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I was a fan of hers long before she decided to break the mold. At the onset of my blogging life, I wrote about a show from my past: 'N Sync. I was in a stage production for them in 2002. It was through their website when I discovered that they posted video blogs. I was so impressed. There's something about not only hearing people perform live but being able to watch them and see how they talk and interact with their fans. My sister became a big fan of theirs. I saw it as a sign of something much bigger and more powerful that would soon exist. I was a huge fan of JLO before she was famous. It was through her web site that I got to know her. Since my first love was pop music, J-Lo came as an inspiration. It's not just about the fame, it's about the ability to capture the hearts of millions with songs, movies, or the blog you wrote, but with Jlo, it's not just about her pop hits but the humanitarian side she's revealed. When she is able to talk about her fans, she doesn't sound as if she is giving a performance but as if she is speaking directly to you. I don't think Jlo will be forgotten in a few years like many people who became superstars for a year or two. JLo may be a pop star now, but let's not forget her foray into acting. JLo's acting hasn't been great, but it's important to remember that she came from a television show background, and she may well be one of the best female celebrity role models in terms of how she treats her fans. She started out with a show that was a bit more like "The OC" rather than the usual "Real Housewives" shows. As a newbie actress, JLo is bound to be nervous, but seeing her interaction with her fans and the audience as well as her acting/presenting skills, you know she's one of those rare actors who seems genuinely happy. I think she's so funny as she talks about her life. She makes people comfortable around her even when she's just being herself. Even when she's playing the role of the ditzy rich girl, she comes across as being self confident. She's still the same person who started out on the path of fame and fortune. But what she's got now, she's kept by being herself. That's why she's never going to be forgotten or lost in history. She's got a strong personality and she knows what she wants and she's going to go after it. I think that JLo is someone who deserves our respect. She is a class act. Her fans know that the media's trying to tear her down (especially when her marriage to Marc Anthony is "off"). She'll never let it happen. Why? Because she knows what is important to her. Her fans know her and so do I. I have never been a true fan of JLo until a few months ago when I started watching the Oscars. It was then that I decided to check out her blog (I hadn't known it existed) and I found it to be quite refreshing. Her down to earth approach to life is what I had been looking for all along. Now that I can enjoy someone else's life through their eyes, I no longer feel the need to look up at other celebrities. This is a very interesting interview. I think that for what Jlo has been through the fame/famewhoring world must be rough for her to deal with. Also, since she doesn't want the spotlight to be on her, her publicist must have made her very aware of that. But as for all of that being said, she has been able to handle the situation with much respect. I think that her honesty is what keeps me loyal to her (so I am able to forgive her for the little quirks that she has). One thing I know she will never change. The fact that she is not only a fashion icon, but she also can still relate to her fans by being more casual around us. I think that anyone can look up to that. I have been a JLo fan since the day she became a judge on American Idol. However, it wasn't until I found a clip on youtube of JLo interviewing her dad (whom I happened to be writing a paper on for school) for my Humanities class that I began to take her seriously. The way she spoke about his experiences with Alzheimer's was touching. She showed tremendous strength in her interview that day, and she was able to get her dad to open up to her, the viewers, and help others in the process. It was a tremendous feat. I think JLo's strength in this interview comes from her ability to be herself in every situation. Despite all of her celebrity, she's a very humble and down-to-earth woman. When she was diagnosed with Lupus earlier this year, she made it very clear that she has no choice but to be herself even when she was struggling. She may be receiving treatment now, but she still goes to work. Her fans all know that, and she will continue to keep her Lupus strong while still fighting for what she believes in. I admire her for being so open with the world about her Lupus, and for showing the world that she's not afraid to let people in. It was a wonderful thing to see a powerful celebrity speak up about a disease she's living with. I've been a long time fan of hers. I think her fans love her because she talks openly about her life and her struggles. She may have made a career out of being a pop star, but the fact that she is authentic and keeps her personal life public is what makes her someone fans can connect with. I've been a JLo fan from the beginning, but it wasn't until I started working on my blog "This Life, This Blog" last year when I started to connect with the person behind the image she projects. It's been a great experience to watch her journey and I have always felt like she has been a true friend to me as a person and not just a celebrity. I love her. I love her honesty and I love her fearlessness. She is one of the few people who isn't afraid to be themselves in front of everyone, whether that be her millions of fans, or being judged for her personal life. I think that's what makes her extraordinary. She's able to remain in control of her image and be herself in a world of high profile personalities. It's been a pleasure to see her transition from superstar to a humanitarian superstar. She truly is the real deal. I have loved watching JLO for years. I still remember her on American Idol, and I used to love seeing her in interviews on tv. So when she appeared on the Oscars, it was an event to behold. Not just for the fact that she was up there (because let's face it, it's almost impossible to top the queen of pop music who everyone is aware of), but because she was a person like everyone else. Her interview here reminded me that she's a person just like me, a 21 year old, a writer in school, who makes mistakes, and who isn't afraid to make herself real. The way that she doesn't seem to care when people get upset with her or are judging her for her decisions just makes me appreciate her even more. It also makes me want to follow in her footsteps and just be who I am. She has made that possible for so many people, and I hope she can do the same for me. I first heard about Jlo when I was first starting to watch the oscars because my boyfriend wanted to watch the movie, "Ray" which she was in. I thought it was so amazing and I thought she was so beautiful. Then when I read your post about how I could become her Fan Club Member, I did and now she is one of my favorites as well. I have always admired her and the way she is just like the rest of us. She just happens to be a celebrity and now her work can help not only people like me, but for so many others that it's amazing that we can connect with Jlo. I am just glad that I found a new amazing person to idolize and that is Jlo. Thank you!!! I remember the first time I became aware of J.Lo, I was in middle school and my sister let me take her "Girlfriend" CD to school with me and listen to it. As someone who was extremely infatuated with J.Lo's ex (I had an enormous crush on him and only him) at the time, I never saw her that way. In my eyes, she was some crazy little girl from New Jersey with a huge voice. I didn't know her that much better until her Oscar night interview where she announced she was from LA...in my head, I was still hoping that she was a Jersey girl and her husband was lying to her! And then there was "Ray" where she was one of the producers and I thought, "Wow, I can't believe J.Lo is going to be in a movie with me!" Then, the day came and I couldn't believe she was sitting in the seats right in front of me