Going Down in Flam
The Generation Gap
Crazy is as Crazy
Reap What You Sow
What do you want f
Secret Shopper, An
It's Like the Wors
all of a sudden an
A flashlight in th
My Word Is My Bond

Big Balls, Big Mou
If you feel insign
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A Bunch of Idiots
A Chapera Surprise
Still Holdin' On
Love Is In the Air
It Smells Like Suc
they too me home a
Don't be a hero, don't be a hero." "Oh, don't be a hero." "Come on, help out." "Come on, help me out." "Be a good uncle." "Get the bastard." "Uncle." "Get off of me!" "What are you doing?" "Get off of me!" "Hey, hey, who are you?" "Who are you?" "Who the fuck are you?" "Just a little hobby of mine." "Yeah, look, you got to know, the bitch had a gun." "A gun?" "Yeah, a gun!" "What are you talking about?" "That's what the fuck I'm talking about!" "I can't let you hurt that guy." "You know what?" "I say hurt him, I say hurt him." "I say shoot the motherfucker, that's what I say." "Yeah, you're just a hater." "I'm a hater?" "What are you doing?" "Are you trying to fucking kill me?" "I'm just playing around." "I was playing around." "Oh, you're playing, huh?" "You're playing." "OK, play with this." "Here." "You like this?" "Oh, you don't like that?" "Huh?" "Or this?" "Go ahead, take it." "Take it, take it." "There you go." "That's what I'm talking about!" "Let's get out of here." "Get your fucking ass out of here, come on!" "You guys want to beat up a blind guy?" "I'm sorry!" "That shit went bad, you know?" "This guy's not gonna be coming after us." "How can you be so sure?" "Pure Luck Brothers luck." "Hey!" "All right, motherfucker, all right!" "We know where you live and we're gonna be keeping an eye on you." "Hey, I'll see you!" "I'll see you, motherfucker!" "Get off me!" "I can't believe you guys did this!" "Unbelievable!" "That is just so fucking typical." "Man, fuck this shit." "This is why people hate us!" "Come on, man." "They need to see the bigger picture." "Sometimes in life, you just gotta cut somebody a break." "So, you're saying we should have left the guy out there to die." "Of course not." "We're good guys." "We would have dropped him off someplace, let him find his own way home." "A blind guy at least needs a little bit of help, you know?" "He's family." "That's what we do." "We look after our own here in Brooklyn." "A leopard don't change his spots, right?" "Well, let's change his spots, then." "Come on." "All right." "There you go." "Thanks." "Hey, Mook." "What's up, Scotty?" "How you doing, man?" "You know." "Scotty, can you help a brother out?" "Don't ask no favors from Scotty, man." "I got enough problems." "Yeah?" "Yeah, I know you." "Why is it so fucking hot in this place?" "Yo, I don't know, man." "I been here 15 years, you know." "Maybe they never heard of air conditioning." "What, I'm coming down to visit you for the first time, now the place is a fucking mess?" "What's going on?" "What's going on is that I got business and you got business." "Now you got all these problems, and now I'm fucking adding to the problems?" "So what do you want from me?" "What do you want from me?" "I want to know why you keep coming to me and asking for favors." "This is my place." "You guys need a fucking break, so why don't you go down the block, do your fucking business, and then go get some air conditioning, come back and enjoy yourself." "And let me enjoy the fucking air-conditioning in here." "What's the fucking big emergency?" "What's going on?" "What's the fucking big emergency?" "This is Patty." "Patty, say hello to Tom." "Hi, Tom." "Hello." "Oh!" "You have to go." "Take him with you." "That's what he fucking said!" "Baba, sit down." "It's OK." "He's gone." "Sit down." "Sit down!" "You're making me so happy." "Really, man." "What's going on?" "Are you guys in a fucking relationship?" "No." "We're just friends, me and Tom." "We're just friends." "You're just friends?" "You're just friends, and he's fucking my sister." "I just thought maybe..." "No, no." "He came over, he asked for her, she wasn't here." "He asked for the keys and he drove off." "And, you know, this is a friend of a friend of a friend, OK?" "I mean, you can kill him, but then you're just gonna have to deal with me." "So you got to ask yourself, is that something that you really want to deal with?" "It's not even that he's a fucking idiot, because I don't give a fuck if he's a fucking idiot, OK?" "But he's asking for the keys to your fucking sister's place and she's not there!" "So what do you want me to do?" "What do you want me to do?" "Want me to be fucking Santa Claus and bring him back down here and give him some fucking hot cocoa and cookies?" "Is that it?" "He's fucking leaving." "She's not there, Tom." "Where is she?" "Look, I don't know, but wherever the fuck she is, she's not gonna be there." "Who was that girl in the bathroom?" "Did you fuck her?" "You don't have to worry about that." "Come on." "I mean, the girl is 22 years old." "Of course I fucked her." "Tom, if you're gonna fuck 22-year-olds, then you really got to be careful, 'cause you never know what kind of shit can happen to you down the line, right?" "Yeah." "What do you want me to say?" "I think you just better hope nothing happens down the line, Tom." "'Cause that's the future of being a Banshee and you're a Banshee now." "You've got a lot to learn." "Fuck." "I didn't even get a chance to do it." "What's the deal with the phone?" "The phone?" "The phone in my car?" "The one that I put in the fucking glove box?" "Not in the glove box, it's in the back seat." "And I'll tell you what." "When I was a little older than you, a little older than you," "I had a car, but I didn't have a cell phone." "I remember having a cell phone." "I didn't have a car." "It was a Buick." "And there was no fucking way I was getting a car without a phone in it." "This is like having fucking AIDS." "You need a car." "You need a phone." "You need..." "You're living today, man." "You're living today." "The only reason I know what I know is 'cause I'm living today, Tom." "This is today, man." "We got to get you up and running." "You got to get into this." "You got to let people know who you are." "Do you know what I mean?" "OK." "What are you thinking?" "First thing we got to do is get you a cell phone and get you a decent car." "Tom, do not fuck this up." "Don't do anything stupid, Tom." "This is it, Tom." "We got one shot at this." "Tom?" "Tom?" "Are you up?" "Yeah." "I just..." "I don't want to do it in here." "Get dressed and let's go." "You really want to do this?" "OK, now wait a minute." "You act like you've never been broke before." "I haven't." "You haven't?" "No, not like this." "Haven't been broke and homeless before?" "No, just not broke before." "Now get dressed." "You want to do this, right?" "Well, yeah." "I want to do this." "OK, we're gonna do it." "But you better be fucking serious about it, too." "Yeah, I'm serious." "You got to walk the walk and talk the talk with me, Tom." "I'm walking and talking with you." "You, better than anybody, you know how to package a product, and I want to be sold." "You're gonna be fucking selling." "So I want to be well packaged." "That's a new shirt for you." "That's a new shirt, new pants, new shoes." "All new." "Well packaged." "And we're gonna go down there." "And I'm gonna throw you in the shit." "And you're gonna make a fucking million dollars." "But this ain't like fucking Atlanta, Tom." "I'm not