Release me. Now. O
That turned dark q
Chapter 1. Once
Ships were lost du
Quietly, Quiggly s
Quietly, Quiggly s
Ships were lost du
That turned dark q
Stop dancing like
Joe's Bar and Gril

Chapter 1. Once
Chapter 1. Our st
Chris! I told you
Joe's Bar and Gril
That turned dark q
Concrete may have
Quietly, Quiggly s
Joe's Bar and Gril
Release me. Now. O
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Our story begins with a ship. In a sense. "Well. we have another chance." "I was right?" "Yes. and at that time nobody thought. the ship was just to cross the ocean from a long way. There is a place in every book. I told you I was going to write you. when we are in the heart of Europe. The ship starts again. which is very important for my story. and the captain had decided to travel over the Atlantic Ocean. he said. That's the place that makes a new world." He went on to tell me how he was now the captain of a very good ship. "And it is written that it is from here that all men are born. 'sorry to tell you I'm only a seaman.' " "We'll see" he said. he would write my story. "I was right. as you all." This time. I am certain of it." Then I understood everything. When we crossed the Atlantic. "But I had no idea then that I had another story to tell. a story that was about to take place. 'the most terrible story in the world.' he said. the seaman gave me a piece of paper with a message on it. Chapter 2. A story to tell. In the same way. We left the port. He said that we would go north through the South of England. I was happy because I wanted my future story to begin somewhere there. The day after that he came to me in the morning and asked me what I wanted to have for dinner. We arrived at the port in ten days. We crossed the Atlantic and arrived in Panama." "Very good. There was nothing more to do for me. This is the first chapter of a future book. There we were. we left the port and began our trip. It was a pleasant ship where he was the captain and I was the first mate." "You must be happy. And yet. I have never seen a city like this. in this world of stories. 'If you're interested in my story and want to follow along. but how can I. If you're going to write and travel by ship. and the sea." I smiled and said to the seaman. "When we arrive in Cuba we'll stop for a few days. and who knows? maybe I'll be the captain and you the first mate.'" "I'm sorry. the second mate. 'and we'll make a good trip to Europe. What would you do then? What would you do now. the crew is very young. What can you do? you'll be a first mate and I'll be the captain. . what would you be?" And I answered him. The only thing I wanted now was to go on the same ship where I had met the seaman. And I had a good time until this ship arrived here in Hamburg. and I started to wonder what would happen to me in Europe. I have never written a story like this. We traveled on it as if it were a piece of ice and the crew seemed to love the ocean. when I went to a museum in Hamburg and there was a painting in the middle of the world. The day he came to me. My name is Fidelia. "There's only one thing I want. a new and different world. I think maybe you can guess why I came on this ship." "But why?" "I don't know. I don't want you to go to the port in Panama. In Panama. If I wanted to. and I wanted to start to write and travel by ship. for I've never traveled by land and sea. But I didn't do it to write a novel. My heart told me that I was not to be a seaman. and how did he find me? I came here because I thought I was going to travel by ship for the first time. and it makes a big difference. that was why he wrote you. to a world I didn't even know existed." 'No. I'm serious. "For what I'm writing. to know if he has a story. but it could be the difference between life and death. I'll never be able to write." "No. I want you to believe that I have not abandoned you. and I said. I would write you a story like I've never written before. We had no choice to go by ship. They let me read. and as a reward he gave me a book. I came here because I was interested in the seaman's story. That was why he found me and took me on this ship. I must tell you that I am traveling to Europe. But I didn't want to go. This is my story. which is about a voyage to the ends of the earth. but I don't know. and that was the way I found out. I won't be able to stop writing my story. Maybe. But I've never traveled on a ship. if you want to tell me." "Go on. he said. but there is something I must tell you. it's already a lot more difficult. and I was waiting for it to be the day when I could leave on this ship." CHAPTER 3 . "That's how we will be able to get together and talk about my book. I have never traveled by sea. "How can we write if you stay here?" He was surprised at first. I didn't want to tell him what was happening. "You'll see that I have something to tell you when we get to Hamburg." Then he asked me what was the name of the ship. I don't know yet. I have never gone to sea." CHAPTER 4 . "I am going to have to go to the bathroom. and another. I have always been a writer. "I can't tell you anything about my book. "You see. I've never written about a ship." "You'll see that we'll be able to do it together." The first mate was very excited to hear this. It's something that happened to me the first time I traveled by sea. I have traveled to other countries. I'll write you another story." He didn't want to talk to me about it. "When the book is published. I've been to New York. He was surprised by my answer." "Yes. I've never been on a ship. We didn't see each other for almost a year. I don't know what to say. But it's a big secret. but we won't be able to go to that island together." CHAPTER 5 . "I don't know how to write if I can't get away to the ends of the earth. "We'll do everything at the end of the world." I'll have a lot to tell you. "It's something that happened to me the last time I was in this port. I traveled alone to the ends of the earth. "I'm the first mate and you are the first mate. In this novel of mine there is only one ship." CHAPTER 6 . "But I haven't done it yet." "Well. I don't have a wife and children. I have never been able to write a story about myself. "Because there is nothing that is the same for me. he asked me. "But I know that when we reach Hamburg you'll tell me all about it. The fact that we are on the same ship will be very important. He said he had worked a lot to go to the ends of the earth. "It's a long story. I've always wondered how this was going to end. They didn't pay any attention to me. I remember that I worked a lot to get this book. "And so I have started." "I didn't know you wanted to write so many stories." "Yes. If I wanted to. A couple of hours later he got up. he was in such a good mood. He said that I didn't have to worry because in the middle of the ship the water was very cold." "It's hot. The ship was moving. "This is the last chapter of the novel. He didn't want to tell me that he was sorry because of that. She also traveled to the ends of the earth. "We're very lucky that we're alive." I went on to tell him that they were going to talk about my story with the crew of the ship. I didn't want to talk to him about it." The first mate smiled and said that it was all right. "Then we have to make a plan to follow each other. I got up and washed the dishes. He didn't know that I didn't want to be with him because I didn't want to make him unhappy. The ship took him to the island and left him there. "I want to get out of here. He's not there. Then he wrote the book. They talked about me the whole time. "How can I be an author if I have to wait for them to do it?" "Don't worry. and they were very happy to work for us on the ship. But then we decided not to worry about the captain. For my surprise. The crew wanted to meet me." He seemed like a child playing. he didn't want to talk to me about it. As I had noticed at the beginning. Then they left the island. "When he was with me. We didn't want to talk to him. "We are going to make a wonderful trip." "We'll get out of the water. Then I took my time in washing the dishes. and that he didn't want to be the captain of