Once considered th
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
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Quitetly, Quiggly
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But first, you and
Ships were lost duWe've recently discovered a new method to
calculate the odds of winning on a "Pick 4." Let's face it, to many of
us, picking 4 games out of 7 seems about as likely as getting hit by a major
snow storm in Florida.
Well, not so fast. Let me explain how this new procedure came about. Our
friend Mike McVay, heard us discussing this very problem and suggested a
brilliant solution. The theory was simple, yet effective and the results
have been astonishing.
If you use the Pick 4 method to pick 4 out of 7 games, your chances of
winning are the same as your chances of drawing 4 aces. Now if you use the
Martingale System (doubling your bet after every loss) to pick 4 out of 7
games, your chances of winning are only one in 11 million. There is a
simple mathematical relationship between these two games.
The odds of getting 4 out of 7 selections correct are equal to the odds of
getting 5 of 7 selections correct, times 2, divided by the odds of
getting 6 of 7 selections correct, times 2.
Using a calculator or a pocket calculator this would be equal to:
Chances of Winning/ Chances of Drawing = ( 6/7 )^4 X 2 = 6 x 5 x 2 = 120
This same relationship holds true if the odds of winning on one game are
other than 1 to 1.
If the odds of winning on one game are 1/2 and you use the Pick 4 system,
your chances of winning are 1/16. Using the Martingale System, you would
lose on every try.
If you would like to see a simple demonstration of how to calculate the
odds of winning with the Pick 4 System, you can see it demonstrated here:
Or, click here for a more detailed explanation.
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