Summertime is mean
A Tale of Two Citi
Will There Be a Fe
Who's Zooming Whom
I Was Put on the P
Skin of My Teeth
They Hate Me Becau
Zipping Over the C
Your Job is Recon
Young at Heart

Your heart is all
I used to hold my
Cause whatever you
Didn’t they tell y
Tell ’em that it’s
I’m just feelin’ m
There's comfort in
I’ve known it from
I can’t help but s
You make me feel s
I could fall asleep and stare in your eyes." "All the time staring at your eyes." "I'd watch and wait to see your dreams." "I know them already." "I watch every day from my window... the same dream passing by in front of it." "I only see it, I don't even want to see it." "My dream is a long road which doesn't go anywhere... just here on the sea." "When you pass by, look at me." "How much I miss you." "How much I need you." "When I go around the city, I see you all there... as I can't forget you." "And look how I suffer!" "I have to see you." "I'm going away... don't write me anymore." "Don't keep suffering for me." "You're mine and always will be." "What more can I say?" "Come for the holiday." "My father wants to see you." "He just arrived from the country, he's been in the countryside for a week." "He's changed a lot." "I'll make him buy us some wine." "And the girls, how are they?" "Fine." "And Rafael, isn't he too handsome?" "Why don't you bring him?" "Come on, don't be silly." "He's been going out of his mind since your letter." "His father found out and he went to live on the hillside." "Tell me the truth, is he any good?" "If you've told me that a couple of days ago... I wouldn't have believed you." "So I'll see for myself." "If he's that bad, I'll break it off with him." "There he is, my brother's son!" "How handsome he is!" "Look at his uniform!" "Let's go, the train's going to start." "You came to say goodbye!" "Here he comes!" "What are you doing?" "Where are you going?" "We're getting married, Mom." "Congratulations, it's great!" "The groom's father, the mayor!" "Come here." "My baby!" "Take a good look at him, so you won't forget him." "How lucky the bride is!" "What are you doing here?" "I thought you were coming another day." "I came today instead." "Take a look at your wife, because soon you'll have to spend all the time with her." "You still haven't seen me with him, I need another woman." "I want to be with you all the time, you know it." "Wait a minute." "What are you up to?" "Get out of here." "My uniform!" "What are you doing?" "Out!" "What for?" "Rafael!" "I think you should leave." "What's going on?" "I'm your husband, the bride's father." "Are you crazy?" "Have you gone out of your mind?" "Get out of here!" "You're the one who's insane." "It was you who taught me all those songs!" "The ones about love... and your hands, your eyes, your mouth..." "I used to dream that someone would love me and kiss me." "I thought the one who would was Rafael." "And who else would kiss you?" "Do you think I liked him?" "You know who he really loves?" "How could I not know, Rafael?" "Who do you think?" "Rafael is so jealous." "No." "It's you who he loves." "He told me he has always loved you." "He'll go crazy." "If we're seen together, he'll kill us both!" "Not even God could save you!" "You know that... but he wants us to be together." "But, Mariana, when you see how much he suffers..." "If only I could help him." "Mariana, look, this was in the suitcase." "I can't believe he wrote it to me!" "It's for you." "It's my diary." "If I could only give it to you." "He never took it out of the suitcase... so you can read it whenever you want." "Mariana..." "I'll be gone in a couple of days... but you'll always remember me." "What happened?" "Nothing." "Nothing?" "It didn't work out as you thought." "You thought it out very badly." "As you saw, I thought it was better... to tell him the truth." "I was afraid he'd be unhappy if I did it." "And he was unhappy." "So I did it... but it didn't work out either." "I hope you didn't tell him that you only love me." "No, he doesn't know I love you." "Rafael says that I want to be alone." "That what I'm looking for is to die alone... that my whole life is wasted." "That I love you and I'm going to be with you..." "This means that he understands, he understands that you still love me." "My dearest love!" "Why didn't you tell me... why I have to find out from your father?" "Why did you have to go there?" "Why can't you tell me... what the hell I should do now?" "What happened?" "He wants to go to the country tomorrow." "He wants to leave tomorrow." "Yes, the country." "I wonder what he'll do there." "Take a few days to think." "Look..." "Maybe we'll go to the village next summer." "Rafael!" "Look who's there." "It's you!" "You're back in the country." "We missed you, it's been so long!" "Did you miss me?" "I missed you." "How's Rafael?" "He was alone in the country." "I didn't want him to be sad." "And I'll be alone with Manuela." "And the old house?" "It fell down in the last storm." "And did you repair it?" "There's nothing more to do now." "You see how much he misses me." "He went back to the country... and never came back here again." "I wanted to stay there... but I returned to the city, as you know." "I thought about you every day." "And today, when I heard the train..." "I remembered." "I was standing on the station... so that you could always remember me." "Why didn't you come to see me?" "Where are you going?" "I'm in the city, can't you see?" "Yes, I see you." "Come on." "No, Manuela, I can't." "I'm so tired." "It's been such a long trip." "I'll stay in your house tomorrow, but now I can't." "I've brought Rafael." "Rafael?" "Are you crazy?" "He's in the country with that woman." "Rafael!" "What is this?" "Why are you here?" "Get out!" "I'll go." "Stay if you want." "Let's not cause a scandal." "What a surprise." "I didn't know you had a son." "Don't even mention him." "All right, but who is he?" "Does he know what this woman is?" "They're lovers... and even better, they're married." "What's going on?" "What are you doing?" "Let's get away from here... we can't be found like this in the village." "What are we going to do?" "Now I'll tell you." "We're leaving for the country." "And that woman?" "What about her?" "I'll go tell her to leave... because I won't leave my wife... and I don't want to see her again." "Come on, let's go!" "Who's that?" "María, your mother." "Let's go." "Here you are, Mariana... as good as new." "No one will believe that we're married." "I'll never forget Manuela." "She was so beautiful and so good." "I'll never forget all she gave us... and our wonderful life." "You look just like her." "I feel like I'm still in love with her." "But why?" "She was so beautiful." "And I love you." "We'll always love each other, you know that." "We have a lot to do." "How long can I go on alone?" "Don't worry." "Our house is full of memories." "I want to sell it, it's too big and expensive." "Now we'll be poor... but I'll try to keep a few memories of Mariana and Rafael." "What memories!" "It's been 15 years." "If we don't sell this house, what will become of us?" "You don't need to worry." "Let's sell it... and take our memories with us."