Release me. Now. O
Joe's Bar and Gril
Chris! I told you
But first, you and
FTL is not possibl
Chris! I told you
Joe's Bar and Gril
Ships were lost du
Quitetly, Quiggly
That turned dark q

Chapter 1. Our st
Release me. Now. O
Chapter 1. Once
Once considered th
That turned dark q
Chris! I told you
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chris! I told you
Tiffany, you reall
Release me. Now. O
Quitetly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself for a final battle with the deadly snake. His luck seemed to have run out as he found himself on the receiving end of several attacks from the deadly serpent. The brave little mouse’s attempts to fight off the reptile were initially unsuccessful. The poisonous cobra bit Quiggly repeatedly, but the brave mouse refused to let himself become paralysed. But the little mouse did receive some very painful bites and was suffering as his fight continued. As the brave mouse tried to defeat the cobra, the snake retaliated in an equally ferocious way, throwing the little mouse back on the floor. Desperately, the brave mouse tried to fight back once more. Not one to give up, Quiggly tried to bite the snake’s fangs. That just made things even worse for the brave mouse. The cobra was so engrossed in its own battle with the brave mouse, that it took the shock when another mouse, the one it was protecting, took a bite out of its tail. The deadly snake was stunned and temporarily blinded, giving Quiggly time to escape. But how was he to know that the little mouse could be trusted? And there was only one option. With his friend safely in his grasp, he would risk his own life and put the snake’s fangs in his mouth. As quickly as he could, Quiggly wriggled over to the snake and was finally able to free himself of its grip. When the brave mouse climbed onto the tree branch, the cobra made a frantic effort to reach him. The battle continued and in an effort to stop Quiggly, the cobra struck at his head. But it couldn’t escape the brave little mouse, which quickly sunk its fangs deep into the snake’s body. In retaliation, the snake released Quiggly from its clutches as it lay helpless. Once again, the cobra’s luck ran out as the brave little mouse got to his feet and walked out of the woods. However, the brave mouse was lucky again as he walked away unharmed. He’s the sort of mouse who always makes it through the bad times and will always be around to help the next mouse in need. Quiggly will forever be a hero and, thanks to him, a young cat who had become lost was returned to its family. It turns out that even when you’re not a very brave mouse, when you’re in danger you can’t help but be brave. It’s a fact that anyone who has ever met me has come away from the meeting with the overwhelming feeling that I’m probably the most honest person in the world. The next time someone tells you that all I do is take the mickey out of people or that I’m a cynical curmudgeon, you can be assured that I am NOT being cynical! I’m just telling it like it is. I’m very bad at keeping secrets and I make a point of telling everyone EVERYTHING I know or think about people. I’m also very keen on helping people and I have no shame in asking for help myself. I also try to find the positive things in things that happen in my life and I like to think I am pretty well liked. I’m very good at getting the attention of those who are usually ignored and I usually find myself in hot water from time to time. But hey, I live life to its fullest. I always have a glass half full. I make sure that I make everyone laugh, I’m not all grumpy, I think the world of most people, I’ve got a wicked sense of humour, I can put up with a lot, I hate being bored and I’m often indecisive. If you’re like me, you’re probably very similar to me. I don’t do anything halfway and, just as you, I love the adrenaline rush of good times and I’m not scared to get my hands dirty. But I’m also very honest about myself. I don’t need to brag, I know who I am and I have no desire to pretend to be someone I’m not. I don’t need to hide the truth because you can see it all when you look at me. I don’t need to hide my feelings because they’re right there on my face for all to see. I’m an open book but I’m not mean, and I’m prepared to speak out about anything I believe in. I’m not particularly good at keeping secrets and I’m not very good at keeping secrets. I don’t keep secrets. I tell people my views on everything and everyone I meet. So, when I tell someone I like them, it’s because I really do like them, even though I’ve probably been unkind about them in the past. When I tell someone I’m going to do something, it’s because I plan to do it. So why would I lie? People say I’m honest, but not everyone is. I’ve had people call me a busybody and I’ve had people call me an alarmist. But when you look at it, I’m right all the time. I see the truth and I’m right all the time. I don’t care what people think, what they do or what they say, I’m not bothered. I don’t want the attention I get when I’m being honest. What I do want is for the truth to be heard. They say that the truth will out, but the truth never actually does and it isn’t always a good thing to be honest. There’s one good thing though, I’m always a lot of fun to be with, and I make the people around me laugh a lot. The problem with giving too much honesty is that you can often get your face punched. You can also give honest answers to people and the truth will sometimes be a dangerous thing to have.