Vacation, Holiday,
The Reunion
Head of the Snake
I Wanna See If I C
One-Man Wrecking B
We'll Make You Pay
15 Emerging Techno
The Sounds of Jung
I’m looking right

Asset forfeiture a
I Vote You Out and
Price for Immunity
The Sounds of Jung
Blood of a Blindsi
It's Funny When Pe
My Mom Is Going to
Fixer Upper Fixer
I Need Redemption” at the end of the first season, where Iris got mad at Barry and demanded he stop putting himself first. And when he called her a “princess,” her face was stone cold. In “The Flash: I’m So Sorry…,” it is her husband who feels sorry for her. It’s a great scene, and I really love how we see Cisco so happy and in such a good place for once. B: It’s quite telling that he is in such a good place with Iris when we see Cisco again in the finale. With him and Caitlin, I was expecting a darker ending to their storyline, and then to see how quickly he forgave her made me so happy. And in this instance, the scene is really about Iris. Cisco calls her “pregnant girl” which is obviously a dig at Iris as a “baby mama.” We see that he really understands that she’s been doing her best, with Caitlin’s help, to support Barry, who he can relate to. It’s quite a bit of growth from that dark, depressed kid who made fun of her when she was doing anything to help the team. That was an interesting, dark subplot that makes you wonder if they were really going to end the season with that sort of thing. And if they were, you can definitely say that this finale did a good job of showing what a complete mess it would be for all of them if it got that dark. A: Yeah. It’s actually one of my favorite twists and subplots so far. Not only that it really shows how this show does its own thing, but it’s such a smart way to write the “Barry’s love life” story. It’s not what we expected, and I’m glad it’s still Barry and Iris at the end of all this. V: Do you have any favorite scenes in the finale? B: Yeah! I can’t pick a single scene. There were so many that I loved. I loved seeing Iris and Barry being able to express themselves with each other, and just seeing the way they’ve grown, for lack of a better word. They aren’t as closed off to each other as they were at the end of season 2. They’re honest with each other. That was something I thought had died in the season 2 finale, because there was so much angst between them, so much baggage that they were both carrying around with them. Now, they’ve been able to clear out some of that and just let it all go. And they’re really happy. Their wedding was perfect, and their first date was perfect as well. It’s just… I can’t explain it. Watching all of these things really got to me, more than anything. I hope everyone else can feel that way as well. V: Yeah. It really is a very heartwarming and charming finale, especially after the mess that season 2 felt like it was. And to think that the next season will be a two-hour back to back is terrifying! Also, who would you have preferred to see? Iris and Barry or Caitlin and Wells? B: I think we’ve already seen that Iris and Barry were the stronger relationship. Caitlin and Wells seem like a completely different pairing, and like something from completely different eras. In a weird way, it almost reminds me of Barry and Kendra when they were together, because it feels like Wells is a different personality from Caitlin. Not to say that Barry and Caitlin are the same, but for the most part, we can say that they are a little like Iris and Barry. Caitlin and Wells seem like a newer version of Cisco and Caitlin. A: I agree. As much as I would love to have Caitlin and Wells, I’m actually happy that Cisco and Caitlin were the last pairing in season 2. They had a big impact in the finale and we got to see a little more of their story. So I am really happy with where we ended the season and I love Caitlin and Cisco together in the finale, which really shows the strong connection between them. V: So what is next for Cisco and Caitlin? How do you see the future of the speedster twins after that? A: Cisco has become a little bit too cocky for his own good, but I don’t think that is going to be a problem anymore. He seems to have gotten it under control and he’s pretty optimistic in that finale. He has a plan that he’s actually quite proud of. B: I’m still unsure as to how Cisco really feels about Caitlin romantically. When they first started dating, it seemed like he wanted something that Iris had that he didn’t think he was ready for. After the first encounter, we never really got that vibe. If anything, the more you see Cisco with Caitlin in the finale, the more it felt like he was just happy that he could help her at all. But he did make a comment to Cisco Jr. that he knows she really loves him. I’m curious as to how this whole relationship is going to progress, though. V: Now that this is the end, do you want Caitlin to stay or do you want her to leave? A: I don’t want Caitlin to leave in a sense, because she’s such a great part of the show. But I don’t know how far she will go with the Wells stuff. B: I don’t really want Caitlin to stay either. This whole thing about her working with Wells and wanting to turn Wells evil is obviously crazy. I don’t think that is a good idea, but I can’t blame her for wanting to try to change him. I think Iris’ comment that she will always love him is something that could push him to go on a dangerous path and we don’t want to see that happen. What do you think are some of your favorite moments from the finale? Let us know in the comments below. Make sure you’re following us on our new Instagram @io9dotcom.