The Amazon Heats U
That's Love, Baby!
That's Baked, Barb
That Girl is Like
Thanks for the Sou
Tell a Good Lie, N
Tastes Like Chicke
Taste the Victory
Taking Candy From
Swoop In For The K

The Beginning of t
The Best and Worst
The Biggest Fraud
The Brains Behind
The Brave May Not
The Buddy System
The Buddy System o
The Chain
The Chicken Has Fl
The Circle of Life
The Beauty in a Merge! Today's merge (of the GCP & MNT servers) was a pretty straight-forward, but exciting process. First, though, we should talk about what will hopefully happen after today. There's a little debate (that got somewhat heated last night) about which server will end up being better/more used/more fun. One side believes that the GCP server was the center of activity when it was active. The other side argues that people used the MNT server because there were actually people on it (I don't know if you remember, but sometimes the server would crash and shut down, meaning you couldn't get on it). We're hoping that if we leave the MNT server, more people will come to the GCP server. We'll try and keep it active when possible and hope we can get as many people as possible playing on the GCP server. (Obviously, since we'll be setting up our own internal server at a university, that server will have people on it). Anyway, with that said, here's what happened on the server today! GCP has its own version of the server we have in Minecraft. We can actually make that server do anything! That also means, though, that this server isn't as popular as the MNT server. This is because of a couple reasons. First, it doesn't have as many people who want to play on it. We actually just set it up last month (the GCP server is really for our members to have a place to hang out). Second, it is a bit harder to get into than the MNT server. What did we do today? Well, we basically finished merging the GCP & MNT servers together. This means that everything from the GCP server will be in the MNT server, and then the MNT server will be in the GCP server. This means that things like permissions, users, avatars, and many other things that we have in the server will be going over to the new server, so hopefully we'll have people playing a bit better than we have in the past! So that's it. The servers are now merged. We still need to work on transferring over all of our items and resources, though. Also, we're still trying to get the new server set up. If there are any changes you'd like to see, be sure to leave a comment down below. Thanks! Hello everybody, and welcome to our new Minecraft server that is under development. The server is currently located in a university in the United States. We have a very active and friendly staff on here, and you can be sure we will have good server performance! One of our main focuses is to create a server that you can enjoy! We want to create a user experience that makes you feel like you are in an actual world. So in that regard, everything you see in the game will be created by us, and is an original creation. We hope you enjoy the server! We also want to include a forum and a blog. So be sure to check those out! Our current plan is to release the server on August 30th, 2017. After that, we hope to keep it alive and healthy for many years to come. Be sure to check back often for more information and updates. Thanks! I don't know if you noticed or not, but the new MNT server is here, if you'd like to join it. If you're interested in joining it, you should do so now, because we're closing it down later this week! (As far as we know, anyway) I was planning on closing the server down soon after I wrote that, but it turned out that there were some lag issues that I wasn't able to fix before that. When I finally fixed those lag issues and had a test run of it, I was going to let you know, but you guys beat me to it! haha Hey guys, we're in the middle of a merger today, and you should expect a bit of downtime. Hopefully it will only be for 10 minutes or so, but it could be more. Hope you like your game! Hope you all had a great holiday, and are having a great Spring Break! The merger that will be happening in about 10 minutes should bring over the server into the new GCP one. This merger should fix the lag and any other issues you might have had in the past. If it doesn't, then please make sure to report any problems to support so that we can fix them as soon as possible. Thanks for your understanding and happy server-ing! Hey everybody, we've been getting a ton of requests to bring back the site code from MNT to GCP. So we're doing that right now. We expect this to happen in the next 5-10 minutes, so please be patient with us. Also, we're working on a bunch of other new stuff, so that should help even more! I've been told that several of you didn't receive the email I sent to you earlier about how I've been very ill lately, and haven't been doing the Minecraft server as much as I would like. I am also sorry for not really letting you guys know before the new server went live. Anyway, I'm not doing that well right now, so I hope you can understand that I'll be really bad at answering emails or updating the server for a few weeks. Thank you for understanding. If you're curious about my health, you can send me a message here on the forum if you want. Hey guys! It's so great to see you all back, and have things finally get moving again on the server! That aside, I'm sorry for not updating you all with any news lately. I will try to do that more from now on! Let's talk about the server, though! We've been very busy with work and other personal things, so we haven't really worked on the server much. I will work on getting more stuff done in the near future! Here's some cool news though: we're coming up on our first year anniversary! Our first year was pretty awesome, and I know we'll have some great things coming out of the server this year! Hey guys! I wanted to let you guys know that I'm doing pretty good, but I might need to be off the server for a bit. This is because I have been very sick lately. I was sick for most of last month, but I'm still getting better. So I may have a few issues to deal with right now. For anyone who cares, that's why I haven't been in contact with the server much. It's all the small stuff that makes me feel like crap! :( Anyway, I'll be back soon! Thanks for all of your patience and understanding! You guys have probably seen that there was a merge on the server today, and that the server has been transferred to a new hosting service. The MNT server is now closed, and it will no longer be running! We still have the GCP server online, and you should still be able to go to it and play on it. Just go ahead and make your new accounts there. Also, we'll be doing a complete revamp of the server this weekend! It should be