Ships were lost du
That turned dark q
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
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We've recently dis
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Chapter 1. Our st
Chapter 1. Our st
Concrete may have

Quietly, Quiggly s
Concrete may have
We've recently dis
Chapter 1. Our st
Ships were lost du
Chris! I told you
Concrete may have
Chapter 1. Once
Quitetly, Quiggly
But first, you and
That turned dark quickly. Instead of helping you feel better, your uncontrollable rage, caused another family's demise. How many more families? You've already killed 4. How long can you run before you run out of children? My husband was such a wonderful man. That's why I have to carry his soul. Yes, you've killed lots of people. That's all we do in life. You have to make your peace with it. But, don't you think that would be better for those children? Why can't you see that? Because you've been brought up to think everything is a sin. You won't listen to an outsider. I don't know how this is all going to end up. My child has been through so much. But it's better that this family is destroyed, than lives to see you punished. But.. How would the child feel when he grows up? That he destroyed his entire family. That's all the family you have. What are you going to tell the other child? How would he feel if you just let him down? Would he ever understand? No, you won't make it. Don't worry. I'll always be there for you. I'll always protect you. I'll stop you from doing anything reckless. How many times will you run? How many people will you kill? How long do you want to be punished? So you understand why your dad did what he did? I understand why you did what you did? Did your family ever have a bad day? Or did you just choose to be a selfish bastard and kill them? You didn't commit this crime. You are the victim of your father's crime. You have no idea how this will turn out. This is not your fault. Let's talk to the prosecutor. Tell him he's not going anywhere. Then, you'll just have to kill me. They won't listen. But, you are going to have to listen. My dad and my mother, got killed in a gun accident. We never even had a proper wedding. I had to look after them. So I didn't go to school. But, I still did my best to follow their wishes. Your punishment is worse. What should I do? Don't worry. Just think. All you did was to defend yourself. There was a problem. The right solution was needed. That can be the right solution too. We're all going to survive. Now let's think about this. How long will you punish us? How long will this continue? When will you stop? What should I do? Get help. Find a way to fix things. Go talk to them. Let's make a new world. That's how we make things better. Don't waste any more time. Go. You're going to have to go. Please. Please. You can save the child. Do you understand what you did was wrong? Please, help me. Sorry to keep you waiting. We got our hands on that killer pretty quickly. It took us a while to catch up with him. You are going to get help. We're trying to help you. Your children, your family. All of your loved ones. They don't have to be burdened with your misfortune. If you take it into your own hands, your family will die. When they find you. There is a way to fix this. To start over. Don't destroy your own life. You can't start all over again. Don't you see, you have to fix this. How would he feel? You'll be given a sentence that fits you. How long do you think they would sentence you to? Do you think he deserves to live in prison for life? What about his kids? They should have a place in society. They should be able to live a normal life. And, you need to change your attitude, once and for all. It is an accident. You don't deserve to bear the punishment. You can't go around killing people. It doesn't matter how sick the law is. Don't you understand? People who did a mistake. Who didn't have a family to bring him up. Those people, are a problem. Are they worse than you are? Do you know the family's attitude? What have you done to them? You don't know how they feel. What's going on in that house? You don't know the circumstances they have to live in. You don't have any idea. If you didn't know, maybe, you would have felt the same thing. I have a family too. If I knew how I'd come out of this. No one has anything to do with you. Don't harm anyone. What you're doing is wrong. You should think about the children's future. You're hurting them. Don't you think that's enough? What are you doing? You've made your family's life a living hell. Please, for your children. Please. You're wasting your time. Just kill him. Go ahead, kill me! No, I don't want to die. Get out of here. I don't want to die. No. Please, don't make me! Let go of me. I want to go. Let go of me. Please, no. Don't hurt me. Don't kill me! Please. I'll give you the money. I'll give you whatever you want. Please, don't make me die. Don't make me die. Let go of me. No. No! I don't want to die. Let go of me. No. I don't want to die. No. Please. Don't kill me. Please, no. Let go of me. It's better if we do this. If we do this. It's not our problem. Thank you, guys. We are all living in a jungle. It's getting harder to find our way. What do you do? How do we survive? Please, let's survive. This world is too cruel. The government is so unfair. It's so cold. It's so cruel. It's so cold. It's so cruel. It's so cold. It's so cruel. It's so cold. It's so cruel. It's so cold. I want to go back. I don't want to die. You're dead. It's so cold. Please, don't make me die. Let go of me! Don't let me die! Please don't make me die! Let go of me! Please, please don't make me die! Please, please, please. Please, I want to go. Let me go. Let me go! I don't want to die. I don't want to die. Let go of me. Get out of here! Get out! Let go of me. Get out! Please, get out! Please, please, please, please. Let go of me! No! Let go of me! No! I don't want to die. Please! Let go of me! I don't want to die. Let go of me. It's so cold. I want to go home. It's so cold.