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Can You Reverse the Curse? In the "Land of Ever After" the curse that has changed him was a gift and the gifts can be turned back on him. There are many ways to reverse the curse, the easiest is probably marriage to someone with fairy blood (they have a small percentage of fairy blood in them), the second would be being bitten by a fairy. If neither of those methods are available then I don't think there's anything that can reverse the curse. A normal curse can be reversed but a fairy curse, like the one that changed him, isn't reversible like a normal curse. The fairy can reverse it for the person he cursed but he can't just change his mind and give her fairy powers again without permission and he'd be afraid to try that because it could still be permanent if done wrong. A: According to The Land of Ever After wiki: Curses can also be removed through marriage to someone with a tiny amount of fairy blood. This was done with Rapunzel's stepmother. There is nothing else that states you can reverse a fairy's curse, at least for the fairy that has placed it. A: It depends on the story. For example: In The Once and Future King by T.H. White, the fairies of Elfland decide to give all of their lovely Elf-blood to the daughter of the most noble of men and king of England, Sir Balin. Balin then marries this Elf-lady, whom he has never met, but upon her arrival at court is so instantly in love with her and deeply moved by her that he declares her to be fairer than any woman he has ever seen before. Thereupon she casts a spell on him which turns him from a fair young man into a hideous monster (which is what happens when the fairies possess someone who is already ugly). The spell that the king's elven wife placed on him cannot be broken; that is a fairy curse. He is doomed to live his life a monster, unless someone can figure out how to break the spell. Another instance is the fairy tale The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The three billy goats go about their usual business one night when some fairies get angry at them and cast a spell on them. However, the little old grandmother can reverse the spell - she just has to blow on them, three times, so that their names become their respective ages: Billy, three times. Billy's now just three goats, so the three fairies can't curse him anymore. A: The only thing I can see this being is if the Fairy that cursed him has a daughter. But, like the original poster said, I doubt there is anything more you can do. Here is the link to the wikipedia link on fairy curses And like Fai said, you can be turned back into what you once where Like I said, I can't give you more details. But, here is the link to how the curse was removed in Rapunzel's Step-Mother. Again, I can't give you more details I can't give you more details because I am not sure I am allowed to. So, I can only say that there are 3 people: Rapunzel's Father The Step-Mother Her Mother That do know the curse is broken, and the reason why the curse was broken. And one of them is a Fairy. But the one who is the one breaking the curse, she is the Mother of the fairy that cursed Rapunzel's father. So, because the story is so long, I can't give you any more details. And I don't think I am allowed to give more detail. But, when this book is made into a movie I can say the curse was broken in a way that no one had ever thought of. But, that is all I can say about this topic.