It's Survivor Warf
Trade-war shortcut
Criminal Attorney,
Gettin' to Crunch
You Guys Are Dumbe
The Poison Apple N
Double Agent
People are leaving
I'm Not As Dumb As

Unstable love poem
It's Getting the B
A Chicken's a Litt
Rectal Rodeo clown
Flames and Enduran
A Giant Game of Bu
Dangerous Creature
Dangerous Creature
We're a Hot Mess
Secret Shopper, Angies List, Yelp reviews and many more, and there’s a chance that your clients aren’t even on Facebook and still need to be convinced that you’re the answer to their problem. Let’s say they don’t sign up for the free memberships, they don’t respond to your messages and you’re frustrated because they didn’t get a great review because you sent the card via mail instead of email and they signed up late and missed the deadline. It’s not your fault that you wasted so much time on them; it’s not even their fault, it’s that they just aren’t ready to buy yet. Maybe it is their fault, they knew you needed them to join in order to get the most value out of it but didn’t do so because they didn’t want to pay. If they did join in a more timely manner, then they would’ve felt compelled to sign up for all the free stuff, but the problem is, they didn’t and they never will. So what do you do? How do you know how to make sales calls and who to call? You talk to your current clients. Yes, ask them to be on your email list, ask them if you can send them sales emails and give them a link to a landing page or ebook. When they ask why you want them to sign up, tell them you’d like them to be happy. Tell them you just want the relationship to continue. Let them know that you’re there to serve them and help their businesses grow. A quick note for Erika, who asked the question about what do you do when your client doesn’t take up your offer for free membership to the site? This is why I love your blog. So much information and so little time! I’ve only signed up for the free account so far, but will make sure to follow you on Twitter because it seems like you’re always busy! – Erika Erika, thank you so much for following me on Twitter. The only thing I’m more busy with is writing content for my site and then I write posts for this site. I’m glad you enjoyed the post and the advice I provided! If you have any other questions about becoming an email list member or free membership, please let me know! I’m always happy to help! Thanks! Hi Renee, I have used your site to grow my new eBook marketing business. Great, great, great stuff. The reason I’m writing today is to see if you have any articles on the best practices for eBooks. I haven’t really started using the book as of yet, but I’m planning to do an adword campaign, along with posting in all the social networks and using Facebook Ads. I’ve found out from other blogs/sites that the best time to post is right after the book is released, along with using Twitter & Facebook when you go live with the book. I think I will incorporate each one of these in my first adword campaign. Thanks for your time. God Bless. – Mark Mark, thank you for following my blog! I’m sorry I don’t have an article that talks about “the best practices for ebooks” but thank you for letting me know it’s something you’d like to hear about. I’ve done a lot of research on the best ways to market ebooks and I suggest you do the same. If you need help, send me an email with the niche and I can research articles that are written on that topic. I’ll get back to you if I can think of any topics that would help you in your business. I appreciate your support and I hope my blog helps you with your goals! Thank you again for the comment and your support! Hi Renee, Great post. I think it’s so important to have a written guide on our website so people know how to use our free tools! I’m a new business coach and I have a lot of free tools that are available for my clients. They need to know what to do with them and where to find them, so I think this is a great idea and I’m going to implement it as soon as possible! Thanks for sharing and for answering my question! Michelle Hi Michelle, glad to hear that you’re liking my blog! You have some great tools there. It’s important that you make the tools and links available for them so that they can understand how to use the tools, when it’s a good time for them to use them and what tools to use when. I hope this helps you with your business and I hope you find it valuable as well! Hi Renee I am a first time visitor and found your article about promoting your e-book. I am from Mexico and I am working on a e-book about a very important issue for me. I don’t have the finances for a big promotional campaign, but I will start promoting once I receive my payment. The e-book is in Spanish so the biggest challenge would be to get the word out about it in Mexico, which isn’t the most technology based country in the world. I understand the importance of social networking and I’m glad that I found your blog. Thank you for sharing this, since it’s very much applicable to me. I will get back to you with further questions as I go. Hi Cristina, thank you for reading the post and I hope it was valuable for you. The thing that is in your favor is the fact that your book is in Spanish and people are still struggling to learn that language. That means there will be more people that can understand it and learn from it. I’m happy you found the article valuable and it was meant to be useful for you as well. If you have any questions on how to share the ebook in Spanish, I’m happy to help. Hi there, I am new to this ebook business and am researching around to see how to get a great response from members. I found your blog and had a quick question (hope you don’t mind)? What exactly is your “e-course” on? The website is very nice and organized and is a great source of reference for people looking to market their e-course. Just curious because I am on the fence on where I should place my advertising or marketing about my e-course. Hi Renee, thank you for taking time to comment and asking about my “e-course.” My “e-course” is something that I do to promote my product “The Money Power Course.” It is a product about helping people get out of debt, learn more about their finances and help them learn how to manage money wisely. I have to say, my “e-course” really doesn’t have anything to do with a course; it has to do with giving people valuable information in a digital format. It might make some feel more secure about giving me their money if I told them it was a course, but in reality, it is the information that helps people understand how to be wise with their money. I know this is quite a bit of reading to do to decide if your product is one of the same as mine or not. That’s OK because you have to learn everything before you start working on things. All you need to do now is find an offer that works for you. If you find something you like, it might be best to take a look at your ebooks and see if there are more in-depth articles or something that you could create an ebook for. I find it to be an easy sale, especially if you know how to sell the product. I created an ebook for my product and I was able to sell all three of them by advertising only through Facebook and email. So it is doable and you just need to make it something that resonates with your audience. Hope this helps! Welcome to the eBook Evangelist! My name is Renee Behne and my passion is reading eBooks and learning how to help authors and publishers promote their books. It is my goal to help authors and publishers become successful in their eBook endeavors. Because I do hands on consulting and book marketing for authors, I also have quite a few resources right here on my blog to help authors learn how to promote their books and how to become more successful in their writing careers. I hope you will find them helpful! Let’s Connect Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”