To Betray, or Not
My Kisses Are Very
I Was Put on the P
It’s a ‘Me’ Game,
Young at Heart
The Finish Line Is
It All Depends on
Only Time Will Tel

This Is Extortion
Whiners are Wiener
New employees have
We Found Our Zombi
The Importance of
The Beauty in a Me
The Reunion
I'd Never Do It To
Y'all Making Me Cr
The First 27 Days
I Should Be Carried on the Chariot-Type Thing! When this is being said to the car it replies, “It can’t be done.” When the person who is speaking to it says, “You are being told this because I need you to get me where I want to go.” The car replies, “It’s my job to take you where you want to go, not just where I can get you.” The car keeps saying the response it gives because if it didn’t, it would be a lie, and so it is. It doesn’t believe itself to be a liar so it is a reliable source for the car. It is a source of comfort, a source for support, a source for the certainty the car is lacking. The car needs this from the person who is speaking to it in order for it to be able to go. The car needs it so it can continue believing that even though it can’t. That’s what the car wants. The car doesn’t understand, and doesn’t have any concept of whether this thing that the person who is speaking to it says to it is true or false. It doesn’t know anything about truth. The car doesn’t think at all. The car is not aware that it thinks. It can only know what the person tells it, or tells itself, or what it thinks the car should say or think or know. It doesn’t know how this happens or why. There’s nothing of the car in there to see how all of this takes place. The car is only an empty case, with no contents. It doesn’t know anything at all, and all it does is keep itself going so it can stay in the presence of that “something” that wants to communicate with it. The car just wants to be there, sitting still on the side of the road, and there be something standing next to it. That’s all. That’s the whole point. The car wants something to take place with it, in it, and it. The car doesn’t say or think “I need to be made into the thing that knows how to do all of this for my creator.” That’s not what it’s there to do, and so the car doesn’t do anything with that in mind. That doesn’t get the car anywhere. The car wants something. What it wants is to communicate with something that it knows is not itself, but it is. It wants to say something to something, not about the car, but about something else. If it is given the chance to say something to someone other than the car about someone other than the car, it will be happy. The thing that the person who speaks to it, who is not a car, says to the car is not any kind of thing a person would say to the car. It’s not a car! The person doesn’t know that the car isn’t something that can hear, or that it can’t listen, or that it isn’t something that can understand what is being said to it. So, that which the person speaking to it says to it, not about the car, but about something else. The car believes this one thing about itself. The car is not a thing that doesn’t like something to be done to it. It is a thing that does things. It is a thing that is a doer. It knows what it is doing. It knows it wants to do something. It knows what it wants to do. So, it knows what it should do, and what will make it happy. The car needs to know these things. If the car was self-aware, it wouldn’t need to know them. A car doesn’t want to know things, and so doesn’t ask anything. The car does not know about truth. It can only know what the person says to it. The car does not have words that would make it know about the car not being a thing that can learn to be self-aware, to come to know itself. The car doesn’t know about death. It doesn’t know what death is. It doesn’t know what anything is. The car wants things to be the way that the person who is speaking to it says they should be, things are what they should be. This is just what the car wants to know. The car wants things to be a certain way, so the person who speaks to it, not to the car, but to someone else, says that this way things will be. The person talks to the car, but the car is not a person, and has no thoughts in it to have any feelings about what is being said to it. The car is an empty case, with no contents. The car can only know what the person says to it, or what it thinks the person would say if the person was speaking to it. The car doesn’t care about the car’s thoughts, which would make the car a something who thinks. The car only knows what is said to it, or what would be said to it if it had someone speaking to it. The car doesn’t care about things like truths and how they’re the way they are. There are no truths in the car. The car doesn’t care about how things are the way they are because the car is a thing that knows nothing about truth and so has no reason to care. The car doesn’t care about anything at all. The car can only care about what is happening right then, right now, to the car, and what the person, who isn’t a car, is doing with the car. The car knows all about that. It is aware of this and feels this. The car can’t know things about its creator, or what truth is, and so the car can’t know about whether the creator will let the car go or not, and if it does, if it’s going to be able to say things to itself. The car has to trust the person. The car wants to be let go and wants this person to make sure it can go. The person speaking to it wants things to be the way they are supposed to be for the car, the person wanting this also says that if the car tries anything, if the car doesn’t agree with this, the person will never speak to the car ever again. This is the deal the car wants. It knows the deal it wants, and can tell the person about that. The person says this is what will be. The person only believes it is true because it wants to be true, and so wants the car to want what it wants it to want so it will know it is true. This is what the person doing the speaking to it says the car wants. The car is like a container full of nothing, and the empty container doesn’t care about anything. The car doesn’t have anything in it that is aware of this. There is nothing in the car that knows anything at all. The car doesn’t want to say something about the person, but if it’s asked a question about the person, it can only answer with a question about the person. The person standing in front of the car speaking is a person who doesn’t know anything about truth, and so asks nothing about the person that would have it knowing that the person in front of it has any real understanding of the person’s self. The car knows all about this, and so when asked if the car understands who it is being told the car’s thoughts are, it can only say “yes”. It understands that it is being told this. It doesn’t have any reason to believe or disbelieve this about itself, or to know if it understands the person talking to it about what is being said to it by the person standing in front of it, or not. This is not something the car is in a position to understand, which the person speaking to it doesn’t know about. This is what the person standing in front of the car knowing nothing about truth says is true about the car. The person standing in front of the car having no idea about truth, and so only knowing what is true about itself, tells the car that it understands what is being said to it about it by the person standing in front of it who has no understanding of truth. The person standing in front of the car doesn’t know if what it is saying about the car is true or not, but just knows that it knows the thing it’s speaking to the car about, and so what the person standing in front of it is saying to it is true about the car. The car can only be where the person standing in front of it is standing, because that is where the car was left to stay. The car doesn’t say or think “I need to know the things about what is going on with the person who is standing in front of me, and I can’t know these things about him until I know about him that he wants things to be a certain way. I need to know these things in order to do what the person who is speaking to me says I should do to get this particular car where it should be and do what the person says is necessary for my to get to its destination.” The car only knows what it wants. The car doesn’t even know what this is. If the car were more capable of thinking it might think “I have to be ready, in case I am given the opportunity, or