Not the Only Actor
It All Boils Down
Wrinkle In the Pla
My favorite, and e
Lewd conduct inclu
I Promise...
Second Chance
Cheap Flight and t
It's Psychological
We're in the Major

Summertime is mean
While the Cats are
I realised the rea
I was a fan of her
I knew that we wou
We went back down
We spent our time
as it’s recommende hi hi I did "svn update" in terminal, that worked. Then I tried to add the url "svn+ssh://user@domain.tld" to source.list. Then I got "error: cannot open display:". How come? sophie_: Probably because you're running it in a terminal window rather than through gnome, kde, or xfce? I'm using terminal. In ubuntu only in terminal you can do "svn update" without root rights And by default it was downloading from ubuntu "main servers". I changed it and now I get the message that there's no such directory. sophie_: I'm not sure then, it sounds to me like you need to have xauth installed. I already tried to install it, then I got another error, so I'm a bit confused... I still don't understand why I can't update to the newest version in synaptic. Is it because that repository does not provide it? My first question: how can I make it able to download from any server? What should I change in file /etc/apt/sources.list and/or sources.list.d ? I already edited the file manually, what else should I do ? I edited the file manually, what else should I do ? when attempting to play a DVD with mplayer or totem, both fail with: "libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable. No stream found to handle url dvd://1 the movie is from my camera, as I transfered it to my HDD. n2diy: do you have the libdvdread3 package installed? Pici, umm, didn't think about that, would Totem be running it under dafaults, and/or, how do I check? default n2diy: default for totem is totem-gstreamer which is part of the ubuntu-desktop metapackage, so make sure that is installed. For mplayer, I don't know, sorry. Pici, ok, let me check that out, thanks. n2diy: also, if you're using totem-gstreamer you can install a codec for libdvdcss2, from Medibuntu, with the medibuntu repo !medibuntu medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See Pici, ok, thanks, let me check that out as well, I know I can't be the only one with this problem. n2diy: also, see Pici, thanks again. hi, I just bought a new laptop, and wish to have it set up as a small server, which distro would you guys recommend? for its primary purpose Pici, how can I make "apt-get" change the source to download from a server which I specify? I'm willing to change every single "default" in ubuntu :\ sophie_: Thats not really something we can help you with, you'd have to look into synaptic's preferences for a setting that says what to use by default. the only reason I am not just sticking with ubuntu is the fact that the new kernel has problems with the ati radeon xpress 200m chipset Pici, I already changed it in synaptic, "download from network", I also wrote how can I make "apt-get" change the source to download from a server which I specify anyone having a problem running gnomesu? $ gnomesu /usr/lib/ error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory x1250: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. x1250: Please use #kubuntu for KDE support x1250: maybe you should use some gnome-based distro? Sebastian, I need ubuntu because I need the gnome stuff, but I don't want any gnome-libs installed, since my ubuntu is very light lol, not as heavy as ubuntu Sebastian, I don't want evolution installed, neither gnome office, so I'm a Gnome user and a Ubuntu user, and that can't be done. At least in debian you can install a ubuntu base system without anything related to gnome and use apt-pinning for every other package (with gnome or not) x1250: what do you want to do? Sebastian, I want to avoid gnome libraries from the default repositories with debian I can install ubuntu base, then remove packages from the ubuntu-desktop and install stuff from the debian-desktop Sebastian, in ubuntu can't do that can I? x1250: sorry man, don't know the answer to that np, thanks anyway :P Sebastian, and you? What do you use ubuntu for? x1250: i use ubuntu for everything but gaming x1250: as in, I can't play any games on it, atm x1250: but i could be wrong x1250: since that's not the purpose I use it x1250: i also have it installed for use of the openbox WM, that's my second desktop x1250: but I would use KDE instead of that Sebastian, for games, try a distro like debian, you don't even have to apt-get install any package, it's all there Sebastian, I'm still trying to decide if I should use fluxbuntu, or xubuntu, or ubuntu + lxde or something like that but it seems its still not ready for me, too much work. maybe I'll go back to debian after all, it has enough software for me x1250: debian comes with too much stuff that I don't need :P Sebastian, exactly, so there's no space for new stuff I want I have to do the work. But thanks anyway :) x1250: lol x1250: you don't need to worry if you don't want it x1250: i was just trying to help :) x1250: it's easier to get stuff from repositories than compile from source x1250: but then again, you can compile too many things Sebastian, I like the simplicity of ubuntu. But not having gnome just doesnt work for me, and some of the things I like about ubuntu wouldn't work otherwise. So I have to do the work to make it look like I want it to look like. Sebastian, if I had a lot of time, I'd just compile, but I have to do other stuff, and ubuntu is just too simple x1250: debian might be what you're looking for x1250: you said there are two machines, you can try a lightweight distro on one x1250: with a lightweight WM, like openbox Sebastian, I'm not going to do a dual-boot again, I've been doing that for so long :p I'd like a simple OS I can access from anywhere and does not need network services. x1250: if you install the ubuntu server edition, you can set up the partitions and everything x1250: then install gnome or any other