It Is Game Time Ki
I remember first g
Love is in the Air
This Game Ain't Ov
it was his idea to
So be careful if y
The Devil You Do o
Don't be Blinded b
I'm Going for a Mi

Dark Crystal Thera
There's Gonna Be H
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Total Dysfunction
Mid-Fight Refuelin
Sleeping with the
Sport Cars, On and
Chinesium Trade Se
Tiny Little Shanks
Tastes Like Chicke
Slayed the Survivor Dragon, but not before he saw something: a shadow figure watching him. So, out of paranoia, he took up the axe in hand and decided to cut the other remaining Dragon’s neck. As the Dragon cut the man’s shoulder and tore it off of his arm, a blade struck the Dragon to the side, but not the Dragon (as the man fell from the Dragon’s back, the Dragon went for the man). After killing the Dragon, he fell onto his back into the dead of the desert, his arm no longer attached to his shoulder. He tried to crawl for his life, but after only a few inches, he was grabbed by another man who claimed him to be a Dragon Slayer, the last one from the past (though he didn’t believe he was one). He told the man not to believe his lies and run off, but the man refused to leave and said he had friends nearby who would come to them. The man was so mad at him, he left him and went on alone, running from another Dragon. He tried to crawl as fast as he could and get to an oasis to water, but he soon gave up and just laid in the sands, listening to the voice of the Dragon saying “…come and play with me…” He tried to move, but he was too weak. As time passed, the man saw the Dragon on a nearby cliff above him. Thinking it was dead or somehow disabled, he decided to go on without its existence bothering him. As he looked around, he saw an oasis from afar and decided to go towards it. However, the Dragon swooped in and tried to grab him as the man was being pulled by the Dragon. As he was pulled, he felt a great burst of energy come from him, which threw the Dragon off his back and got him free of its grasp. He turned his gaze to see it flying away, so he ran toward it as it soared away and flew out of the desert and into the skies. The man looked at the Dragon before him, remembering the voice that called him. So, he grabbed the axe with both hands and thrust it into its back and held on for dear life, using all of his strength to hold the Dragon in place as he dug the axe in. The Dragon stopped in flight, turned his body around, and screamed in agony and rage. A few days later, the man was found by the survivors, who were amazed at what he had accomplished. They tried to persuade him to join their town, but he refused. Soon after, he had a vision that drove him to leave the town. He could feel the Dragon watching him from afar, watching to see if he was right to believe in the Dragon. And so, he left alone in the morning, not knowing if he would return. For months he wandered through forests, fens, and woods, not knowing what to do. A Dragon had been chasing him for a month and had just nearly caught him. As the Dragon roared in the distance, the man ran on until he found a cave, which the Dragon didn’t dare enter because it didn’t know what might be inside. The Dragon flew off into the distance, but not before the man could see the Dragon’s eyes. He went into the cave and sat down, looking around and wondering what was inside. As he looked around, he saw Dragon eyes staring back at him from afar. As his blood boiled, his vision faded, and the Dragon roared in fury at his existence. The next day, as he left the cave, the Dragon flew close by. It looked at him with anger in its eyes, but let him pass without attacking him. He went into the forest to make his camp for the night, and in the morning, he got ready to leave. As he stood and stood, there was a sound behind him, which turned out to be the Dragon. The Dragon came to him, looked at him for a moment, then looked away. The man said to the Dragon, “…Are you dead? Have you been dead for so long?” The Dragon replied to him, “I’m dead.” As the man stood, he tried to leave, but the Dragon said, “I don’t want to hurt you…” So he stayed and talked with him, trying to forget the memory of the Dragon he had seen before. The Dragon told him many things about how he was able to leave the island. He also told him how he saw a vision of another world and tried to reach it, and failed because of some mistake. He told the man that the man looked like the man of that vision. And so, he stayed with the Dragon as he explained. After some time, he tried to leave again, but the Dragon stayed him. The Dragon continued to say things to him, trying to help him leave. Then the Dragon told him that if he could free his friend from the Dragon’s grasp, he would let him leave. After the Dragon left, the man went back to his spot and pulled the axe from the Dragon, but not without much pain. He picked it up and ran, hoping the Dragon wouldn’t see him from afar. As he left, the Dragon saw him. The Dragon looked at him with sadness and pity in its eyes. It turned and flew away. The man found a river, went down to it, and drank as much water as he could. As he made his way back to the camp he was supposed to be at, he saw a group of about eight people, with a fire burning by the camp. As he approached them, they fled. He felt a bit weirded out by them, but decided to sit by the fire for a while. He fell asleep and had a weird dream of a man who looked like he had before. He woke up screaming and rushed to see who it was. But no one was there, and so, he made his way back to camp, having a few strange encounters with people. The man finally made his way to his home and reunited with his family. As he sat down and rested, he remembered the Dragon and what the Dragon said. He found himself thinking about all of it, trying to think of what the Dragon was talking about and what might be behind it. Then he noticed a large hole in the ground. The next day, the man went to a hole in the ground and dug it, then saw a Dragon corpse there and another man coming to him, who was bleeding heavily from the side of his right shoulder, his arm being mostly missing. The man was surprised to see him, as the man seemed to be in pain. As the man tried to leave, the Dragon stopped him from leaving, begging him to stay and help. The man refused, and so, the Dragon gave him a strange stone-like object that held the man’s memories. The man tried to leave with it, but the Dragon grabbed it from him. He fought back, trying to get the stone away from the man. The Dragon let the man go, but not before he told him to meet him in the desert at the same time in a few days. As the man went on his way, he looked at the Dragon’s eyes, which seemed to be angry. He was later given a bag full of food and supplies by one of the people of the town, as if they were preparing him to go. He knew what was happening to him, and how everyone was preparing him to meet the Dragon. But he had no idea of why. The man was given a bag filled with food and things to survive on. He then left with the people of the town and they headed north toward the desert, which he knew would be their destination. The man told them, “…I see a Dragon. And I think I should go and kill it…” One of the people told him, “Oh, no, there are a lot of Dragons there, more than one hundred!” But the man replied, “Then, I should go alone and kill it.” He was given no argument. The man walked, trying to find an oasis in the desert. He arrived at an oasis and found the other man in the desert nearby, struggling to get a Dragon’s tail. The man was looking at the Dragon as it flew by, seeing his chance and using it to strike at the Dragon’s tail. But the Dragon suddenly turned around and hit the man so hard that he flew through the air and into some trees. The Dragon was so close to the man that its breath was singeing his arm. As the man tried to stand back up from where he landed, he could hear the man in the distance say, “This won’t end well.” As the Dragon took his hand, the man looked up and saw the Dragon staring back at him. Then it spoke to him, “You will meet me in the desert at noon tomorrow. If you tell anyone, you will lose your arm. Then, it told him his name and started telling him the things that he should know as a Dragon Slayer. After a while, he was told to look down and see how many other Dragon’s he has slain. He looked down and saw his blood pouring down, but he could still see his hand intact. He then looked back up, but was now in the Dragon’s grasp. The Dragon pulled him back up and said, “Your hand will not be cut off until you tell others about me.” He tried to deny its words, but he couldn’t. He then saw himself in a vision of an endless desert where the day was fading away in purple h