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Chapter 1. Our st
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That turned dark quickly. Instead of being a beacon for hope and a shining light for the people of India, the Prime Minister has instead become a beacon for dishonesty and an object of contempt. His party's campaign is rooted in falsehood. Fake news. Rumors. Lies. And all of it designed to sow the seeds of hatred and division. That is what he does. That is what he offers. And in doing so he sows the seeds of his own downfall. And so I say tonight, India's destiny lies in her own hands. The choice is hers. So my message to the people of India is this: The future lies in how we respond to this moment of trial. We must have the courage and selflessness to put our unity ahead of our differences, to have the unity of purpose to rise above our deepest divisions. And we must have the strength of conviction to see our people through this. Because this is the choice before us. We must decide whether we are bound by hatred or whether we will rise above our differences. Decide, for we have an election coming up and this moment will give way to the future. And so much rides on that choice. There is much at stake in our future, not just for the people of India, but for all of us around the world. Whether we like it or not, this time, India matters. No matter where we come from, what we look like, what religion we adhere to or whether we were born here or whether we come from across the seas, we are all members of this great Indian family. We are all one. And whether we are Hindu or Muslim, Sikh or Christian, we must now stand together against the forces that threaten to divide us. The divisions and distinctions we make in the name of religion or sect, nation or class distract us from what is common in each one of us. We tear at the social fabric that unites us in our shared humanity. We see this when mosques are ruthlessly attacked, when temples are desecrated, when Muslims and Dalits are assaulted and killed for loving their God, for following the same religion. And when any one of us tries to bring our brothers and sisters together. India is diverse. And these distinctions are bred into our very fiber, by the same impulse that makes us who we are, what makes us strong. They are the lifeblood of our civilizations. Yet, the Prime Minister seems to live in a kind of alternate reality where there is a Hindu India, where Hindus have the country and everyone else is on the outside. Here's what he said in June. I consider myself as a very Hindu nationalist. I believe in Hindu religion, culture, tradition, Hindusim, nationalism. Religion, to me, spiritualism, it is most important. Hindutva, nationalism is very important. Some Indian politicians, even those who call themselves Hindus, would even deny that India was born of Hindu culture. This is a Hindu government. They are using my language. They are speaking my language. Not those who are not Hindus, that it is not their language. Those who speak in different language. Not in my language. Because they are those who have taken away my country. The Prime Minister has even suggested that Muslims in India would have no right to self-determination. This cannot be our future. India is no stranger to crisis. But our strength lies in our unity. Our success depends on the success of each one of us, on the success of our families, the success of our communities, the success of our societies. It is time to come together, forge new alliances, forge new friendships, and above all else, let us forge a new purpose, for the world needs India. And India needs us. When we look together, we see what we share, the best of us. What we hold in common, the most sacred values and a commitment to universal truths and universal love. It was the best of us, our vision of India, that was on display in the days after independence, a celebration of diversity. A recognition that the best of India is not found in any single nation or religion, but in the belief in each of us. On that foundation, we build a nation that is prosperous and inclusive. But instead, the Prime Minister has been consumed with his own vision, one that seeks to destroy not just India but India's soul. Those who follow him have no vision for our future. They have only hatred in their hearts. They have only fear in their minds. And so our nation calls out to all the friends of India, who have faith in India's future. For we can only be strong if we are united. We can only be a nation that loves if we respect and honor each other. The forces that seek to destroy India have found a voice in this country, a voice that seeks to undermine India's tradition of inclusiveness. A voice that seeks to divide the nation, and the people of India, ethnic, religious, political, and economic groups are pitted against each other. We cannot allow these dark forces to win. The future of the nation is now being weighed in these moments of trial. It is a choice that is in the hands of each one of us. Not just the Prime Minister, but all of us, each one of us. Each of us must decide where we stand and who we will stand with. We must choose who we will stand for. For the forces of fear, hatred, and division will only grow stronger if we do not rise up against them. We must protect our democracy, one of the great strengths of our nation. We cannot allow this moment to pass. We cannot let down our guard. The foundations of this nation are strong. We stand with the ordinary men and women of this land. We will protect our future. And for us, for the people of India, freedom, justice, and equality will prevail. And for me, and for every Indian, it is not just a matter of principle. Each one of us has a part in shaping this future. We can all shape the future of our country. We can each do the right thing. Now is the time to stand together for justice and democracy. Each of us is now an instrument of change. We must rise above our fears. We must prove to the world that we are a nation made strong by love, not by hatred. And together, we must stand up and defend this nation, for we have been entrusted with the responsibility of leading the world into a better future. May we be blessed with wisdom and may the light of goodness and truth guide us. This is our moment. This is our opportunity. We must make our choice. Jai Hind. Jai Hind. Subtitles by the Amara.org Transcription Center