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Q: Adding custom user to LDAP I have installed LDAP and trying to add my cPanel credentials to LDAP using PHP I don't know where to find '' in my LDAP, so I need some help. My domain is already setup and I just need to know how to add this cPanel credentials in there. A: I use this tutorial http://www.php-mysql-and-ldap-tutorial.com/ to create users in AD and also to manage our ldap server and all works fine. Just follow this tutorial and you will be able to read/write/delete users using php script. Hope it helps. A: Go through phpLDAPAdmin link, I think you may get idea A: I have some idea, how I will solve this problem. First of all need to install LDAP server that is used with cPanel $ sudo apt-get install samba ldap-utils sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow samba-common sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow samba-common-bin sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow samba Installing cPanel Download zip from this site http://www.cpanel.net/downloads/ Unzip it and copy all the files in this folder to your cpanel directory cd /usr/local/cpanel/ cp -rp /tmp/cpanel_files/* . /etc/init.d/smb restart cd /home/USERNAMEHERE/public_html/ cp -rf /tmp/cpanel_files/scripts/* . /etc/init.d/smb restart Setting LDAP server to active directory (sudo nano /etc/group) Allow users to modify LDAP sudo nano /etc/group sudo vi /etc/passwd sudo vi /etc/group sudo vi /etc/cpanel_password Set password (sudo htpasswd -c /etc/cpanel_password USERNAMEHERE) Set the user you want to manage cPanel to AD (sudo smbpasswd -a -L USERNAMEHERE) Now if you have user with passwrod, you can manage cpanel with user and password using php To add you can use this code 0) { $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $result); var_dump($info); } else { echo "ERROR: Could not bind to LDAP server
"; } ?> To delete you can use this code Thank You all for your time.