A Bunch of Idiots
We Got a Rat
Tubby Lunchbox
Love Is In the Air
Bring on the Bacon
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Darkweb entrapment
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Sleeping With the
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Engrish as a second language ESL Resources - Learning through song with the HSC (Australia) - YouTube Learn Engrish and English from other teachers. What are some songs that teach English? What is the fastest way to learn English? Do songs make you lazy and unmotivated in your study and learning? We'll have three different songs and a debate! --------------------------------- The Pimsleur Method of Language Learning Learn more at: www.pimsleur.com Welcome to the Pimsleur Language Program at LanguageHat.com. This website provides free materials, video, audio, and software to help you learn a new language with Pimsleur Language Programs. Pimsleur Method of Language Learning Pimsleur is a language learning program that's based on proven, highly effective methods of language acquisition developed by psychologist and linguist Paul Pimsleur. The core concepts are that of "controlled language immersion," the brain's ability to naturally absorb languages without formal study. These techniques include speaking through and recording yourself, as well as learning vocabulary and sentence structure through association. There's also the Pimsleur Method of Phonics, which targets language learning specifically at developing a reading ability, which is also in the best interests of language learning. The Pimsleur Method is a popular choice for people who just want to learn a new language for travel, or for people who wish to speak another language to their children. The program begins with the very basics, but quickly progresses to fluent use. The courses are divided into levels of complexity, so you can start at the beginning if you need help, or just pick up where you left off without any knowledge of the previous lessons. For this, and many more reasons, the Pimsleur Method has enjoyed enormous success. What is Pimsleur? Pimsleur is a course of language training based on a specific method of learning. This method and approach focuses on natural, un-conscious methods of language acquisition. In the past, training in languages such as English, French, Russian, etc. required considerable time and effort on the part of the student. To learn a new language was often a lengthy and laborious process, requiring students to read, write, speak, and listen in the new language. And while the actual learning process took time and work, those that could master a language acquired it almost effortlessly. The success of many language courses at schools throughout the world, as well as homeschools using textbooks, have brought awareness to this method of training, and it is now available to any person who would like to increase their language abilities. What are the benefits of this method of learning? In addition to the ease with which the language can be learned, there are several reasons why this method is ideal for those who wish to learn a new language. In other words, what makes the Pimsleur Method a better choice for language learning than traditional methods? The main reason is the unique approach to language study. This approach takes into consideration the fact that the brain of the average human being has three distinct portions. The first is an outer portion which houses your language, culture, and history. Your first language is the only one you ever learn in your lifetime, and it will always be the foundation of everything you do. It is the part of your brain that allows you to function on a daily basis. The second part of the brain is the mid-brain which is the location of the "reptilian" part of our brain and is responsible for the control of body functions. Finally, there is the cortex, which makes up the largest portion of the brain. The cortex is responsible for your ability to think and reason. Language learning that is based solely on these centers of the brain is inefficient and unproductive. Learning a language must also be "practical" if it is to stick. How do we learn language? The brain is an amazing thing. It is constantly trying to communicate with us. We are using it every second of the day. As a result of this, you can easily learn new languages by the simple act of being and remaining focused on other peoples' speech, specifically with other people around you. This is exactly what Pimsleur is based on, which uses the "sleeper effect" to learn a new language. In other words, it is easier for us to listen and follow a native speaker than it is for us to repeat a sound back to ourselves. In our brains, we are constantly taking what we hear, and putting it into our own words. That is what we do when we are learning languages. In order to speak, we must first listen. This is a necessary but insufficient step towards mastery of a new language. That is, listening is not enough. Pimsleur encourages the use of many other techniques to learn a language in an effective manner. Another benefit of the Pimsleur method is the fact that you can actually be fluent in a foreign language in less than one year, provided you use the program properly. So what's the secret? It is important to realize that all aspects of our language, our grammar, and our pronunciation, must be learned, in order to speak this new language. We learn by doing, so our minds must be open to learning these new things. The Pimsleur method of language learning takes advantage of this fact, and includes several powerful components that are incorporated into the training program itself. These components make up the methodology, and are designed to help each person acquire the ability to speak a new language with ease. These include the following: Recorded Language Exposure (both spoken and written) Listening Exercises Practice of the Pimsleur Formula Sight Translation Dictation and Reading This component alone makes the Pimsleur method of language learning unique from all other methods in the industry. This is because while other methods focus mainly on teaching vocabulary and phrases to build a foundation, Pimsleur focuses on the actual skills of language study. In order to speak the new language with fluency and ease, the student must be able to pronounce words correctly, and not use any slang or inappropriate phrases or words that are inappropriate in that particular language. Pimsleur has taken the extra time to design a program that takes into account what it takes to be fluent in a language. Some aspects of the program include: Learning the phonetic alphabet, the sounds of the new language. Listening to various types of native speakers, both native teachers, and native-speaking people. Learning words, phrases, expressions, and sentences to facilitate learning in the target language. Repeating words and phrases, often as many as six times each. Repetition and recitation of the new language. Review of the new language as often as required, and repetition of vocabulary lists for consolidation. Repetition is an essential part of learning anything in order to make it habitual. At any time, a new language can be picked up and learned, even in the middle of a conversation with native speakers. The more that the language is practiced, the more natural it becomes, and the more fluent the speaker will be. This is in stark contrast to methods which rely upon reading and studying, and does not allow the student to speak the language. Many students who have learned foreign languages through books have complained of "brain-pain" caused by the large amount of effort that is required to study the language. To avoid such pain, Pimsleur creates a program based on the actual workings of the human brain, and uses this knowledge to make the learning process more productive and painless. This means that you don't have to be stressed out if you aren't sure of what you're doing. The program will take care of it for you, while you sit back and enjoy the ride. In other words, the Pimsleur Method is easy to use, and doesn't require a lot of time or effort. Once the program has been put into effect, the student must merely repeat the words and phrases as often as possible to increase the retention of those words and phrases in memory. With Pimsleur, speaking a new language naturally becomes easier with just a little repetition, and some concentration. The first step in developing your Pimsleur language course is to pick the level of the program that is right for you. Pimsleur offers 3 different levels of language courses. These are called Pimsleur Basic, Pimsleur Plus, and Pimsleur Total. Level 3 or "Pimsleur Total" is the easiest and is designed for people with a moderate understanding of the English language. Level 2 or "Pimsleur Plus" is for students who have studied English to a significant degree, and require a higher level of help. Level 1 or "Pimsleur Basic" is the most difficult