Quitetly, Quiggly
Release me. Now. O
Stop dancing like
Release me. Now. O
Quietly, Quiggly s
But first, you and
Quietly, Quiggly s
Ships were lost du
Quitetly, Quiggly
Joe's Bar and GrilChris! I told you not to do that. That is going to complicate
things! It will be very difficult to replace that pipe without damaging
existing line - particularly if PNM protests because of their recent letters
about not wanting to foot the entire bill for the lateral line that will be
stubbed. There are a lot of issues here. Let's stay with Mike Minn
replacement unless we change the recommended route.
3) Recommended Route. Mike Minn and his people are recommending route
Yankee North/ East of the San Luis - this avoids a curve where we have to
keep emergency line on (we would not be able to rejoin the Yankee and the
WECO at the same elevation). This would be a more level route (good for
maintenance) and avoid bad ground if our area has flooding or sink holes
again. Mike Minn's stretch would be from about 15 kms past the interconnect to
interconnect in the mainline. We would not take gas in near the interconnect
to the mainline.
I recommend we go through with the Yankee route but re-route the lines so no
kinks and we go through ROW - hopefully we would avoid having to move the
existing lateral at all. This may not be possible. In this case, please check
with Enmax to see if they can get enough access at their side so that we can
complete the project without damaging the existing line and if so propose a
4) Re-route the lateral. Mike Minn now has a new recommended route for the
new lateral from the interconnect with PNM at the interconnect north of PNM's
plant near the San Luis interconnect (or in the WECO's new right-of-way
location) all the way to PNM's San Juan interconnect. This works well for our
people and existing line. The price is $1.5mm versus $1.9mm. (We'd already
paid $2mm to the WECO for the old route.
They are proposing a change of location for the WECO. Apparently there is a
path right of way available that the WECO is happy with and it allows them to
run a bigger pipe. No environmental issue with this route. Mike Minn has
forwarded this information to the WECO. We'll talk to the WECO and Minn to
figure out what they recommend, if anything. Our preference is the new WECO
route and work with the WECO to make sure they understand we are doing this
to avoid damaging the existing line and make it possible to meet our delivery
Questions? Comments? Let's move quickly to get Mike Minn's route for the
Richard Ingersoll
04/03/2001 05:27 PM
To: Roger Willard/Enron@EnronXGate, Barbara N Gray/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Daniel Allegretti/NA/Enron@Enron, Peggy Banczak/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve
Subject: Draft response to WAPA Draft for permitting O&M at Elec
Interchange/Wheeler Ridge
Everyone - here's the first draft. Please review and get me your comments.
I'm going to add in the air permit stuff for Hanover and LIPA later.
In addition, since both Peggy and I will be out next week, please submit
directly to both Peggy and Roger on Monday all comments on the notice to the
parties, which should be ready to send out on Friday. Roger, you will also
have the opportunity to review comments submitted by others. Peggy, you will
have the opportunity to review the comments submitted by others which have
been specifically forwarded to you by Roger.