How can I run a simple Java application on my Android Emulator?
I have some issues with connecting an external database on my Android Emulator.
So, I thought I would try a simple Java program first. I compiled it using the "javac hello.java" command and then used the "javaw" command to execute the program. I got this:
"Error: Could not find or load main class hello.hello"
I believe that the error was because the program is looking for a class called hello and I gave it a class called hello.hello. Then, I tried compiling and executing with this command:
"javac -d bin Hello.java"
"java -d bin Hello"
Here's what I get:
"Error: Could not find or load main class Hello.Hello"
I used the same code in the "javaw" command as I did with "javaw hello.hello". The first program I tried compiled and executed fine, but I want to run the second program (with the Hello.Hello class), because that's what my Java code is. I can post the source code, if you want, but I don't think it will be useful.
Can you explain what I did wrong and what I can do to solve this problem?
PS: I am using Android Studio 2.2.1 and running in Windows 7 Home Premium.
You are missing the name of your class if you give just a class name of your project and a jar file.
javaw -cp "YOUR_JAR_PATH" Hello.Hello
When you execute the program, if it is a simple java program, you should replace the parameter with
Your class name and you must add the following at the end:
java -cp "YOUR_JAR_PATH;." Hello.Hello
If you want the method Hello to be called in your program, you should add public static void main(String[] args) at the top of your Hello class
Your second error:
Error: Could not find or load main class Hello.Hello
is because you are not using the Hello.Hello class as the main class.
When you use java -d bin Hello, your main class is Hello, which does not have a main method. You can change it by executing:
javac -d bin Hello.java
java -classpath bin Hello
Make sure Hello.java is located in the bin directory.
You might have other issues depending on what your code contains.
If you are running from command prompt,
java -cp "
" ClassName
The java program would look for the classname.class in your Java.jar file
If you have other class dependencies, you can pass them like the following:
java -cp
java -cp ClassName
Hope this is helpful.
If you are running on Windows, you have to start command prompt with jdk_home\bin path or jdk_home\lib path (that is, you have to add -Djava.library.path=jdk_home\lib\ at the first command line before java Hello)
Another solution is to add another command line : java -classpath ./lib -Djava.library.path=./lib Hello
Note that if your application contains some .jar file that are from the outside the java_home, you must add their path in the first command line : java -classpath .\path_to_file.jar;.\path_to_another_file.jar ...
If you need to add -cp ... on every program that you want to execute, you must specify the main class with -m parameter
java -m Hello -cp "..\..\.." -Djava.library.path=.\lib Hello
java -m Hello -cp "..\..\.." Hello
You can also use
java -m Hello -cp .\lib Hello
The program should be Hello.java
EDIT (thanks @user163059) : The first case is needed in windows (sometime) because the lib folder has a sub-folder javaws.exe which would make the -classpath useless.
EDIT2 : If you are not on Windows, you don't need the second argument in Windows ; if you are on Windows, this second argument is needed in Windows
EDIT3 : In my system, I need also this property in JDK_HOME/jre/lib/security/java.security :
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setIO";
and this property in \lib\jfxrt.jar :