Joe's Bar and Gril
Tiffany, you reall
But first, you and
Chris! I told you
Chapter 1. Once
Stop dancing like
Concrete may have
Ships were lost du
Joe's Bar and Gril
Ships were lost du

Quietly, Quiggly s
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Our st
That turned dark q
Chapter 1. Our st
Chapter 1. Once
But first, you and
Stop dancing like
Concrete may have
Concrete may have
Release me. Now. Or I will kill you.""Bastard! Son of a bitch! I am going to kill you. Kill you.""Kill me? You would kill me? You are crazy! No! I don’t want to be in jail. I can’t live in jail. Please. Let me go. I’ll go back to Mexico. I have three kids. I’ll be back in one month. No. One week. One week. If you let me go now, I promise you that I won’t come back here again."When he got this far in talking, I opened the gate. "Why are you letting me go? Who are you?" In the darkness, I took out my knife. I felt it was better to kill him now. It’s too much of a risk to take him to jail, while he has been talking to the police all the time. "Stop talking. Get in the car and drive."He got into the car. I locked the gate, then walked back to my place. I was really thirsty, but I didn’t want to leave home. Chapter Five I took a long shower to calm myself. I was hot all over, and the cool water felt wonderful. I took a bath too. My body ached in many spots. I wanted to take a nap, but I just couldn’t. I went to the kitchen for a beer. It was already a few o’clock in the morning, but I thought I could sleep if I have a drink. In the cupboard, I saw a bottle of whiskey. This time I took it out, poured it in a glass, and took a sip. At that time, I was shocked that the glass was too full, and the whiskey just overflowed and went all over my hands. I was so angry. At this moment, the police and my dad were still nowhere to be found. The only thing that can go wrong is that this guy came back home drunk, and my dad would make him drink again. I ran to the kitchen to clean up my pants. I saw blood on them. I took a bleach. There were two types of bleach. The one you used on your clothes, and the one used for your hands, I chose the latter. I washed them all over and it made the skin flake off my fingers, which also made the pain worse. The whiskey had a bitter taste in my mouth. I was getting really pissed off, and I was going to kill him. If I killed him, everything would be over. The whiskey made me feel good. And I had a plan. I was sure that I could catch him if I killed him with his own knife. So I cleaned up the blood all over the knife, and I put it in the kitchen. After I put it away, I felt better. I took out some beers, put them into a cool box, and walked back to the couch. When I woke up, I felt really hot. I was so thirsty, I couldn’t even talk. I walked to the kitchen, drank a beer and took a whiskey. I didn’t want to, but I was still hungry. So I had a sandwich, though I didn’t feel like eating. The only thing I wanted to eat was that Mexican food. I opened up a tub of nachos, then stopped. After I took one bite, I realized I was out of chips, and a few sips of liquor made me eat too many. My body hurt and I was tired. I opened the drawer and found a cigarette. I pulled out a ashtray and lit up, then thought of all the things I had seen today. I was so pissed off at myself that I couldn’t feel anything, not even the cigarette. When I was done, I left the car outside and went to bed. I thought of the night before, the night I had my first boy. After a long day, I really wanted it. So I went to the living room and found the knife from that night. I opened it up. The blade was rusty. I cleaned it up, and went to bed. The next day, I woke up with two beers in my hand. I got a bottle of water and called the hospital. I called many hospitals and it took me hours before I got a number of a hospital in Vegas. They said that the woman who was in ICU last night passed away a few minutes ago. I was surprised. That day, it wasn’t busy in the hospital, so I didn’t want to visit the woman, but I wanted to see her husband, if he was still in the hospital. But the nurse said the husband left yesterday and he went back to work. I stayed at work all day till evening. When I got home, I thought of the night before. I was looking at the pictures on the wall when I heard a knock on the door. It was a man who wore a suit and a badge. It was the police officer I saw the night before. He looked upset. He opened the door and asked me to follow him out. I wasn’t sure what it was about, but I followed him into the hallway. “Hey, where is he?” I asked.“Who?”“You know who. This young guy. He came here yesterday, took my car, and just now the man at the hospital told me that he killed the girl. That night, he was at the bar. I don’t know why he is here, but he is going to jail for the rest of his life. I was going to drink some pills and sleep here all day, but I thought I would talk to you before. I know he is your brother.” Chapter Six Before I could continue, my brother came out with the girl. She looked scared. “Take them to jail, and let’s go home.”“What’s going on? What did he do?”“Your brother killed some girl.”“What?”“I told you he was crazy.”“When did you see him?”“At the bar yesterday, in the day. He was in his hotel room yesterday and night, but he came back tonight, and I went to the bar to find him. I have not seen him since.”“How did he get your car?”“I don’t know.”“You should have told me. You brought a girl here to have sex with me, and you never told me.”“I didn’t do anything. I just brought her to you.”“You are lying! I asked you to pick up a girl for me. I didn’t ask you to fuck her here. That’s why we are in the bar, not the back room. I can’t believe you have sex in my car. Shit.”“I didn’t do that. She picked me up, and she came in the car. I don’t even know her. I just gave her my car. I didn’t have any part in this thing.”“You are unbelievable. You are so evil. I didn’t ask you to kill her.”“I know. I know I’m evil. But I did not kill her.”“Did you ask her for sex yesterday?”“No.”“Did you ask her for sex here?”“No.”“Or at the hospital when she was dying?”“I did not. I’ve never seen her.”“You are lying. I’m afraid of you. You are not acting right. Just stay here and give us an account, and we can let you go. They say that all prisoners have a chance.”“I am not. I’m no murderer. I didn’t do anything to her. She was at the bar with me. I saw her here. I just told her that she should come to my place, and I’ll pay her.”“Really? Who was she?”“She said her name was Maria, but she didn’t tell me anything else. She was with a man. I don’t know what happened to him. I don’t have any idea about the knife, but I’ve never seen her before in my life. She just showed up one day. They talked for a long time. They were talking about the future. I was gone