of you as if I’ve never known you. You are no longer mine, and I’ve been fine with that, but I also wanted you to know this, is what I love most about you. My love.” My heart is a mess, and it will never be put back together. But if I had to choose, I’d say it was beautiful and unique. It’s only by looking back at the stars and the way they shine that I can see how they got me through the whole day. I don’t want to get lost in the dark, but it’s okay to love something without being able to see. I’ve always wanted to have more, but I will have to make do with less. And every day I’m lucky enough to wake up, it reminds me. There’s someone out there, watching me, and she is in love with me too. And she loves me for the pain in my heart. “I would do anything for you, my love, I am so sorry. What can I say? I can’t be strong anymore. I’ve lost her. I can’t live on like this.” So here is to you, my darling. And I love you always, for your strength, and for your will to help me. And I will never forget you. Even though it was beautiful, and so very, very hard, It wasn’t the end of everything. As we are both here, and we are both here together, at the end of the day, we are together in a way that is beautiful to see. In fact, I don’t know what else I can say to explain the feeling I have I can only keep on fighting and hoping one day you will speak to me again. Because it will be very hard for me to not think of you. “Please understand, I have nothing left to offer you. But I still think about you, and sometimes, I think that I see you. But I’m never sure. I’m not sure anymore. And I know I’m forgetting all the good times we’ve had. You gave me a whole lot of beautiful times, but you also broke my heart, and I don’t want to ever be with you again. But I love you, and you broke my heart, and now it hurts. It hurts so much, but not in a bad way, in a way that is hard to put into words, and I wish I could, but I can’t. And I will keep on looking for you, and I know you are still in my life, even though it’s hard to believe. I still know it’s you, and I still hope for your return. When you do return, and we can look into each other’s eyes, I promise that you will be met with the love that you deserve, and you deserve so much, my dear. “You left me, my love. I don’t understand. You said that we would have many children together. I would have done anything for you. And now you are gone, and I’m still here, and I need you, but I cannot be what I want to be, and my heart is dead and cold. I’m broken inside and I don’t know what to do. Why did you make me love you, and then leave me so soon?” I think this is my first heartbreak, but I don’t think it will be my last. But maybe it was my last big loss, and now I’m okay. But it doesn’t matter I still want you. “I see you, but I don’t know how to be with you.” I used to love to live. I loved the world around me, and the way I felt in it. And I had a lot of friends, and everything seemed good. And I knew I wanted to stay until it was all over. And I lived through the best times and the worst times, and I grew. And now I’m okay with who