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Quitetly, Quiggly
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Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
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Quitetly, Quiggly

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Quitetly, Quiggly
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Chapter 1. Once
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Chapter 1. Once
Quietly, Quiggly s
Tiffany, you reall
Chapter 1. Once The story of a human being like you and me, whose life is a story of faith. For the child of a priest, he was naturally curious, always curious, and he had plenty of time to ask the necessary questions. One day, he asked his mother why there was a church up the hill. “What is it for?” he asked. “Well, son, that church is for our Sunday school,” she told him. “What is Sunday school for?” he asked. “That’s where we teach the children.” “What do you teach them?” he asked. “Well,” his mother told him, “we teach them about God and Jesus.” The curiosity of the boy would not be sated, and he pushed further still, asking, “What is God like? What does he look like? What is his shape like? Does he have a mouth? Can he talk? What does he talk about?” My reader, the Father of the Bible loved God and he loved humanity. He taught all he knew to his firstborn. It is here that the Church of the fourth millennium begins, the Christian Church which is based on faith. Our Lord comes to us and speaks to us in the words of His prophets and the wisdom of His wise men. Our Lord has written on the lips of people’s lips. And so we have, the Word of God. CHAPTER 2. “Do what I’m saying!” He got up at about seven in the morning, did his ablutions, then went to get ready. He put on a silk shirt, and a long-sleeved robe with all the ornaments of the priesthood. He girded the ephod on himself. He put on the breastplate, tied his sash around his waist and, carrying the urim and thummim, and the holy oil in his right hand, made his way to the high place. He was there early to receive all the people who might come. “I, Jesus of Nazareth, promise you, the eternal God the Creator, the Everlasting Father, that no mortal man has seen God at any time and that no man will ever see Him. Jesus said to the Jews who listened to him, “Ye have seen me, but your father has not. From that day on, Jesus was going regularly to the high place. If there were one wise man, one physician, one astrologer, one sorcerer, one mathematician who could show that it was the father of Jesus who had been born and died in this generation, and could prove that Jesus was the Lord’s child, he could be my Messiah. Then the Pharisees said to him, “When the Messiah comes, will he perform more signs than these or his miracles are greater than they were?” Then the wisdom of God said to Jesus, “Listen, I have given you all things, that you might rule with me. When you are finished with the commandments and teachings of the Lord, you will remember all the things the Lord said to you.” At that very moment Jesus saw the wisdom of God coming down to him. Jesus said to God, “This is why I was born and why I have come into the world. And in order to teach the truth to all men, to those who listen to me: Because you are the truth, and the reality, and the good order, that all creation comes from you, for you are the first-born, and the last-born, and the midst; Because from you came the origin, and you are the life that surrounds all. That is why the Spirit of God who came from you, filled me.” Then the wisdom of God said to Jesus, “For this reason I have chosen you, that I might give to you the Holy Spirit of the Lord. Become to me a messenger, as prophets used to be to the prophets before me. And I will put words in your mouth. And you will be like the angels. And from that time your mouth will not have to be opened, so long as you are in my presence. From that day on, if you have the Holy Spirit in you, the power of the Holy Spirit will rest upon you. You must listen to your father and teacher and you must not answer back. If you are ashamed of me, of what I teach, of my commandments and my words, when the people around you ask you about my sake, do not be afraid to say “For who is your father? If you said, ‘God,’ then you say the truth. But if you said, ‘You were in the form of God.’ And if you were like a little child. Who told you of me? When you will lead a wedding ceremony, you will become like the head of the congregation, even like the father of the bride. And if a demon enters into them, and they will say “We saw Jesus”, throw him out. You may say to the unclean spirit, “The Holy Spirit has given you power to overcome me, evil spirits. But the Holy Spirit who is with me cannot help you.” Then the unclean spirit throws them down and shouts with a loud voice. They have cast you out of your home. They have given you to the people to be sacrificed, and now I see your prophets no longer saying anything to you. How do you think it happened? If I had not come and spoken to them, they would never have been able to escape the power of the unclean spirit. So I will give you a new demonstration, so that you may know that the Holy Spirit has given me power to do all that I have spoken of to you. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. So go, take nothing for your journey, no bread or money or even an extra tunic. If you have a bit of food, share it with those who are starving. How strange it is that you do not know this! But I tell you this, that it is expedient for you that I go, for if I do not go, the prophesy of this woman will not be fulfilled. You say there is no truth and no understanding in her. The Spirit of God is not in her. She has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit, but she speaks her own words. The people of the synagogue were filled with anger when they heard this. They rose up and tried to put Jesus away. The glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with awe. Then they fell on their knees and said to him, “What are you going to do? Will you destroy us? Who do you think you are?” But Jesus said to them, “Keep calm. If you have faith, nothing will be impossible for you. And because you have seen me, you have believed. And if not, you will see me and believe.” At once a woman who was bent over the waist, was at his feet. She was the daughter of one of the synagogue leaders. She was the one who had been sick for twelve years. She came behind him and touched his cloak. Immediately, the damsel was cured. When Jesus saw her touching and believing, he said to her, “Only in the authority and power that the Spirit of the Lord has on me. As the power of the Spirit of the Lord was, she was healed. How great is the faith of this woman, and the fear of God who has given her that gift. Jesus said to the people who were gathered together, “If anyone will ask what this woman did to deserve to be healed, she will say ‘She has been bent over a brothel, all day long.’ Then people will say to him, ‘What have you seen in her? There is nothing.’ The woman will be told, ‘No, she has been bent over a brothel all day long, and now she is healed.’ The people of the synagogue were convinced that he was the Messiah. But some of them said, “It is nothing less than a miracle that he works from his home. And if she can be healed there, and she will never be bent over again. Because, after all, he is the Son of God. But others said, “Where does this one have power that anyone in the synagogue is able to drive out a demon, and she is bent over for twelve years? What will be the great sign that we will all believe? But others said, “He is an impostor and is able to do many signs. And unless you will see the signs, you will not believe.” The discussion between the teachers of the law, and Jesus, grew more and more heated. Jesus said to them, “If any one of you can say to