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This morning when I woke up, I realized I had been away from school for over a month now. This was the first time I realized I went to sleep in the afternoon and woke up in the morning. Although it’s not much, a little thought is beginning to creep into my mind. This is my first semester in college and one thing is for sure: It’s going to be different from the last time. In every life experience, the first semester comes with new experiences and lots of hurdles. New experiences mean I will be learning something new – new experiences, and lots of hurdles means I will have to deal with new obstacles, new problems, and new ways of dealing with all the new hurdles. In these new experiences, I have to consider lots of issues: the best ways to deal with the problems and the hurdles, the things I should avoid because they would harm me or make me fail, and so on. It also means there will be the obstacles that have come from the past that have already been experienced before and I won’t be learning anything new for it. I don’t know whether I can pass the hurdles and obstacles that will come before me, but the most important thing to me is that I do my best to learn about things new and different from everything I have ever experienced. No matter what happens and where I end up, I have come to an important realization – life has so much in store for me. My life is full of uncharted waters that are waiting to be discovered. There are many places and things for me to do and explore, and there are so many opportunities for me to find new paths and new ways to go. I have to learn as many different things as possible, so as to discover what it is I can be capable of doing, how things are done, and what things are worth doing. I’m a freshman college student in the final stages of my college career. Tomorrow will be my last day here and I will see a lot of my classmates graduate and go off into a new experience. Although my life experience is still a mere beginning, it has all been worthwhile for me. I’m still grateful for all that’s been done for me. As I look forward to all that’s in store for me, I know that life is far greater than just the world of academics. Although I may have been given the challenge to pursue a career path, there are still many other things to be faced, and there are many more life experiences to be encountered, one after the other. After I am gone, people may look at me and say that I didn’t live my life well and that I wasted my time. That may be true, but I have learned many things in college that will be a great help in my life. Even if I only learn a few things, I know that it will have been worth it. This is my last night at home before I head out in a week for two months away at college. I’m looking forward to finally getting out of the house and leaving all the work behind. It’s hard for me to believe that I’ve been here for four years now. Although I can say that I’m still far away from graduating from high school, I think I can say that I can be considered well on my way to graduation. It’s been a long journey, and one that’s been hard at times, but I’m proud of myself for accomplishing everything that I set out to do. For four years now, I’ve been able to say that I live the life that I wanted to live. What I have wanted to do is learn the things that I was taught growing up and expand my world to learn new things and broaden my horizons. My goals are not only set high, but they’re also pretty lofty. For the past few weeks, I was able to talk with a few friends and go for walks around the neighborhood with my wife. It’s been a fun way of refreshing my mind and body before college starts. As I look forward to my final year of college, I still feel a bit nervous about all that’s in store for me. Tomorrow will be the day when I will officially be leaving high school behind. I think it’s going to be a long four years, but at the end of the day, I’m really excited to begin my journey into the real world. It’s just not the right time of the year to be going off to college. The summer is supposed to be filled with friends and play, but I can only think of one thing: classes, homework, and writing papers. In two months, I will be going off to a new and different school experience. There will be new places for me to go and new people to meet. I won’t know everyone in the school, and I don’t know the way yet, but I have faith that I will have made new friends that will be there for me. I know for a fact that college will provide a more rewarding experience than high school, not because of the work, but because of the people and the relationships I will be able to form. It’s a new life filled with new people with new ways of thinking and new expectations that I will experience and have to find ways to deal with. The whole time in college, it’s going to be a new experience, but it’s still going to be a good learning experience. It’s going to be a good learning experience that involves me getting out of the house and socializing with my new friends in a new place. There are going to be many new experiences that I need to learn to deal with, but I believe it will all be worthwhile in the end. Life is about learning things that are new and different and learning ways to solve new problems that come along. It’s not about playing on the court or going to the store. It’s not about winning a battle or losing a battle. It’s about learning to understand all of the experiences I will go through, and learning to understand the things that I need to do to get through the things that are tough. Life is going to be a long experience. There is no way to really know how things are going to turn out in the end, but that doesn’t stop me from trying. I’ll have to take risks and risks again as I learn to move forward in this life. No one can give me a manual of life, because no one knows it as well as I do. My teachers can teach me a little about all of the things that can be good or bad in life, but they can’t tell me how it’s all going to turn out. With all of that said, here are some things I think will be important for me as I face this life I will call my own. How I manage my time is going to be a vital part of my life. One of the first things I’m going to have to learn is how to deal with my time. The people I meet, the relationships I have, and all the experiences I will be having, depend on how well I handle time. How I choose to spend my time is going to determine whether I’ll be a success in life or not. My life is only going to be as successful as I choose it to be. No one is going to pick up the pieces of life after I’m gone, no matter how long they’ve known me or how much they were influenced by me. With all that said, I can say that I’ll have to plan and pay attention to what I do. It’s not going to be a simple process, but one that is important for me to really focus on. The best way for me to really do this is to write about all of the important things I have to learn and then go out and do it. The next several years are going to be some of the most important times in my life. My life is going to be far from what I think it will be. All I can do is hope and pray that I’ll be up to the challenge of learning something new and everything will be okay. I think I have a pretty good idea of the life I want to live. I can only hope that by listening to what the world around me is saying, I will be able to help make a difference in other people’s lives. It won’t matter if it’s something small or something big. All that matters is that I have a clear understanding of where I’m going to be. I just got done reading the last story of The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien. It’s a story of friendship, fear