Taking Candy From
Penetration Testin
A Thoughtful Gestu
Facebook, Social M
IoT Mesh Yagi kBan
Blood Is Thicker T
they too me home a
It Smells Like Suc

We're in the Major
It's Psychological
Cheap Flight and t
Second Chance
I Promise...
Lewd conduct inclu
My favorite, and e
Wrinkle In the Pla
It All Boils Down
Not the Only Actor
I Can Forgive Her But I Don't Have To Because She Screwed With My Chickens! [5/24/2017 9:12:10 PM] Emily: I can't do this anymore [5/24/2017 9:12:14 PM] Emily: They're attacking me [5/24/2017 9:12:18 PM] Emily: I have to take it down [5/24/2017 9:12:18 PM] Emily: or they'll kill me [5/24/2017 9:12:19 PM] Emily: just give me a sec [5/24/2017 9:12:19 PM] Emily: please [5/24/2017 9:12:21 PM] Emily: I'll post it up in 2 secs [5/24/2017 9:12:28 PM] Emily: ok [5/24/2017 9:12:34 PM] Emily: it's posted. i hope no one minds [5/24/2017 9:12:37 PM] Emily: but for the sake of [5/24/2017 9:12:39 PM] Emily: for the sake of [5/24/2017 9:12:45 PM] Emily: for the sake of [5/24/2017 9:12:48 PM] Emily: i am deleting it [5/24/2017 9:12:48 PM] Emily: i am done with this [5/24/2017 9:12:51 PM] Emily: if you cant follow the rules [5/24/2017 9:12:52 PM] Emily: im sure no one else will care [5/24/2017 9:12:56 PM] Emily: as im pretty sure i will be leaving anyway [5/24/2017 9:12:56 PM] Emily: im gonna go now [5/24/2017 9:13:00 PM] Emily: or at least to twitter as i like that more [5/24/2017 9:13:05 PM] Emily: please don't come after me [5/24/2017 9:13:06 PM] Emily: bye [5/24/2017 9:13:07 PM] Emily: bye everyone [5/24/2017 9:13:10 PM] Emily: it's not worth it [5/24/2017 9:13:11 PM] Emily: i'm so sorry [5/24/2017 9:13:11 PM] Lily: https://youtu.be/J6-bFt3Hxjw [5/24/2017 9:13:13 PM] Emily: i swear i am not that horrible [5/24/2017 9:13:14 PM] Lily: https://youtu.be/J6-bFt3Hxjw [5/24/2017 9:13:15 PM] Emily: but apparently i am [5/24/2017 9:13:19 PM] Emily: please don't be angry at me [5/24/2017 9:13:24 PM] Emily: i didn't expect it to be like this [5/24/2017 9:13:29 PM] Emily: i honestly didnt [5/24/2017 9:13:34 PM] Lily: You are a horrible person, Emily. I hope you burn in Hell. I hope you die and don't come back. I'm not scared anymore. I'm not scared of you anymore. But don't come to me saying that you didn't expect it, because I've been doing this for years and I was the first person to post this information on my Twitter. I was the first person to post this information on Reddit. No one else was even talking about it until me. I was on this website for two fucking years doing this, and I was the first person who was brave enough to put it out there. I was the first person to call you out for fucking with chickens, and I was the first person to call you out for fucking with people. And that's the sad truth. You can run from this but you can't hide. Because I'm the fucking badass who started this, and if it wasn't for me, this would have all gone on in silence and no one would have known. So don't act like you didn't expect it, because I was just as shocked as you were by all of this. [5/24/2017 9:13:34 PM] Emily: and i know i am sorry [5/24/2017 9:13:37 PM] Emily: like seriously [5/24/2017 9:13:38 PM] Lily: No you aren't. You are just sorry that you got caught. You're sorry that you got exposed. And you want to say sorry to make this seem better than it really is, and you want to save face so you can save yourself from getting called out on this shit in the future and pretending like you're actually sorry about what you did. But you're not sorry. Because if you were really sorry you would be deleting that fucking apology thread. You would have deleted the thread that is giving you a bunch of fuck you's right now. But you're not sorry, so you're taking your fucked up apology and you're shoving it right back into my face as if to say: "I'm not sorry that I posted this shit and now I'm gonna post this apology so you can't call me out on it." Because your apology is meaningless. Your apology means absolutely nothing because you don't really think anything wrong. You're so oblivious to what you've done that you can't even comprehend how wrong it is that you would play with someone else's emotions and say such horrible things about them just because you were trying to make yourself feel better. It was a way for you to feel better, and if you have the audacity to say that's wrong, then you've already lost my respect because your opinion has no place in this world. I could make a post about how everyone is a piece of shit, and it doesn't matter how you say it, because your own personality has been polluted with the most disgusting qualities in this world, and you're so used to people letting you get away with everything that you don't even consider the fact that you're being a gross piece of shit to the people around you. You're a disgusting human being that thinks she's somehow better than me, and she's actually less human than me because she can make jokes about being a serial killer on Twitter and it doesn't matter, and she doesn't have my sense of humor, but that's not really what I'm trying to say. What I'm trying to say is this: You're so broken and so messed up that you don't realize that this is the reason that people get depressed and suicidal. You can't even comprehend why someone would look up to you for hope, or why they'd ever think that they can trust anyone, because you are just a piece of trash that will always be a piece of shit, and you need to stop and really think about why you're doing what you're doing and think about why that is not okay, but don't even bother. Because you don't give a shit about anything and you don't give a shit about the people who you hurt. You never even thought of a single thing that could have possibly hurt me because your main concern is to protect your identity, and that's exactly why you're doing what you're doing. That's why you're not deleting that thread. You're looking for attention. You've gotten so caught up in this ridiculous idea that you think that I actually care about you, or that anyone actually cares about you. But the truth is that I don't care about you. You don't give a single fuck about me, so how could I possibly be emotionally hurt by you? How could I possibly need to feel bad for you? You think you know who I am and what I'm capable of, but you don't know anything. You're such an idiot that you think you know what I'm capable of, but you don't even know what your own brain is capable of. And you don't need to be thinking about me. You don't need to think about anyone, because what you're doing is horrible. What you're doing is hurting people, and the fact that you've hurt people has brought me to tears and you have no idea what it is like to bring someone else to tears, and the fact that you do this to people and think that it is okay, means that you are evil. You are a monster who needs to be stopped, and this is how I would normally explain how much I hate you and want to take your life, but since this isn't you doing this to yourself, but you're doing it to other people, I need to say that this is disgusting and wrong and absolutely disgusting and wrong. How dare you