But first, you and
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Chapter 1. Our st
Tiffany, you reall
Concrete may have
Concrete may have
Stop dancing like
But first, you and
Chapter 1. Once
Chapter 1. Our st

Chris! I told you
We've recently dis
Ships were lost du
We've recently dis
Quitetly, Quiggly
Stop dancing like
Quitetly, Quiggly
We've recently dis
Quitetly, Quiggly
FTL is not possibl
Stop dancing like that. it looks like ###### and its also irritating !cookie | harris harris: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! harris: please play elsewhere harris: you need to explain your issue clearly and precisely, with specific examples. See the topic and instructions for how to get help harris: please ask your question with as much details as possible. that will make everyone helping you easier. aight but the question isn't good enough i cannot tell the specific issue harris: if you dont explain what you mean we cant help you. i have issues with windows i cant install windows on it that is why i want to dualboot harris: so you want dual boot? or you want a windows on another partition without a windows? harris: the reason you don't have Windows (and the reason why the installer cannot be started) is because your boot partition has been damaged. harris: so you have only ubuntu on your pc? i have windows on a different partition but the boot files got damaged yes when i try to install windows i get an error what i want is to either recover it or reformat it with ubuntu to dualboot you mean you still have a windows on the hdd and then want to remove it? I do i had windows installed on the same partition but after formatting it it cant boot harris: did you install ubuntu on a uefi/legacy bios system? i have dual boot with ubuntu now i tried to install it again and it doesnt boot and no, its installed in legacy bios how can I prevent the boot file form getting damaged when i format harris: so there is not "dualboot" partition with ubuntu on it? i am trying to install windows into a partition that has ubuntu but the boot file got damaged while formatting so now it doesnt get damaged harris: "damaged"? harris: the reason you cannot install Windows on a partition where Ubuntu was installed is because Windows over-writes the boot sector harris: so how do you plan to install Windows whilst another OS is already running the PC, in the same partition? harris: yes. which is you do not install windows on another partition than the ubuntu one. harris: use windows to restore the boot sector, and do it from inside windows harris: so you might want to get used to windows first. thats the easy solution or boot a live usb and look at the hdd. if its damaged, that needs a backup. I DONT WANT TO USE WINDOWS THAT IS WHY I AM INSTALLING IT SEPARATELY BUT IT DOESNT GET INSTALLED DOESNT WORK dude, get help elsewhere harris: use the correct language and stop it with the caps, please. harris: first get a windows cd, then use the recovery. ok but windows doesnt get installed and its not detected my recovery partition either so it cant do any repair harris: and why cant it be repaired when you boot a windows cd in the drive? harris: stop the drama please and either make sure ubuntu isnt in that partition or that is the only partition. then ask for help how to repair the windows yes it is the only partition harris: you still need a windows cd to repair. harris: or you could just not use windows and the ubuntu isntalled in legacy bios harris: and what tells you that windows is the only partition? you need a program for that. harris: what is "gparted"? yes harris: go find a windows repair cd and use it. it doesn't tell me that its not a joke to have a hdd with such a file system and linux installed. and its not my fault that you dont want to know how to use a windows cd to repair windows i know it then it can be repaired. and i even told you what that program is. I DONT HAVE THE CD harris: stop it with the drama. the file system got damaged while formatting !windows | harris harris: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents k1l_: I agree, harris is being unreasonable harris: please do the reading on this. you have a 3rd party program called "gparted" from the repos. you can use it to solve your issue: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal#Windows_Terminal that is not the point harris: the partition that harris installed windows on is the wrong partition. harris: how many partitions are on the hard disk? one it is linux only the windows is another partition the one i have dual boot harris: Windows was in /dev/sda1 and your Ubuntu install was in /dev/sda2 ? yes harris: in that case, you're looking at an issue with your windows installation harris: fix it using a repair install CD/DVD or you just want to use the command prompt harris: using the Windows installation DVD or USB, reinstall the Windows boot-strap loader to /dev/sda1 harris: that will solve the issue. yes but when it is installed in legacy bios it doesn't get installed because it cannot detect boot files what is the difference between legacy and uefi bios harris: no harris: it needs to be installed in UEFI harris: yes. if you remove the ubuntu-partition the bootloader goes with it and he can not boot the windows. harris: if you want to put Windows on the same disk, use a different partition but when I use legacy bios mode it cannot detect the boot partition harris: if you want to install Windows you should *ALWAYS* take Windows' recovery CDs and recovery DVDs, or USB harris: no it cant. so stop it with the drama and put your windows cd and restore the windows bootloader from the windows cd into the windows partition so how can I fix the boot file issue (since you do know how to do that from a cd/dvd ) if I use gparted it cannot detect the boot file either harris: show us the screenshot of the ubuntu partiton where you said that you have the issue my partition is locked the live CD it does not even load its stuck it shows purple harris: you can check for the partition locked by using a tool like "disk-unlocker" from a liveISO harris: yes. you need to show a screenshot so he can see what you are talking about that is the point of a screenshot I DONT HAVE THE CD put that cd and install a program that shows the actual installed programs. not "ubuntu" but the partitions can I format from ubuntu using the terminal i cannot show a screenshot i cannot get ubuntu to load <