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Chinesium Trade Secrets and Quality Assurance It is important to remember that there are no "perfect" plants, either by natural or intentional means. The "most perfect" specimen is genetically unstable due to inbreeding, and it is unlikely to ever grow to the size it should be. It may have a wonderful flavor, but it may also be bitter tasting or not tasting at all, and grow poorly as well. Therefore, a breeder will produce different cultivars that have similar characteristics and will provide the grower with the greatest profit and highest quality plants available. The breeders that we chose are committed to providing you with the highest quality cannabis seeds possible. We are extremely selective about which strains we grow and test. The seeds that we grow are tested with a specialized chemical test to check for terpenes (the essential oils that give each strain its unique qualities) and cannabinoid levels. We also have a strict selection process which eliminates the worst of the bad seeds. We then have the highest quality seeds put through a germination process in our own facilities. We try to provide our customers with the most complete and reliable information on the quality of our products. We take a lot of pride in our work, and hope that the information that we have provided you will be of great benefit to your future growing success. Please remember that there are no perfect plants and that no one can guarantee that the seeds that we are producing are any better or worse than any other. All that can be guaranteed is that our seeds will be very clean and healthy at the time they are shipped. If you are a beginner, the best thing to do is to start with lower quality seeds. Once you have established a successful system with a particular strain, then you can start to experiment with the higher quality seeds. In recent years, people have become more and more familiar with the terms cannabis and marijuana. While the two words are often used interchangeably, in some cases they mean different things. Marijuana is the original plant species. Cannabis is a species and genus name given to several varieties. Cannabis is an annual plant that is native to the tropical regions of Central and South Asia. Marijuana, on the other hand, is a relative of Cannabis that was first used for its medicinal properties by Chinese in 5,000 BC. For thousands of years, it was cultivated primarily in China and India for its medicinal benefits and as a plant fiber source for rope, cloth and paper. The two types of plants are both from the Cannabis family, but are completely different types of plants. While marijuana is used for its medical benefits, cannabis seeds are grown to produce buds which are used for medicinal or recreational purposes. When these two plants are discussed in the same context, the marijuana plant usually refers to medicinal Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica strains. The cannabis plant has a number of species and strains that are available for purchase and consumption. Cannabis Sativa has been known as hemp, ganja and marijuana. The various Cannabis sativa strains are usually harvested and used for medicines, although some are used for clothing. Cannabis Indica is a variety of the same plant, but has a somewhat different strain of cannabinoids. The flowers of the Cannabis sativa plant are much larger than the flowers of the Cannabis indica plant. Cannabis Indica usually refers to the strains of cannabis that are used for medicinal purposes. The indica strain of cannabis plants contain higher concentrations of the medicinal Cannabidiol (CBD) cannabinoids than the sativa strain. Unlike the sativa strain, the Cannabis indica strain contains much more THC, which is the psychoactive compound found in marijuana that creates a feeling of euphoria. This strain of marijuana is much more potent and is usually grown for its psychoactive effects rather than its medicinal benefits. It is also not recommended for use by beginners because of its high levels of THC. While many people believe that marijuana seeds are the same as marijuana plants, it is important to understand the differences between the two. Cannabis seeds are grown from Cannabis sativa seeds. Since the sativa strain is high in THC, it produces seeds that are much more potent and contain higher levels of THC than other varieties of Cannabis sativa seeds. The difference between the two strains is more of a reflection of the methods used in growing the seeds rather than the actual seeds. Cannabis Sativa strains contain higher levels of Cannabidiol (CBD), which helps to relieve pain without creating any high or euphoria. Cannabis Indica seeds produce plants that contain higher levels of THC than other varieties of Cannabis Indica seeds. Indica seeds are often used for creating plants that are high in THC, and usually do not contain any CBD. The Cannabis indica seeds, however, may have slightly higher levels of CBD. Some strains of marijuana, which are called Sativa-dominant strains, will contain the higher levels of CBD while others may contain higher levels of THC. Cannabis seeds are grown from the mature Cannabis sativa plants, as opposed to the immature plants from which the marijuana buds are collected. The Cannabis indica seeds are often purchased and grown from marijuana plants, and these plants have been selectively bred to increase their levels of THC. Cannabis sativa plants, on the other hand, are often grown in the wild or harvested from hemp farms that contain plants that have not been selectively bred. Cannabis plants may be grown in the wild and contain varying levels of THC and CBD. Therefore, it is important to consider how the seed that you purchase was grown. In some cases, the Cannabis seeds may be grown from the remnants of marijuana plants. The various Cannabis sativa strains are not the same species as the Cannabis indica plants that are used for medicinal purposes. The Cannabis plants are grown in many parts of the world and have been used for centuries. The name "marijuana" is usually associated with marijuana plants and its buds. Marijuana is the collective term for a number of different types of plants and flowers that are used for medicinal purposes. This is a group of flowers that belong to the Cannabis sativa plant family. Cannabis sativa is also known as hemp, grass and marijuana. The Cannabis sativa plants have been grown in many parts of the world for thousands of years for use in a variety of medicinal purposes. Cannabis seeds are often sold to the public for the purpose of creating marijuana or cannabis plants. These plants are selectively bred for certain characteristics, such as high THC levels, and are then sold on the market to growers and consumers alike. The use of marijuana has long been associated with recreational and medicinal purposes. The cannabinoids in the marijuana plant have many medical benefits and have been used for thousands of years. The medical benefits are often attributed to marijuana because it has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. THC-A (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the active ingredient in Cannabis sativa plants and is used for medicinal purposes. Marijuana also comes from the Cannabis Sativa plants. While cannabinoids in the form of THC-A are also present in Marijuana, the use of the term Cannabis as an alternative for marijuana and its derivatives is not just due to the THC-A component. Other cannabinoids found in Cannabis plants include THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the chemical responsible for the high effect associated with marijuana. Marijuana, on the other hand, contains a high amount of THC-A, the primary psychoactive compound in the marijuana plant. There are many reasons for growing cannabis, but one of the most popular reasons to grow Cannabis seeds is for the psychoactive effects that come from the high levels of THC. Marijuana, which is the term given to the dried buds of the Cannabis plant, can be used for medicinal purposes to relieve pain, and some strains of cannabis are grown for this reason. The marijuana flowers contain high levels of THC, and a very small amount of THC can create a sense of euphoria in the user. THC-A