Got My Swag Back
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I'm Survivor Rich
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Aren’t Brochachos
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Jumping Ship
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The Buddy System
Livin' On the Edge
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Battle Royale
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Running the Show In a modern political environment, the line between the government and the people is becoming less and less clear. The government is no longer just a place where the people seek to secure their rights from. No, today’s governments want to take some of those rights from them in order to secure their own power. The more the government does this, the more difficult it is to tell what the separation between the government and the people is. If we don’t want any of that, what needs to be done? At the bottom of the pyramid, the people need to begin with self-preservation. If the people begin to realize they are not the masters, and they are merely the tools for the elites to use for their own benefit, the more they will begin to take their power back and demand the government serve them, not the other way around. The power that is taken from the people cannot be given back. The power that was abused should never be allowed back again. At the bottom of the pyramid, the government needs to be taken back from the elites. Government needs to be separated from the banks. Government needs to be separated from big business. Government needs to be separated from itself. Instead, it needs to serve the people by defending their rights. In order to do that, government needs to have transparency and the citizenry needs to have a seat at the table. This means that the citizenry needs to be armed, the citizenry needs to have access to information, and the citizenry needs to have some ability to influence the system. Otherwise, the government is still merely a tool for elites to rule over people and not something that serves the people. This will only change with a popular demand to get our government off of our back and get it back on our side. At the top of the pyramid, corporations need to be forced to return to the bottom of the pyramid. Corporations are still businesses. They are not people. People should not have a say in how corporations are run. They should not be able to sell off pieces of the company and walk away with any money. They should be forced to answer to the people. That way, if they screw up or treat their customers poorly, the people can easily vote with their feet and go to a different company. In turn, they should be forced to compete against each other in a free market rather than a monopolistic system that results in no innovation and companies that hold us back. We should no longer believe that a firm’s main goal should be to maximize shareholder value, which means we need to change the definition of what shareholders are. We should move away from shareholder primacy and begin to value other stakeholders in an organization. We should begin to realize that our long term profit is not as important as our long term value. We should revalue the people and the community we serve as well. We should remember that, in the long term, human value is worth more than money. Human value creates wealth. This is a shift that we need to make at every level of our economy. These are some of the ways that we can return our government to the people. This is a process that has to be done and cannot be forced. Our future success is based on whether or not we can keep the government at bay and out of our way, or we will allow it to interfere and become our enemy. For so long, the government has felt entitled to our labor and our wealth, even at our own expense. We will no longer allow the government to take our lives from us. It is up to us to take them back and secure them for ourselves. –Jared About the Author: Jared Yates Sexton is a freelance writer and political operative based in Georgia. A Southern boy through and through, he loves to travel, listen to music, and watch any and all types of sports. About the Author: Shawn is the founder and CEO of Winning the Fight. He is the editor-in-chief of the blog as well as the owner. He is a recognized authority on many topics in the fight against cancer. Shawn is an adjunct professor who has taught as adjunct at Colorado College and Front Range Community College. He spends his spare time with his wife Meredith, children Mary Katherine, Patrick and Owen, and grandchildren Liam, Ella, Owen, and Isla. Is there any doubt in your mind that this is what those in power do? All around us today, the elites (the “ruling class”) seek to diminish freedom, democracy, and self-governance in our society. They do this with many forms of deceit and trickery. Some are hidden. Some are blatant. Some are even legal. But make no mistake about it – what is happening today in the United States, what is being done to the United States, is all part of a plan. A plan which has been carefully thought-out and planned for centuries by very dark and very evil men. And this is why the time of the U.S.A. is a time of peril. We are at war, but this is not a war fought with guns or bombs. This war is internal – it is political. It is a war waged not with guns, bombs, or tanks – it is a war waged with deceit, treachery, and subterfuge – waged with trickery, guile, and corruption. It is a war waged to the great detriment of our national security and the people of the United States. For all of our “greed and gluttony”, “incompetence and arrogance”, and “stupidity and recklessness”, are no match for the cunning of a few and the machinations of a small but powerful group of men. I submit to you that not even the might of the U.S. Military, which is being used to fight this war on the military front, is capable of fighting this war on the political front. This is one of the reasons why I have always opposed the military – because their role is to fight on behalf of the people, not against them. This is one of the main reasons why I am a Libertarian – because the state apparatus is designed to protect its own power, not to defend the rights of its citizens. We cannot allow our military to be used in this manner. They need to be defended and protected – not used in a battle to impose on us a new level of subjugation, oppression, and tyranny. We have a responsibility to care for those who serve, and to encourage them to “serve the man and the country” instead of serving the military and the state. But we also need to see this for what it is. If we continue to allow these dark, deceitful people to continue to manipulate our country and our culture in a manner that subjugates and subdues us, it will become increasingly difficult to take back our country from them. This is because it is easy to fight a war of conquest – it is very difficult to defend one. To do this, we must recognize that most politicians today are owned and controlled by a secret political class, the members of which live and thrive on deceit, treachery, and treachery. As a rule, those who engage in business and seek government service often find that those who are most successful and most able to move up the political ladder are those who have the greatest ability to lie, deceive, and manipulate. They are the politicians. They are those who make the plans – not the average citizen, or the public servants. And the worst thing we can do is buy into their deception. They spend their days trying to make people like me, and all other non-members of their class, angry. They spend their days telling us that there are no other legitimate ways to make money, get rich, or gain power. Not one politician will ever tell you “everybody does it” or that “you should try it if you want to get ahead”. None of them will tell you that “the system is rigged” or that “there is no justice”. Instead, all they will tell you is that they will fight against all of that – and, by the way, all the politicians in the world are on your side. And even if some of them did try to tell you that these things are true, they would do so while telling you that you must first “understand that we need to maintain a balance of power, for as long as possible.” This is a threat, because they want to make you agree to one thing – to never question any of their decisions. It’s a warning – if you don’t agree, they will destroy you. And you won’t hear anything about liberty or justice until you understand that these things are irrelevant. It’s a war – in the end, it is up to them who gets the spoils of war. And for this reason, any politician who tells you that we need to have more of what the state can do for us, but that we need to let the state do less and less for us, needs to be avoided at all costs. We must be very careful who we support. And we must realize that support for your candidate is an endorsement of their plans, their ideas, their political vision. To put it plainly, if you support someone who has been “trained” to lie, cheat, deceive, and manipulate