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It’s a ‘Me’ Game,
Young at Heart
The Finish Line Is
It All Depends on
Only Time Will Tel
Apocalyptic fictio

To Betray, or Not
I Should Be Carrie
This Is Extortion
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The Importance of
The Beauty in a Me
The Reunion
I'd Never Do It To ## _Chapter 3_ ## What Is Your Biggest Strength? _What Is My Strengths Report?_ is a forty-question online survey that can help you learn about yourself in a unique way. You can take the survey and then email the report to yourself or to someone else. On the survey you can select the category for each question that best fits you. The questions range from those about your appearance, abilities, or interests to your favorite books, movies, or music. Once you finish answering the survey, your strengths report is generated and emailed to you. You can even print out the report and keep it as a reference. **STEP 1** **.** Your **STEP** is to take a second to evaluate your general strengths. To do so, answer these twenty questions. Don't spend more than ten minutes on this step! Once you've taken the survey, you can either email your results or print out the report. Be sure to send it to someone else so they can share your results. Enjoy! ## _What Is My Strengths Report?_ **Instructions:** Circle the answers that best describe your strengths. **SECTION 1: WHAT KIND OF ADVERSITY HAVE YOU OVERCOME?** 1. My greatest strength has been my ability to overcome. ✓ true 2. Other than dealing with significant illnesses or health problems, I have had no physical struggles. ✓ false 3. I have never been fired from a job, rejected by a spouse, or left because of a breakup. ✓ false 4. Other than overcoming physical health problems, my greatest strength is my ability to put life's difficulties behind me. ✓ true 5. I have never been an angry person. ✓ false 6. I have faced personal and career disappointments without being bitter. ✓ true 7. I have never dealt with great betrayal from someone close to me. ✓ false 8. Other than when I was very young, I have never had the experience of facing overwhelming poverty. ✓ false 9. I have never faced financial struggles. ✓ true 10. Other than difficulties that involved my appearance or physical limitations, I have faced no physical limitations. ✓ true **SECTION 2: WHAT ARE YOU LIKE?** 11. Other than struggling with a relationship, I have never had to deal with personal betrayals. ✓ false 12. I have never dealt with major accidents or major illnesses. ✓ true 13. Other than work challenges and relationship challenges, I have never had to fight against overwhelming odds. ✓ false 14. I am a decisive person. ✓ true 15. Other than dealing with a broken relationship, I have never had to deal with major disasters. ✓ false 16. Other than dealing with my appearance, I have never had to face overwhelming financial problems. ✓ true 17. Other than overcoming a significant illness or health problem, I have never faced a life-threatening illness. ✓ true 18. I have never fought against overwhelming odds. ✓ true 19. Other than struggles with my family and finances, I have faced overwhelming odds. ✓ true 20. Other than dealing with relationships, I have never had to fight against overwhelming odds. ✓ true **SECTION 3: WHAT'S AT THE HEART OF YOUR SUCCESS?** 21. I am not afraid of public speaking. ✓ true 22. I have had an impact on the lives of others. ✓ true 23. Other than overcoming physical limitations, I have never had to fight against overwhelming odds. ✓ true 24. I have overcome setbacks and/or failure. ✓ true 25. Other than dealing with significant illnesses or health problems, I have faced overwhelming odds. ✓ false 26. I have faced adversity and overcame adversity. ✓ true 27. Other than major illness or health problems, I have faced challenging obstacles. ✓ true 28. I am not afraid of making mistakes or failing at something. ✓ true 29. Other than overcoming physical limitations, I have never had to deal with a broken heart. ✓ false 30. I have had a strong sense of faith in God. ✓ true 31. Other than dealing with relationships, I have never had to fight against overwhelming odds. ✓ false 32. I have taken risks that have paid off for me. ✓ true 33. Other than dealing with a broken relationship, I have never had to face major betrayal. ✓ false 34. I am not afraid to go after my dreams. ✓ true 35. I have never failed to put a plan into action. ✓ true **SECTION 4: WHAT ARE YOUR BIGGEST SURPRISES?** 36. If I had not had to deal with a broken relationship, I would not have had a deep and meaningful relationship. ✓ true 37. Other than dealing with my appearance, I have had few physical limitations. ✓ true 38. I have overcome personal difficulties. ✓ true 39. Other than dealing with health problems, I have had a chance to experience life's joys. ✓ true 40. I have not had to deal with major setbacks in my life. ✓ true ## _My Strengths Report_ **Instructions:** Circle the answers that best describe your strengths. ## **SECTION 1: WHAT KIND OF ADVERSITY HAVE YOU OVERCOME?** 1. I have always been able to overcome adversity. 2. The one thing that I am most proud of is how I managed to overcome any adversity in my life. 3. I have never had to struggle with anything more challenging than the next person. 4. My first and greatest strength is overcoming adversity. 5. I have never been one of those people who struggles with every adversity in my life. 6. I have dealt with adversity in all areas of my life. 7. I have dealt with many problems that most people deal with. 8. I have always been able to cope with adversity. 9. I have put the past behind me and now I look to the future with joy and enthusiasm. 10. Other than facing severe physical adversity or illnesses, I have faced no major adversity. ## **SECTION 2: WHAT ARE YOU LIKE?** 11. I have overcome many personal challenges. 12. Other than coping with relationships, I have never had to deal with adversity. 13. Other than overcoming health problems, I have never faced the challenges that others have faced. 14. I have learned from my experiences. 15. I have not had to struggle with adversity. 16. I am a decisive person. 17. I am not an angry person. 18. Other than facing personal adversity, I have never had to deal with adversity from others. 19. I am not afraid of adversity. 20. I am a go-getter and a fighter who has beaten all adversity. ## **SECTION 3: WHAT'S AT THE HEART OF YOUR SUCCESS?** 21. I have always had a positive impact on the lives of others. 22. I have never had a major disappointment. 23. Other than overcoming the challenges of a broken relationship, I have never had to deal with adversity. 24. I have a love for helping people. 25. Other than overcoming financial difficulties, I have not had to deal with adversity. 26. I have never had adversity that has affected the people I love. 27. Other than major illness or health problems, I have faced challenging obstacles. 28. I have not had to overcome adversity. 29. Other than overcoming a health problem, I have had to deal with adversity. 30. I am not afraid of going after my dreams. ## **SECTION 4: WHAT ARE YOUR BIGGEST SURPRISES?** 31. I had a lot of things taken from me by others. 32. Other than overcoming the challenges of a broken relationship, I have had little adversity in my life. 33. I have had many challenges to overcome. 34. Other than dealing with health problems, I have had a chance to experience life's joys. 35. I have never failed to put a plan into action. 36. Other than dealing with my appearance, I have had few physical limitations. ## _Chapter 4_ ## Your Life Report _Now it is time to discover your true potential._ _Your Life Report_ is based on more than fifteen questions to help you find answers to questions about your strengths and weaknesses. In this report you will find out which area is your strongest and which areas need improvement. You'll also find out which part of your life needs the most work and how you can improve it. **STEP 1** **.** To conduct your **STEP** , answer these questions based on how you view yourself today