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Breadth-First Sear
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Blood of a Blindsi

Can You Reverse th
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Call the Whambulence! For all of you who do not know what the Whambulance is, I’ll give you a brief explanation. The Whambulance is a mobile “health care” for “special needs” people. It is a bus that has been modified with rails in the back. These rails are attached to what has been built into the back of the bus. It is a series of steel frame structures that allows a patient who requires some assistance to be pushed from their wheelchair to the back of the bus by an attendant. Once the patient is in the back of the bus they are lifted up to a special height and the seat is lowered to them so that they can sit on a padded bench to take a rest. They are then transferred from the seat to their wheelchair, where they will be ready to go on their next adventure. I love being a part of something that is so huge, something that has gone from no wheelchair access bus to a vehicle with four ramps for entry and three wheelchair accessible buses. It has all started because someone had a vision and the heart to keep fighting and praying for people who might not be able to walk for themselves. It’s only been a few years since I was a part of that vision. Many of us are still working diligently to put the pieces together. Even though we may not have reached our goals yet, that is okay. I believe one day we will see the final chapter of the Whambulance and what God has built from the little seed that was planted so long ago. When will it be? The future looks bright. The community that we live in will continue to grow and people will have a closer relationship with one another. We will continue to see the fruit of the kingdom come from the trees planted by that first person who made a difference. There will be more people involved in the local churches and the kingdom will continue to grow stronger, more productive and more focused on God and the things that He has asked us to accomplish. When will it be? God’s Kingdom is not a democracy, His ways are not our ways, and our timing is not His timing. This world will never understand why the Lord works in mysterious ways and His timing is not always the same for everyone. I think God understands. I don’t know how He does it but He has a plan that will work and it will come together. It might take 10 years, 50 years, or even 100 years, but He will make it happen. The truth is this; God has always had this picture of how it will come together and this picture will be more realized than we could ever have imagined. When we have a relationship with God it changes our view of life and we see things that are right and will always see God’s way of working. All of the promises that have been made are not a wish, or a desire, or just a mere saying. God has provided, and He will provide what is best. If we have faith and keep on believing, it will happen. God has promised His people that He will bring them home, and He will keep His word. He will provide the shelter for His people. It will happen because He is who He says He is. This world is full of sin, darkness, and death. It is a place where there are more “if’s” than “when’s.” Yet in Christ we have a hope, an anchor that holds us in place even when it looks like we are going to sink. God has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us. It is not based on time, or how well you are doing, or what you have done. He is dependable, faithful, loving and kind. No matter what we go through in life, no matter what our circumstances are, we have to keep our eyes on God. We must look at God’s love and His provision. He is always faithful to keep His word. It is His goodness that we must depend on. When we look at life through God’s eyes we see what will be. What God has for us is more than what we could have ever imagined. When we live our lives focused on God and His love, then we can live each day and go through each situation in a positive manner. For instance, I have a neighbor that has the biggest heart. She always has a smile on her face and a positive attitude no matter what. I don’t know how she does it but she is always upbeat. Just by looking at her I know that she trusts God. If you watch her on Sunday, you will see that when she is up there on the platform, singing her praises, you can see how she has gone through life by trusting God and keeping her eyes focused on Him. You can tell that she is truly thankful and blessed and nothing could ever take the joy out of her life. When it comes to trusting in God and believing that He has what we need, we must believe and be ready to persevere. We can’t just hang in there, trust Him, and hope that it works out. God has to work with our hearts and sometimes that means that it is going to be hard, but we must remember who we are, what Christ has done for us and how that faith is what we rely on. He has promised us that nothing can take us out of His hand. He is holding us tight! We must always remember that there is power in the Blood of Jesus! The picture that I see is of people who are committed to the Lord and ready to give their lives to him, who have a sincere love for God and His Word, and who trust God in spite of the challenges and the opposition they are facing. They are committed, they love God, and they pray to the Lord, even in their hardships. They trust God, not their circumstance, not their enemy, not their circumstances. They aren’t focused on the circumstances, they aren’t looking at the things around them and what is going on around them, they are holding onto the One that has provided for them and will do the same for you. His promises are not based on what we can do or accomplish, He makes sure that His people have hope by giving them the Word of God. He tells us what we can do to have faith in Him. He tells us how we should respond when we go through tough times. Even when I don’t feel like I am succeeding he gives me words to live by. He gives us what we need when we are at the end of our rope. If we turn our eyes on Him, He will turn the pain around to be a testimony of our faith in Him and not our lack of faith. God is God and He is all powerful! No matter what circumstances may come our way, He is in control. We don’t have to struggle when we put our faith and our hope in Him. No matter what we may be going through, whether it is at the end of our rope or things are just really tough, God is there with His promises to help us and give us hope. We have to take our eyes off of the problems and look at our life from the place of faith. We must trust God and love Him, then we will be able to look around and realize that everything around us will change when God comes in and changes our hearts. I love the Bible because it gives us the knowledge that we are not all alone in this world and it shows us that we have helpers that can come alongside us. God does not ask us to do impossible things, He simply wants us to trust Him. When we trust Him in everything, then we are able to make decisions that are based on God’s Word and not on the circumstance around us. We have to take our eyes off of the problems and put our eyes on the solution. What we want to do in our prayers is to ask Him to remove obstacles that will allow us to see that the path we are on is lined with good things. We can trust Him and He will do it! Praying for the day that God will bring His Kingdom to this world, that He will keep His promise and do it in His way and when His time comes, even when things don’t look like they will ever come together, God will see it differently. He is the God of the impossible and it will happen when He is ready for it to be finished. Post navigation Comments Unbroken Hope – 13 Comments One of the things that I really believe to be true is that God wants us to be strong not weak and that it is only by His strength that we can go through anything. I always read something, or heard someone say, that I thought was such an awesome quote; “No one is strong enough to go through life alone, so God strengthens the humble.” I like to think about this because the more that I look back on my life and the things that happened in my life I can’t help but see that it was God who gave me the strength to go through it and make it through. I think that one of the most important things that we have to remember is that God is love and he loves everyone equally. He is not a person who likes some and not others, He has shown this by making himself out of nothing and dying for all of us. He never wanted a favorite. He loves everyone equally. If you believe this you will have hope and trust in Him no matter what the circumstances may be. He is our all in all. The love that God has for us and His