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It may also be challenging to keep pace with the rapid advances and changes in technology. For these reasons, many people with dementia find it hard to get the help they need. They may feel abandoned, lonely and fearful about what the future holds. There are many ways people with dementia can find emotional support. One is through volunteer groups, community support groups and charities. For those who cannot access local services, they may be able to contact the Alzheimer’s Society on 0844 800 4444. The Alzheimer’s Society has an easy to use Online Chat service which can help you find the information you need about your condition and ways you can get the best support for your family member. When you’re feeling anxious or worried Feeling anxious can be normal and understandable. It may be caused by your condition or the way you think about it. If you’re worried about your memory or what your symptoms may mean, you may be feeling anxious. Or if you’re worried about what your family and friends will think of you or how you look, you may be feeling anxious. You may be feeling anxious because of what you see when you look in the mirror or because of negative thoughts that are constantly going through your mind. If you have dementia, you may have symptoms like memory loss, disorientation or anxiety. These symptoms can be very frightening. They can also be very difficult to cope with. For some people, it’s hard to know where to start when dealing with difficult symptoms. As well as trying to cope with symptoms, they may be feeling anxious about what the future will bring. You may also be feeling anxious because you find it difficult to remember things. You may worry about forgetting important things or having difficulties in the future. Everyone’s experience of dementia is different. And coping with feelings of anxiety and worry are different for each individual. Everyone experiences anxiety differently, but it may be useful to find out if there are some ways in which you can cope. If you have dementia you may also feel anxious about the future. Your diagnosis may be a shock and worry about how your symptoms may develop and how you may cope with them can be stressful. Other symptoms such as confusion, restlessness or depression can make coping with your condition even harder. You may be feeling anxious about what’s happening and what may happen in the future. And this can make it difficult to cope with your condition. To manage anxiety, you may need to do things that you feel you are not able to do. This may include being unable to do the things you used to do. However, if you’re feeling anxious and distressed, it can be useful to talk to someone about what’s going on for you. You can try talking to a friend or relative, or you may find a professional like your GP helpful. Many people find a hobby or something they enjoy doing can help to distract them from feeling anxious. As well as finding things that you enjoy doing, another way to cope with the anxieties and worries that you may have is by helping others. Helping others can help to reduce your feelings of anxiety and stress, and may help to keep your symptoms from worsening. Feeling down and sad When you have dementia you may find it difficult to cope with some of the changes your condition brings. Many people with dementia find it upsetting when their memory is affected. Symptoms like these can be hard to deal with, but they do not mean your condition is hopeless. Many people with dementia find it difficult to cope with the difficulties of their condition, but it can be hard to know what to do. It may be hard to find new ways of coping and making life easier to cope with the challenges of living with dementia. Many people find feelings of depression and sadness can be normal. They may find it hard to understand what’s happening and they may try to cope in different ways. It can also be difficult to deal with the feelings of sadness and depression and many people with dementia find it hard to cope with their condition. You may find yourself having thoughts that feel true but that are not real. You may find it hard to stop thinking these thoughts. You may also find you are not able to do the things you used to do or that you enjoy doing. Feeling down can be worrying and hard to deal with for anyone. It can also be difficult to deal with if you are worried that you’re experiencing the same feelings as someone with depression. You may also find it hard to cope with feelings that you’re not managing things well. Some people worry about losing their independence. You may feel sad or worried because of your symptoms and what this may mean. To cope with feelings of depression and sadness, it can be helpful to talk to someone. Talking about your feelings can help you understand them better and talk about ways you are coping. Finding support and joining a group can be a good way to deal with the feelings of depression and sadness you may experience. It can be helpful to talk about how you are feeling. If you feel like you are not coping, it can also be useful to talk to someone about it. You may find it useful to talk to your family about the support you are getting. This can help to give you the support you need to cope with your condition. It can be helpful to look after yourself and to take steps to make life easier. This may mean doing things you would usually do or something that would help you cope with the difficulties of your condition. It can also be useful to talk to a professional about your symptoms or the challenges that you’re facing. For people with dementia, depression can be challenging and the symptoms of depression are not always easy to manage. Many people find it hard to deal with these symptoms and find them very challenging. To cope with your depression, it can be useful to talk to someone about how you are feeling. It can also help to find things that you enjoy doing, like a hobby. Although symptoms of dementia can be challenging and things can seem hard, it’s important to remember that life can go on. It’s important to work out how you are going to cope with your symptoms, how you are going to live with them and how you can take care of yourself in this situation. It’s important to talk to someone about your symptoms. Asking for help is important. Your loved one It’s important to think about how you’re going to help them. You may find it useful to look at whether there are things you can do for your loved one. You may find it helpful to talk to them about these things. It may help you both to be more realistic about their needs. Sometimes, a diagnosis of dementia can be difficult to deal with and it can be hard to cope. It’s important to help your loved one to manage their symptoms and to be realistic about their needs. In some cases, it may be helpful to think about helping them to move to a care home or residential care. It can be helpful to think about what their support network needs to be. There are many ways you can help your loved one cope with their symptoms, both now and in the future. It’s important to help them manage their symptoms, and to help them to find ways to live their life with dementia. You may also find it helpful to help your loved one find things that they enjoy doing. If your loved one is having problems with their memory, it may be helpful to be prepared for these difficulties and understand what you can do to help them to cope with their symptoms. Many people find it hard to talk about dementia. As well as finding ways to support your loved one, it may also be helpful to learn how to manage your own feelings. When you’re in denial Sometimes denial is common in those who have dementia. Denial can be used as a way to cope with difficult emotions and symptoms. It may be hard to see past the symptoms and accept the reality of dementia. It’s important to talk to someone about the changes that you are experiencing. You may find it helpful to talk to someone about how you are feeling and what you are thinking. It’s also helpful to try and understand why you find it difficult to accept your condition and to deal with the changes that you are experiencing. It may be useful to ask yourself how you are going to deal with your symptoms and what you may need to do. Denial can be a part of coping and finding new ways to deal with difficulties and can help to motivate you to look after yourself and look for new ways to cope with the difficulties. Finding ways to keep yourself busy and looking after your own health can help you feel better. There are many ways to keep yourself busy. It may be helpful to think about getting out of the house, being social, being with your loved ones or making plans to do things you enjoy. Learning to do things for yourself can also help. You may find it helpful to look at how you can manage your own emotions, and the way you handle things in life. This may be difficult at times, but it’s important to deal with these feelings and find ways to manage them. Sometimes, it may be useful to look at ways you can cope in the future. It may be useful to think about what you might need to do if your condition gets worse.