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Q: Is it possible to do a deep comparison for a subset of keys of a hash (HMap)? In my program, I have many HashMaps, and I would like to be able to make a deep comparison on each. For example, given this hashMap: data={ {"A",[a,b,c],4}, {"B",[x,y,z],2}, {"C",[v,w],3}, {"D",[x,y,z,w],4}, {"E",[x,y,z,a],6}, {"F",[x,y,z,w,v],6} } I want to compare on the first element (e.g. "A") and so on. That is, this should return true: ==data["A"]==({"A",[a,b,c],4}) and this should return false: ==data["C"]==({"C",[v,w],3}) A: You can use the "==" operator for deep comparing, although it only works on built-in types, i.e. Strings, integers, arrays, objects, lists, maps, ... data = {{"A",[a,b,c],4}, {"B",[x,y,z],2}, {"C",[v,w],3}, {"D",[x,y,z,w],4}, {"E",[x,y,z,a],6}, {"F",[x,y,z,w,v],6}} data == data[0] # True As long as the other object has the same key, it will be true. The first item in a HMap is a key and the rest is a value. A: You can check the keys of the hashmap for your key and use these to create another hashmap (without the key) like import Data.Map as Map data = Map.fromList [("A", [a, b, c]), ("B", [x, y, z]), ("C", [v, w]), ("D", [x, y, z, w]), ("E", [x, y, z, a]), ("F", [x, y, z, w, v])] compareA = Map.filter (k -> k == "A") data -- compareA = Map.fromList [("A", [a, b, c]), ("D", [x, y, z, w]), ("E", [x, y, z, a])] data == compareA -- True A: How about Map.elem? > Map.elem "B" data Just [x, y, z] > Map.elem "A" data Just [a, b, c] > Map.elem "C" data Just [v, w] > Map.elem "F" data Just [x, y, z, w, v] Or do you want something like? > Map.elem "F" (Map.elems data) Just [x, y, z, w, v] You could always write a function to do it, of course: elemEqual :: Eq a => Map.Map k v -> k -> v -> Bool elemEqual m k v = not $ Map.null $ Map.filter (\ (k', _) -> k == k') $ Map.elems m elemEqual data "F" -- True I think it's a shame that the module exports this stuff as a single function, and then you have to use Map.elems afterwards anyway. If only there was a Map.elemsMap function that did what you want… (By the way, the "deep" comparison here is called "structural comparison".) An aside: you've written (a,b,c) rather than [a,b,c]. As a rule, this looks to me like something the map library should have fixed long ago. Perhaps it's a sign that we're running out of symbols that represent data types in Haskell… As for your comment to your question: Yes, you can define == on any type you like. For example, you could write nullable :: a -> a -> Bool nullable x y = not (null x) && y /= undefined and define > nullable (Map.lookup "A" data) (Map.lookup "C" data) True