Transferable Life-
That was intense.
I’m just feelin’ m
BOA,Capital One,Ch
NSFW, *Hub, linger
Swoop In For The K
You Mangled My Net
Self driving vehic
Trust Your Gut
Running the Camp

My Wheels are Spin
Everyone is hookin
I Will Destroy You
I remember enjoyin
Out for Blood
Retirement and Ben
Rare-Earth Mineria
Love is in the Air
Only Time Will Tel
Now I’m dancing, and I’m dancing too much, which is why I’m in here.” That’s the thing about dancing with strangers. You might not know who you’re going to bump into. — Michael B. Jordan, on “SNL,” as the host of “Breaking … Continue reading → Danny McBride, the screenwriter and actor who has played many a foul-mouthed character on television, found himself in the position of having to play that character for real, rather than in the writer’s room. Back in May, Mr. McBride’s 19-year-old son had been charged … Continue reading → I can’t stop picturing all the things I won’t have access to in two years, which will be the longest span I’ve gone without being anywhere for three weeks. It will start with some simple things, like the ability to watch a movie … Continue reading → The New Year has barely begun and we have already witnessed a tragedy. In addition to the loss of a great creative mind in Philip Seymour Hoffman, our television screens have been filled with images of gun violence and despair. The killings … Continue reading → The most common question I’ve been asked since leaving GQ was how I’m holding up. My answer: We’ll get through this. Sometimes it is difficult for those of us who support you to see you in pain, particularly when that pain seems … Continue reading → GQ had a long weekend to prepare for the release of two new films: “Silver Linings Playbook,” and “Zero Dark Thirty.” The film that was released was the most talked about one at the Oscars, at least among the circles we moved in. … Continue reading → My mother is an old-school Jewish mother, who only goes to see her children (or close relatives) play musicals that feature children as the central characters. There’s not much she can say to me when I talk about her watching me struggle … Continue reading → “Mitt Romney is a bad dad. No one likes a bad dad. So if the 2012 presidential campaign had a character, it would be Mitt Romney as an absentee dad. He has four sons, one born in 1997, the other three born … Continue reading → “If we don’t see the value in the arts, then we’re really on our way to creating a country that’s not going to be worth being in, because we’re not going to continue to cultivate the talents of its people, which will … Continue reading → There was a time I believed in miracles, when I did indeed believe in them. But I haven’t believed in them for a long time. Even the simple act of being grateful for what I have sometimes felt like a fraud. … Continue reading → It has been a rough week for President Obama. First, the president’s campaign manager shot and killed himself in a murder-suicide. Then, a week later, his nominee to head the CIA was defeated in a primary, losing by eight votes. The Republican … Continue reading → In a year that has seen the emergence of two new anti-gay marriage measures — California’s Proposition 8 and Arizona’s Constitutional Amendment — one of the most high-profile out and gay players in Hollywood came out publicly in support of marriage equality. … Continue reading → I remember the first night I went to a professional sporting event as an adult. I sat in my seat at a New York Knicks game in the late ’90s. I don’t remember which game it was. Perhaps it was against the … Continue reading → The 2012 PGA Championship, commonly referred to as the “Golden Bear,” is happening this weekend. This is the only golf tournament in America where fans can smoke in the stands. In general, golf tournaments aren’t that interesting because you just watch a bunch … Continue reading → In the last few weeks, there has been one significant event after another. First, the Supreme Court invalidated the Defense of Marriage Act. Then, John Paulson of Paulson & Co. was forced to sell his shares of stock in Facebook at a … Continue reading → The man who brought us “The Simpsons” and “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” was one of the most beloved comedians of his time. For me, he will always be Jim Carrey. But last night in London, during Carrey’s appearance at the … Continue reading → It is a sad day in the world of Jewish food. For the first time, the kaiser rolls are out of business. According to The Atlantic, “The kaiser roll, a long, thin and flaky croissant that is about the size of a … Continue reading → The president of the United States has been elected twice in a row by an average of three to four million votes. Many people voted for him only once — or never at all. He has won the Electoral College, that entity … Continue reading → Sometimes when I find myself alone I look at myself in the mirror. I look into the glass, see my reflection and ask myself who is that person? Is this the true me? Or have I become someone else? It takes about … Continue reading → In New York City, where the temperatures rose into the 90s, we were given yet another reminder of how miserable many of us are with the weather. As people in New York and in many other parts of the country endured what … Continue reading → Last week a man in Pakistan who grew up in America told me, “If the president gives me a lot of money, I’m going to go in with one of those black helicopters and rescue a lot of nuns from the Taliban.” … Continue reading → You can’t blame some of the people who bought copies of “We Need To Talk About Kevin” for not understanding the movie. The premise of the movie was difficult to grasp: A teenager named Kevin decides to kill everyone in his family … Continue reading → Last month, when a photo of actress and singer Angelina Jolie appeared in the tabloid magazine New York Post, the Internet exploded. A quick search revealed that the majority of people who became upset with the cover — where Jolie’s bare … Continue reading →