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For example, you'll read about what you may never have known about the food industry, its connections with governments and lobby groups, as well as the links between what you eat, farm practices and public health. In this way, you'll see the importance of making changes that will impact more than just your waistline, while increasing your awareness and compassion for our fellow Earthlings. It's no secret that as consumers, we have to make choices and it's important that we have a clear understanding of the facts to base these choices on. This guide will educate you about animal production systems and the impact your eating habits have on the planet. When we think about nutrition, it can be difficult to avoid the complex discussions about food groups, fats and protein. Instead, focus on the type of protein. The best sources of protein are those that are minimally processed or organically grown, and are in their whole, unadulterated form. Beans are one of those superfoods. They are inexpensive, healthy, filling, protein-rich and rich in fiber, iron and folate. Add them to your diet for satiety and to control diabetes. The meat industry has done its best to hide its devastating effects on the environment. We will reveal a few of the dirtiest tactics used by the meat industry to influence what you eat. What's so good about grass-fed beef? There are many benefits, from higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids to fewer health problems. It also makes a great addition to your heart-healthy diet. Terrified of losing weight, desperate for weight loss or just curious about where your food comes from, meatless meals and veggie-loaded meals will have you salivating. With recipes for every meal and all-time favorites, this chapter will show you how to fill your plate with delicious plant-based foods. There are many factors to consider when contemplating your own personal lifestyle change, not the least of which is the environment and ethical considerations. We will discuss different food systems and explain what you can do to help your own planet. Animal rights are human rights. Animals are living, thinking creatures that desire happiness and will die a cruel death if treated inhumanely. But there are solutions. Let's change this system and help to rescue the planet and its animals. This first chapter is about taking a new look at protein and why it should make up a large part of your daily diet. You will be surprised to find that your favorite animal foods are actually quite unhealthy for you, but not as harmful as eating meat in general. Meat can be healthy. It's a protein-rich food, and many people say it gives them energy and keeps them feeling fuller longer. However, it's important to eat it in moderation to avoid an increase in weight and in the possibility of developing health issues. Meat is an essential part of the human diet. Whether we consume it cooked or raw, animals have to die in order for us to eat their body parts. The problem, of course, is that by consuming meat, we destroy life and kill the planet's natural ecosystems. So how do we solve this crisis? In many parts of the world, people still live off the land and hunt and kill their own meat. This is a healthy way to obtain food. But not all meat comes from hunting and foraging. What about the other options? Should we avoid consuming meat because it's too damaging to the planet? Or is it possible to consume meat in a sustainable manner? The meat, dairy and egg industries are all guilty of the practice of forced breeding, forcing animals into submission through physical and mental means. Is it humane to make a cow stop reproducing after producing 6 or 7 offspring? Is it fair to keep a bull locked away with a number of females, all living and reproducing? These cruel practices are used today and can be avoided with a little effort. It's a fact that factory farms are very big contributors to the pollution of our planet. Their toxic emissions, as well as all the waste and feces they produce, have a negative impact on the environment. Together, we need to create a change within our communities and also within the food industries. The world is changing but there is also still a long way to go. So what should we be doing right now? Fruitarians, the term used for people who consume only fruit, find that by eliminating meat from their diet, they not only lose weight but feel great, and live healthier. It turns out that for some people, a meat-free diet is the healthier option. If the environmental impact of large, industrial-scale animal farming were added up, the result would be so large it would cause a world-wide financial meltdown. So if we cannot grow all the meat we need for our own survival, should we just turn to factory farming and start a new industrial food system? The meat industry has managed to convince most of the world that eating meat is part of our right to food. But is it really part of our right to health? Is it really necessary for us to eat meat, when we could be eating other, more healthy food? Eating meat in the morning is the single most important way to improve your life. Eating meat has a direct and powerful effect on your mood and energy level, and eating eggs, fish, nuts, seeds, and the like can improve your focus, mental clarity, and health.