Last Push
Tell ’em that it’s
Would You Be My Br
Unstable love poem
The Sea Slug Slugg
Darkweb entrapment
Girl Power
Now Who's in Charg
Fatigue Makes Cowa

Video Games, XBOX,
But it’s your arms
Turf Wars
4chan and 8chan ar
It Was Like Christ
The Full Circle
Ruling the Roost
Job Search, Dice,
Two Tribes, One Camp, No Rules, One Fate, One Voice” where we will not only see the tribe voting on one castaway and the lone castaway voting on the tribe but each side will cast a second vote of who they think they’re representing… the two tribes becoming one entity. These votes will then be revealed to all. The castaways with the most votes will be the ones who are stuck in limbo… voted out but not voted out.” The season will start on The Island of Tribes where the ten castaways will be split into two tribes, with one of them becoming known as “No Collar.” A clue from this episode will also involve the word “No” and will play a part in the vote out. I’m sure that is only scratching the surface for those of you who want to know more… you can find a more detailed explanation at the official spoilers website. So far so good, huh? I think I am going to be sticking with this season because it is sure to have an original twist or two. And if it does, I am sure CBS has a few well-honed and executed surprises up its sleeves. Oh wait, CBS has no sleeves! That’s right, this season is being filmed in New Zealand. And I have no doubt that there are some new and intriguing challenges ahead for the castaways that will be posted on a regular basis. Plus, a few more details have been leaked and there are some interesting facts about this season. The name of the tribes are: “Arawa” and “Taromeni” with the leaders, and I’m sure, names revealed in the coming days… or weeks (is that what we are calling them now?) being Kat McPhee and Jeff Probst respectively. Oh, and speaking of the names of the tribes… if you know who Kat is, you might want to sit down before you continue reading. It’s now been confirmed that Kat will be playing for “Arawa” and Jeff for “Taromeni.” One thing I am curious to see how is the new Immunity Challenge. You see, in recent years, all the final four have gone to the final Immunity Challenge. It’s a fun format. Also, the last time a castaway became leader in Final Tribal Council, it was Kim Spradlin in Tocantins, who became leader after she won a puzzle challenge with all the other members of her tribe watching. It was kind of funny. This time around, let’s see what happens if Jeff (or any one of the final five) wins. Is he or she then crowned King (or Queen) of all the tribes? I’m not sure how the rule would work in this situation, but it would be cool to have a little twist like that in the game. On the topic of twists, the Survivor: Kaoh Rong “Fake Advantage” video can now be viewed HERE. If you haven’t already seen it, you should check it out… it’s pretty good! And if you want to see just how epic this season will be, let me leave you with this season promo… Well, that’s all for this edition of your Spoiler Alert for Survivor’s 37th season. Come back soon for another update on the game! And in the meantime, you can head over to the spoiler-free version of my website to catch up on the best news and reviews on the web! And I’ll leave you with this… I recently met with John Cochran and when we were talking, he said, “You always do good work and people will always like what you’re doing, but you’re just not quite as influential as you think you are… you’ll be happy to know that as of today, you’ve now been added to the Influential People Registry” Well, I hope you enjoyed this issue of your Spoiler Alert for Survivor’s 37th season and may the odds be ever in your favor! I’m off to watch “A Little Bit of Everything…” which premiered last night on the CBS. Until then, keep coming back to the best spoiler site in the World Wide Web! Subscribe Man, I do think this is one of the most significant blogs We’ve ever arrive across on this subject. I am also truly glad I discovered it by accident. Anyway, this entry really made my day. You can not believe how much time I had spent trying to figure this out. Thanks!