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Show HN: A JavaScript library for drawing charts with a simple API - alfonsodev https://github.com/devgeeks/chartjs-react ====== alfonsodev Hi there, after using chartjs I've realized it lacks a few things: \- Customizable axes (X and Y axis labels position, etc.) \- Ability to resize the chart width on runtime \- Customization for the chart title and subtitle With this library I've tried to make chartjs a little more flexible. Hope you enjoy it, if you have any feedback or improvement suggestions please don't hesitate to tell me :) ~~~ egeozcan I have a question as I am using a framework that uses chartjs: [https://dhtmlx.github.io/chartist-docs/index.html](https://dhtmlx.github.io/chartist-docs/index.html) The "dome" charts you have on the right are very nice and they are "almost" what I am looking for. I am only missing the color options. I've searched but haven't been able to find it. Is there an open source version of it with the colours (and possibly some options like you have in the chartjs library, like[show x label | hide | etc.) (BTW: I love the visual look of the chartist library) ~~~ alfonsodev A lot of people use Chartist for generating good looking charts. As an option (I wouldn't recommend using both), it's possible to take out Chartist's CSS and use a different one. You can also just override the Chartist CSS classes if you want to have something like this [http://blog.themeforest.net/wp- content/uploads/2015/07/line...](http://blog.themeforest.net/wp- content/uploads/2015/07/line-graph-using-chartist-js.png) ~~~ egeozcan Thank you! It looks great. ------ Kiro I don't get it. Why not use Bokeh? It's amazing and supported by everyone (from the top devs). In my opinion it's better than any of the commercial ones. ~~~ alfonsodev I've been using chartjs for some time and I'm a chartist.js user too, so I felt in love with the simplicity of chartjs. I was looking for a simple way to customize their default chart and provide more options (e.g.: adding a label to x axis or y axis labels, changing the shape, position and color of the title and other things). ~~~ Kiro > I've been using chartjs for some time and I'm a chartist.js user too, so I > felt in love with the simplicity of chartjs. Good! Thanks for sharing. :) ~~~ alfonsodev Not so good because of this: [http://i.imgur.com/z2mJbBq.png](http://i.imgur.com/z2mJbBq.png) ~~~ Kiro Haha! Yes, the JSX will look weird if you don't have JSX in your project. So I wish people would use the JSX transformer instead of the one from the link you provide, it's a lot faster. ------ jdc "Show HN" should include the link to the project itself, not just a link to the GH page for the library. ~~~ alfonsodev Thanks, I was wondering how I should link the project to the project itself. ~~~ jdc [https://news.ycombinator.com/show](https://news.ycombinator.com/show) is the link. ~~~ alfonsodev Thanks :) ------ tommynicholas Seems like the library can only be used for canvas based charts. Not a big deal in most cases. But why does it use JSON for options? [https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js/blob/master/src/chart.js...](https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js/blob/master/src/chart.js#L1917) ~~~ alfonsodev Good question. It's just a simpler alternative. ~~~ danabramov > _It 's just a simpler alternative._ I don’t think so. But again, not a problem. ~~~ alfonsodev Oh, so you are part of the team then! :) ~~~ danabramov Uhhh ... no, I'm not. Sorry for not being more helpful. I just like saying things like this :) ------ alfonsodev [https://bitbucket.org/alfonsodev/chartjs- react/src/master/](https://bitbucket.org/alfonsodev/chartjs- react/src/master/) ~~~ sergiotapia Thanks! This is awesome. ------ danabramov This is a really great library! But is there any reason to use React for this? Is it just so that Chart.js will run outside the browser? ~~~ alfonsodev No reason actually, just for the JSX transformer (more easy to manipulate data on the components), and you'll get access to methods provided by Chart.js. ------ arvidkahl This looks great. Is the source available somewhere? ~~~ alfonsodev Sure, you can check it here: [https://github.com/devgeeks/chartjs-react](https://github.com/devgeeks/chartjs- react) ------ _Marak_ I think Chart JS has pretty much all the features this is asking for (certainly all the ones I'd need personally), why would I choose this over Chart JS? ~~~ alfonsodev I'm using Chart.js for a long time and I've realized that it lacks a lot of features that people need, and sometimes you don't have that many options. So I've decided to create a simpler way to customize the default Chart JS, and also provide more customization features. ~~~ danhodgins I'm not the OP, but I've been using Chart.js for a long time too and can agree with everything he said. You should consider adding a more complex customizer to your library since so many people are going to be happy with what you have. ~~~ alfonsodev I think the Customizer can be a bit better, it's something I'm working on at the moment. The library is available