Release me. Now. O
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Release me. Now. O
Chapter 1. Our st
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Release me. Now. O
Release me. Now. O
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Chapter 1. Our st
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Chris! I told you
That turned dark q
Tiffany, you really should reconsider your life choices if you are planning on sleeping with me." Then there was another awkward silence. The waiter finally came over and Tiffany said she was sorry for taking so long to decide on what to order. It seemed a little excessive to order the $28.00 Sirloin Diversey, but Tiffany didn't care. She was on a roll. The wine list was so thick she asked the waiter for help with her selection. When her wine arrived, she had the wine steward uncork it and swirl it around in the glass for a few seconds. She then pointed at her glass and said,"Taste this. It's the wine I would order if I had the money." Tiffany took another sip of wine. She then said to Michael, "Here's the catch. This wine is $6.95 per glass. If I had a hundred bucks I would buy this whole table a bottle of this wine." Now, you may think that this whole scene was just one big misunderstanding, or that she may have had some sort of lapse in judgment. Maybe she didn't realize the wine she ordered was so expensive. We all know that a bottle of wine that retails for $6.95 doesn't taste like it costs $6.95. Michael thought for a minute. His girlfriend had made a joke. The wine was on her. She would have to take the fall for the $28.00 dinner. But Michael still did not want to give up. He thought back to all the wonderful sex they had just had. He did not want this to be the moment that ruined things. So he said, "I don't know about the wine, but I know what we can do about your $28.00 dinner." Tiffany didn't know if she should be offended by the comment or not. In a very cold tone, she replied, "How are you going to be able to afford a $28.00 dinner?" Tiffany told Michael that she had been saving up money for a few months in order to treat him to an expensive dinner. Michael's response was, "I know. That's why I suggested the two of us dine at your place. We'll just have a nice, candlelight dinner, with maybe some soft music, and some chilled champagne to sip on while we dine. Then I'll tell you what happened after I order the third bottle of wine." She looked into his eyes and told him she would only have sex with him if he agreed to her terms. Michael nodded his head, and said he agreed. Tiffany could tell by his tone that he was not really into the whole candlelight-dinner thing. They decided on her terms and left the restaurant. On the way back to her apartment, Michael tried to figure out what to do next. He knew this was not going to be an easy task. He knew how strongly she felt about money. He knew he needed to come up with a good defense for his actions. As he was driving he said, "Maybe we could just split the check, that way no one will be upset. The waitress might have overcharged me, anyway." Tiffany reached over, grabbed his hand, and said, "I need the $28.00 dinner. I need the $6.95 wine. Just shut up and pay for the dinner." Michael rolled his eyes. As he pulled the car up to her apartment he said, "Fine. I will just leave the keys in the ignition." She made him promise not to try and steal anything, so he went into the restaurant, paid the bill, and was just walking out the door when Tiffany made him pull over. She went in and got her coat, then came back out and said, "I'm coming with you." She tried to get him out of the car, but he refused. She went back into the restaurant, took her coat off, and threw it on the seat. She came back out and told him again she was coming with him. Michael just shook his head and rolled his eyes. He told her that he wanted to pay for the dinner, that he did not want to make love to her in the restaurant, and that he did not want to see her tonight. He said he would call her tomorrow and tell her everything was alright. He was hoping she would take the hint and back off, so he could end the night and go home. But she didn't get the hint. She refused to leave. He grabbed her, put her coat over his arm, picked up his own coat and put his arm through hers, and started walking towards the entrance. When he tried to take her coat from her, she stood her ground. He walked into the restaurant, paid the $28.00 bill, and came back out. He was trying to walk to the car with her, but she kept refusing to move. Michael told her he was tired and that he just wanted to go home. She said she was tired too, and asked him why he didn't want to make love to her. Michael said he just didn't want to make love to her in the restaurant. She told him she wasn't a whore, and he could come up with better excuses than that. Michael smiled, and said, "OK, sweetheart. You win. Let's go to your place, and we can make love in bed. I don't have to tell your parents if I don't want to." When they got to her place, she put her coat on the floor and went in the bathroom to take a shower. She shut the door and took her coat off while she was in the shower. Michael said, "Wait a second. You can't take your coat off in here!" She said, "Well, why not? There's nobody else in here." Michael said, "Because this is a private residence. You cannot go in a private residence, take off your coat, and walk around naked!" She rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, give me a break. This is what you call a private residence? How many women have you brought back here?" "None," he said. "Bullshit! So now I take off my coat, walk out of the bathroom, and get dressed in front of you, and you call that a private residence? If you want me to stop walking around naked, then we're going to have to go someplace else." Michael said, "Listen, I don't care where we go. I just don't want to make love in front of your parents' place. How about we just go upstairs to my place?" She said, "Fine." Michael and Tiffany got in the car, and as they pulled away, she asked him why she was in the front seat. He said, "I want to make out." She said, "Whatever. Put your seat belt on." They got to his place and went upstairs to his apartment. He turned on the TV and lay down on the couch. She went in the bathroom and took a shower. When she came out she was buck-naked. She walked up to him, got on her knees, unzipped his pants, and started to give him head. All of a sudden he jumped off the couch, and said, "No fair! Why did we have to get in the front seat? Now I'm going to be the one that's going to get arrested." She smiled and said, "Whatever. Put your pants on. I have other places I need to go." They drove to another one of her old high school hangouts. She told him she always hung out in this particular place when she needed to blow off some steam. When they got there, she got out of the car and went inside the bar. Michael sat outside for a few minutes, and when she came out he asked her how her blow job was. She said, "OK, OK. But I want to have a little fun first." They went back inside the bar. Michael left his car running. He said he wanted it running because he knew she would expect him to drop her off, and it wouldn't be fair if she had to pay for a cab. She went up to a guy she had been going out with and asked him if he would let her smoke inside. He said that it depended on the rules of the bar. Tiffany said that she could buy everybody a drink. They then went outside and she began to buy everybody a drink