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Q: How to remove
Q: Can't access my files at /opt/lampp/htdocs when using XAMPP I am using xampp 1.8.2. When trying to access any file from /opt/lampp/htdocs/ I get the following message: Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. I am using xampp in ubuntu 12.04. I don't know what to do! Please help! Thanks A: I found the solution. I followed this answer: and it fixed my problem. In my httpd-xampp.conf file I added the following line: AllowOverride All Then restarted the server and it worked like a charm! A: You have to use /opt/lampp/htdocs/ for your new xampp documents. Otherwise it is not the same as the old xampp htdocs directory. When you want to access xampp folders, use /opt/lampp/htdocs/folder.html. I have changed an xampp document and wanted to keep the old link. Therefore: Go to apache configuration (apache2.conf or httpd.conf), in my case, the former is used by me. Add a file DirectoryIndex in the file with the following content (replace /opt/lampp/htdocs with your actual xampp directory and change index.html to your desired index file name): AllowOverride All Restart apache (sudo apache2ctl restart) When a call is made on /opt/lampp/htdocs it will return to your index.html and if you call something like /opt/lampp/htdocs/file, your new file will be shown. As far as I understand this way, you can use xampp as normal. A: You have to change the httpd-xampp.conf file, and modify a certain line: AllowOverride All And make sure that this line is uncommented. If you open the httpd-xampp.conf file with any text editor, you'll see the uncommented line with its corresponding commented text around it. The /opt/lampp/htdocs path is not accessable on linux, as it belongs to a windows environment. EDIT As stated in the comments, it is still not working with the above method. That's why you are getting the forbidden error. You need to install xampp files to /opt/lampp/htdocs folder. It's the best way to get it done. What is the command for that ?! /opt/lampp/lampp start is used to start xampp with a service. sudo service apache2 start starts apache2. sudo service mysql start starts mysql. sudo service phpmyadmin start starts phpmyadmin. Why is it not working ? Because it is a linux environment and not a windows environment. I have explained the reason behind it on the comments, and I would advise you to go through them if you didn't get it, so I won't repeat them here. Afterwards, you just need to put all your php, htdocs files in your /opt/lampp/htdocs/ directory. And you're all set to go. To do so, you need to create a new document with extension .php. Now drag and drop your folders from your home directory to /opt/lampp/htdocs. It will create a new folder in /opt/lampp/htdocs called php. You have to create php folders one by one. When you have done it, open up the index.php file in your folder. I hope it works and you're ready for the next step. How can I move my XAMPP files from home/user/lampp to /opt/lampp ?