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Q: How to create
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Q: Why I can't ge
In a communication
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The present invent
// Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V under one or more agreements. // Elasticsearch B.V licenses this file to you under the Apache 2.0 License. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information using Elastic.Elasticsearch.Xunit.XunitPlumbing; using Nest; using System.Linq; namespace Examples.QueryDsl.QuerySuggesters { public class TermQuerySingleFieldsArrayTests : ExampleBase { [U(Skip = "Example not implemented")] [Description("query term query single fields array")] public void Simple() { // tag::simple[] var result = await _client.Search(s => s .Query(q => q.Terms(f => f.Terms("f1", "f2") .Field(f1 => f1.Title(f2 => f2.Text("Some Term")).Default("")))) .Sort(ss => ss.Field(f => f.Title).Descending()) .Skip(100).Take(50)); // end::simple[] result.Documents.Count.Should().Be(2); result.Hits.Count.Should().Be(2); result.Hits.Hits[0].Id.Should().Be("s1"); result.Hits.Hits[0].Source.Title.Should().Be("Simple Example"); result.Hits.Hits[1].Id.Should().Be("s2"); result.Hits.Hits[1].Source.Title.Should().Be("Simple Example2"); var sub = result.Hits.Hits[0].Source; sub.Name.Should().Be("A"); sub.Text.Should().Be("Simple Example"); } } }