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Re: The New Year’s
Rahul Gandhi to ta
There are a lot of movies out this year in which women or girls dominate. In "Ava," Ava Lavigne dominates because she is a force of nature and has a lot to learn about relationships in general. "Miss Bala" gives us a woman on a revenge mission that will teach her some important lessons. "Rough Night" gives us three friends who are on a bad trip with the men who are abusing them in the process. In "Miss You," a woman struggles to find love while in a relationship with someone who can’t give it to her. "Widows" tells the story of women who have had to take over after their husbands were killed by crime boss Frank, and they want their revenge. "Red Joan" tells the story of a woman who has to face a lot of prejudice, but is determined to succeed in her career as a teacher. "Skiptrace" features Mia Goth, who is at her limit with her cheating husband. The bottom line: There are a lot of great movies to see this year that feature women as protagonists. Don't ignore these movies. Instead, see them. They will help you grow in life. So how can we learn about what a good movie is? Here's a small list of tips to help you with that: 1. A good movie is interesting. It should grab your attention from the beginning and make you want to know what happens next. 2. A good movie is believable. The main character needs to be able to be viewed as having believable motivation for what she does. The movie needs to be able to explain why a woman or girl would do what she does. 3. A good movie is original. For instance, if a movie tells the story of a woman who is a teacher and has lots of men at her feet trying to get her attention, it's not very original. As well, if a movie tells the story of a woman in prison who tries to survive but is often thwarted by the other prisoners who want her out, it's not very original. 4. A good movie has a message. This could be messages about how people should treat each other. 5. A good movie is suspenseful. When watching a movie, we want to know that what will happen next, and we need to care about what happens next. 6. A good movie has more than one good guy, or the good guys win in the end. 7. A good movie helps us see that women or girls can do what men do. 8. A good movie tells a story that connects with our life experiences. And a final tip is that a good movie will challenge the way we think, and a good movie will help us grow. And one of the best ways to do that is to read what makes a woman powerful, and when we watch movies that feature women, we need to think: Wow, this is a movie about a woman I will enjoy watching. We cannot grow in life if we are constantly saying: What a stupid movie, it has no redeeming value. We have to be open to enjoy a movie if we want to grow as human beings. Our lives will be richer for it. When I was a young woman I learned about the difference between a movie and a drama, and that was interesting to me because it had to do with women's rights. I don't know why that is such an issue in the movies or in life, but it is, and it is important for us to understand. It turns out that "drama" is a story about people who are poor, illiterate, have no good family structure, have less power than men, and/or are discriminated against in some way, so that their life will always be hard and a problem to society. Think back to TV or movies you watched when you were young and notice what type of stories were on. Were they full of drama? I do not intend to say that in no way are women hard workers, not given enough credit for what they do, or any other women’s issues. But as far as storytelling goes, we need to remember that the way we see life in a movie is different from the way we should be seeing life in real life. The way a woman or girl is treated in life is different from the way she is treated in a movie. If we want to grow, then we have to remember that real life can be a real problem for women. If life is hard for a woman, in real life, I don’t believe a woman will be treated well. There is always someone who will be better than the other, and that is not life. I would like to offer some suggestions on how you can grow by seeing different movies, movies that show women and girls in better light. You can turn on the television or pick up a book at the grocery store and in the first page or two, or five, you will find a list of female leads. This will give you an idea of the type of movies you need to watch, the ones that feature women who are not the problem but the solution to all of our problems. In the rest of this article, I will talk about films that feature women and girls as the heroes of the story. When I say "hero" and "heroine" I am not saying that women or girls have to become a superhero to make a difference in the world. I am saying that even though women have a difficult life, they do have a lot to offer and can make a huge difference in society if they choose to work for peace and justice. As we read in the Gospel of Matthew, if we change the way we look at the world and what is right and wrong, then we will make a difference in the way we interact with our neighbors and friends. If you can imagine, women and girls have had a difficult life because they have been oppressed. Therefore, they do not have the same privilege that men have. For instance, women have had to fight for more control of their lives and their bodies, and that means that it's not easy for them. The fact is that the time is right for women and girls to stand up and fight for what is right. Even when their life is hard, they can change the world. And, of course, we should be helping women do that. When we do this by recognizing the struggle that women face in life, then we should also recognize the fact that what we have been telling girls for years does not always work. So if the first movie you watch is "Miss Bala," you will see that the reality is that sometimes a woman needs to stand up to save her life. So let's make sure that we are telling girls that they need to be responsible, strong, intelligent, hard working and not to take any nonsense from the men in life, including from family, who want them to be a submissive wife and daughter. When a daughter becomes a woman, that is the time for her to grow in her understanding of how life is. "Miss Bala" and other movies also tell us a story about how women can work together for what is right. The way they get things done in the movie is very interesting. The girls of "Miss Bala" will need to overcome their anger in order to find a way to save their sister, and the girls of "Miss You" will need to be brave in order to take down the men who have betrayed them. These are good stories, stories about a woman or girl who must find a way to find the strength and determination to overcome her problems and accomplish what needs to be done in her life. Now if you want to see a powerful woman or girl, there are several films out this year that I would recommend. If you watch them, you will see a woman or girl who grows in power as she comes to understand what needs to be done. The best ones are "Ava," "Widows," "Skiptrace" and "Rough Night." "Ava" shows a young woman who is trying to find her place in life as she moves forward in her education. She also has to grow in her desire to find a true love that is strong and passionate. It is very interesting to watch a girl go from being a student to a revolutionary and not make the same mistake that other young women make. We all know a young woman who might do that. This story will help you grow as you watch it because you will learn that in real life, women face problems every day. "Widows" shows how life is often unfair to women, and the only way they can grow in the world is if they come together for the good of