Joe's Bar and Gril
That turned dark q
Quietly, Quiggly s
Stop dancing like
But first, you and
Once considered th
But first, you and
Once considered th
Tiffany, you reall
But first, you andChris! I told you not to do that. That is going to complicate
I have to go find Lisa. Be back by 3:00. Leave the number where you can
be reached on that. Please.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kiesling, Lisa
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 8:36 AM
To: Felling, Amy; Vos, Theresa; Stine, Ryan; Mowatt, Terri; Heintzelman,
Jennifer; Gualy, Jaime; Vela, Nancy; Scott, Susan M.; Cappiello, Deborah;
Newlin, Ross; Payne, Leon; Comeaux, Keith; Chris Sklar
Subject: PUC E-tag request
Here is a list of people for your approval on the PUC E-tag request.
Company Total Approval Required
Coral $1,000,000 I don't think so
USGT $1,000,000 I don't think so
Cinergy $1,000,000 I don't think so
NorthwesTel $2,000,000 I don't think so
Please let me know when I should start approving some of these. For those of
you that do think we should approve some of these, please let me know how
much. We will have to do it for several groups.