Dirty Deed
Dire Strengths and
Dead Man Walking
Dangerous Creature
Damage Control
Cut Throat
Cut Off the Head o
Culture Shock and
Cult Like
Crocs, Cowboys and

Do or Die
Don't be Blinded b
Blinded by the
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Bad first-date ideas include: • Too many choices to make, including dinner, location, length of time, topic of conversation (I'm not good at small talk), place to go afterward, time to leave. • What to wear—what to expect to wear, dressy versus casual, too many choices. • How to choose a restaurant, do I order an appetizer, share appetizer and entree, or share entree and dessert? How about the wine list? There are too many choices to make. How about the parking, walking time to restaurant, price? Too many choices. • Too much expectation when going out on a first date. To be attractive you need to take off your mask and reveal your true self. The first time you date a woman you will have to accept that your image will show that you may not be the most interesting, dynamic, successful guy she has met but at least she will be able to enjoy the pleasure of your company. The second step in creating a good first date is to choose the date for her. If your date is not set up by a third party, she will set the date and time by the way she chooses to dress, where she decides to go, and how much you talk about things, like sex and money. The third step is to get dressed and go for the date. The time frame for your relationship should be within two to three weeks. Do not go on a month long dating adventure. Most people want to get to know you and your intentions in twenty to thirty days. Keep the conversation short and make it interesting. ## **Be Careful What You Choose** Choose a beautiful place where there are flowers, a place where you can hold hands, or a place where she wants to be held, just so long as it is classy and clean. If you are a couple it is always best to leave your pets at home when taking your woman out. ## **Dress to Impress** Always dress nice for your first date. You want to present yourself in the best way possible. It is easy to get excited about a date and make a mistake by giving your date what you think she wants but you will learn the second time around. ## **Tell Her What to Wear** Be a gentleman. Always let her know what she is going to wear on the date. You can mention that you want to see her as she walks out the door, and when you get there, if she looks different than how she described, just say, "Oh, I love it! It's beautiful." It is a plus. You are her first! It shows that you care. And to continue the mystery: Let her keep the dress on but remove it in the dark for one minute. She will feel like a supermodel, and she will feel more attractive to you because you were there. Remember, don't be afraid to ask a woman what she would like to drink, but if you are her first you are in for a treat. She will be excited to share. Don't make her second guess your intention. Ask her what she is most comfortable with or would like. Don't ever make a woman look stupid in front of you. No girl likes a guy who does that. And she may not like you much. ## **Talk to Her about Money** Don't talk about money, unless your intentions are to have sex. Your first date and all of your first dates are about learning more about her. Money is a secondary subject for conversation. The more she believes that you are interested in her (not in just the date) the more confident and attractive she will become. It doesn't matter how many times you ask her what she does for a living, but if you ask about her career, ask it in a nonthreatening way. Let her lead the conversation and tell you if it is appropriate for you to ask, "I noticed you use a blue pen while talking on the phone at your desk. What kind of pen do you use? I have a really great blue pen that I have been dying to show you. Do you mind?" No one in the world has ever told a woman to mind. The woman you date will be excited when you care about her enough to ask. And it is a good way to get to know her on a deep level. If she does not like talking about work, find out more about her interests, friends, hobbies, how she spends her time, and then connect the dots to things she likes to do. ## **Laugh At the Joke** Laughing at your jokes may be a challenge. The secret is to make the person in your life feel comfortable. Let her know how much you like her. Do not take her for granted. Compliment her without telling her how many times you think she looks great. Lift her chin and smile at her. When she is smiling, her eyes are relaxed. You want to look at her eyes when you look at her. The best way to get to know your date is to look her directly in the eye and smile. It is impossible to ask a question and look in the same direction. When you talk to her eyes, she will be comfortable. Be sure that your date likes you, and be sure that you care about her. The person who is looking back at you at the end of the date should be smiling in anticipation of their next date. Always tell the woman that you love her smile or her laugh. Talk about things that she likes, not what she doesn't like. And never talk about sex with a woman for your first date. It shows that you are not really serious about getting to know her as a person. Make sure that you pick the restaurant, location, and time of day. Do not make her choose the restaurant, and keep the conversation short. You are the one who is seeking her. Don't be afraid to talk about yourself. Don't be negative, and avoid being too friendly on the first date. Try to spend ten to twenty percent of your conversation talking about your accomplishments, interests, or hobbies. She will be impressed that you were able to talk about yourself. ## **Have You Shown Up?** When you arrive at the restaurant ask her if she enjoyed herself. Let her know that she was the star of the evening, and then say that it was a pleasure to have her in your life. ## **Don't Be a Slob** Have your nails done or your face professionally groomed, but don't have your nails dirty or cut too long, unless you are going to look bad and you don't care how she feels. And don't let your date see you without a shirt or shoes on. Leave the top button of your shirt open, unless you want her to get the wrong impression. Do you really care? Yes, it is cute to have a guy leave his hat and jacket on when he is sitting next to a woman at a restaurant, but it is not a sign of confidence. ## **What to Drink** Drinking to excess does not impress anyone. It takes the natural attraction of a woman to you away. A good glass of wine or some wine or just a couple of drinks is a good way to relax and help you relax and get to know each other. But if you drink too much, you can lose your personality and have no personality when you want to be flirty. Drinking alcohol in front of your date is very different from the bar with your friends. A first-date mistake is when you become obnoxious and belligerent. Never become belligerent with the waitress or the waiter. If you are drinking too much and showing your date a real jerk, remember to compliment her on her smile and the way she looks at you, even if you are angry. Tell her to have a great evening, and leave. It is her idea for you to be there, and she should want you to be around because she chose you. Always thank the waiter or waitress for her efforts. It's like a doctor giving a sick person the medicine they ask for. It shows that you are nice and professional, not arrogant. And if the waitress can't do a great job on her first day, get out of that restaurant. ## **You're Not on the Same Level** You can't compare yourself to a woman you're dating. I don't care if you feel like a million bucks, but not everybody in the world is rich, and when you meet someone who makes more than you do in a month you are going to want to show her off. She may be more attractive than a supermodel, but she is still just a girl to you. You are a woman, too. Be sure to be happy when you meet someone else who is better than you, but realize that her success is not yours. She has set her success apart from the world, and she has earned it. When you date her you are giving her attention and respect, but try not to give your power away by making yourself look stupid, insecure, or sad. It will not impress her. ## **What to Drink** A lot of women won't even ask a man to dinner unless the man buys the meal. What a waste of time! You can impress someone without having to spend hundreds of dollars. When you buy her dinner it shows that you are interested in getting to know her as a person, and it shows that you care about your date. Ask for her number or