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Recommended Reading A collection of selected resources on the history of the English language in the twentieth century, including articles from a variety of sources, ranging from scholarly to popular. Topics covered include the development of the written English language, and the changing status of different varieties of the English language, as well as changes in grammar, spelling, and pronunciation. This study aims to identify and understand a variety of methods used by native English speakers to acquire a second language. Most of the data was gathered from personal interviews with monolingual and bilingual Japanese students studying at American universities. Through extensive empirical research, this book explores ways of expressing multilingual identities. It describes the linguistic, cultural, economic and political experiences that connect speakers of languages in a global context, but also explores the obstacles to maintaining or improving multilingualism. The focus of this book is on the changing linguistic features of African languages in sub-Saharan Africa. The book's primary aim is to document the linguistic changes in the region over the course of the twentieth century. This book contains a variety of materials from around the world, and also provides extensive commentary on each piece, by the editor himself. The contents are presented as a series of dialogues between the author and his interlocutor. An online textbook (with slides, audio files, and hyperlinks to other Web sites) and accompanying instructor’s manual for an introductory course in syntax of the English language that examines the grammar of the spoken and written English language, with an emphasis on English as a global language, and offers discussion of its history. A textbook for an introductory course in the linguistic analysis of English, with an emphasis on English as a global language, and other topics such as phonology, grammar, and pragmatics, that draws on phonetic transcriptions, and other materials. This book provides an analysis of the linguistic features of American English, a detailed description of its different regional and socio-historical versions, and a discussion of its role in the international arena, along with an account of its development. This study focuses on the linguistic diversity of the US. It provides a detailed analysis of different varieties of American English, including Southern, Cockney, Black, and other features that distinguish these varieties from the Standard English variety in the US. This website is supported by the European Commission's Capacities Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI 2014-2020). The information contained in this website does not constitute employment, labour or legal advice, nor does it imply recommendation or endorsement by the Commission; it has been compiled without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or risks of the Commission. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on this website. The Commission accepts no liability what so ever for any direct or indirect damage, whether material or immaterial, arising from use or reliance on the information provided on this website.