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Mugshot and Public Record Expungement in Massachusetts Mansfield, Massachusetts can be a beautiful town situated on the north bank of the Connecticut River. Mansfield was an agricultural center in colonial days, and it was home to famous abolitionist, Theodore Parker. Mansfield has also earned the nickname the “Birthplace of Rock and Roll” because its residents were considered so musical. Mansfield has some interesting facts that will pique your interest. For one, Mansfield, Massachusetts has the highest percentage of Irish Americans outside of Ireland. Mansfield, Massachusetts also has the most per capita of police officers in the state. Many of these police officers in Mansfield are not local. Some police officers commute more than two hours to work from surrounding communities. Mansfield is also home to one of the last remaining covered bridges in Massachusetts. This makes Mansfield, Massachusetts the “Largest Covered Bridge City” in the state. Mansfield also boasts having the highest percentage of people in low-income housing and/or housing financed by HUD in the entire state of Massachusetts. Mansfield has a very diverse population with many people having different ethnic and religious backgrounds. Many of the residents of Mansfield, Massachusetts are a result of high migration from places like Boston, Lowell, and Springfield. Another big component of the population in Mansfield, Massachusetts is a mix of people born in the United States and international immigrants. Mansfield, Massachusetts has a larger percentage of white residents than the state and nation as a whole. Mansfield, Massachusetts has a large percentage of residents of African American descent, which is consistent with the state percentage. The state of Massachusetts has a large percentage of Hispanic people living in Mansfield, and some of these residents are also first generation immigrants from Colombia, Honduras, or El Salvador. Mansfield has a lot of students in the Mansfield High School, which is a result of high migration from various parts of Massachusetts. Massachusetts is also home to one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the nation. Tufts University is a private not-for-profit university founded in 1839. Other higher educational institutions located in Mansfield, Massachusetts are Mount Ida College and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. There are many types of crimes that have occurred in Mansfield, Massachusetts over the years and there are some serious cases that have been covered extensively by media outlets. Mansfield, Massachusetts was the location of the murder of Dr. Jack Kevorkian who is now recognized as a pioneer in the right-to-die movement in medicine. Another big case that took place in Mansfield was the kidnapping and murder of a pregnant woman and her four year-old daughter in Mansfield. The murders took place on June 14, 1979. Two young men were convicted in the kidnapping, rape, and murder of the pregnant woman and her young daughter. Mansfield, Massachusetts has been plagued with many high profile criminal cases including illegal drugs, prostitution, assault, domestic violence, arson, theft, and murder. Many of the communities in Mansfield, Massachusetts have suffered from having a high crime rate in the area for a long time. Mansfield had more community members arrested in the past year than any other city in the entire state of Massachusetts. For this reason, Mansfield, Massachusetts has a good safety rating. For more information about the criminal cases that have taken place in Mansfield, Massachusetts, the Mansfield Police Department’s website is available here. For information about court records and to order a copy of your own criminal record, go to the Superior Court Criminal Division’s website here. The information for this website can also be found on the Massachusetts Attorney General’s website here. For anyone with an interest in clearing their criminal record, you will be happy to know that Massachusetts has an expungement process in place that will help you clear your criminal record. An expungement can be completed by the individual in some cases. If you are interested in expunging a criminal record in Massachusetts, you can obtain further information regarding the process and costs of obtaining a criminal record expungement by clicking here. This page will contain links to the Massachusetts court website where an individual may research Massachusetts criminal law and may also discuss an expungement with an experienced criminal defense attorney. For more information about the Massachusetts courts, the Superior Court Criminal Division, the Mansfield Police Department, or the Attorney General’s Office, please feel free to contact the law offices of Anthony DiPiero, LLC. For an experienced lawyer in Massachusetts regarding all manner of criminal law, contact us today for a free legal consultation. If you are in need of a criminal record expungement in Massachusetts, the expungement process is not difficult. We offer flexible payment plans to help individuals expunge their criminal records. To discuss your case with one of our lawyers, contact us today by calling 1-877-733-2554 or by filling out the contact form available online here. We are here to help! *Every attorney’s experience and qualifications differ in each case. The results described in each case are not necessarily typical of the results of similar cases. The facts of each case must be reviewed separately and any results should not be construed as a promise, guarantee, or implication that similar results can be obtained in any other case.