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Quitetly, Quiggly That turned dark quickly. Instead
you got, I get more, I get more angry,
I get more sad, I get more depressed,
I get more anxious. And they’re,
I’m not talking about the addict,
the addict feels good because they don’t care
if they’re a good person. They just want to get it.
And the person, the person
you said what you said is who
it’s affecting, because of the lack of care
in the addict, and that they want to use
and put others at risk in order
to get it, but if they didn’t have it,
they’d feel good about themselves,
so it’s very addictive, and it does affect,
it does affect the user,
the person who’s trying to use
to try and stay away
from the addiction
because they don’t like what they’re addicted
to, but they’re addicted to it.
But the person they’re using it on,
who they’re using it on, it does
affect that. And so that’s another thing
I wanted to talk about that’s important.
This is true, this is true,
we talked about that, that addiction
affects people, the person who is addicted
to using substances, they have
a lot of mental health issues,
they have a lot of issues,
but they have addictions,
and these things affect people
around them as well, and it’s
often people that are close to
the addict that the people closest
to the addict. Most of the time the addict
is in the household.
And that person who’s the addict
they’re so used to using that drug that they
don’t care about others. So they use it
in their home, and they don’t even know
that they’re using, they just use it and
they won’t stop, and they know
they need it for that, and they don’t care.
This is true, this is true, because I don’t
know how many of you watch,
but I have seen on TV interviews
with people where I’ve seen interviews
and they’re, they had to use
something to numb their pain
for mental health issues. So
they’re on pain killers, that aren’t good for you,
but that’s the only way
that they can numb themselves,
so they can function in their day.
They can function, because they have mental health issues,
but the pain killers make them
function, but it’s not a good thing.
And when I say, “How are
they going to function,
and how are you going to do
what you do, if you’re on drugs?”
That’s how they get to do
what they do. “Oh I get off of the pain killers
and then I don’t function.” Well you
functioned with the pain killers. So
I know some people that are addicted to heroin,
and they get there first thing in the morning,
they sit and they shoot it, and they start,
“I need to get more,” and they’re
all that they have. “I need to get more.
I need more,” and they don’t do their home life,
and their family don’t even know,
they don’t even notice that they don’t do
their job, and that the bills aren’t paid.
They just come home and they’re high,
they’re stoned, and they’re wasted.
But they’re using that to numb their mind
to forget everything, and they do that,
they have kids,
they have to take care of, because it’s an
addiction and they’re not being
treated for the addiction.
What does this have to do with
the book about parenting,
what does this have to do with
this book? This is
a major issue. This is a big issue in
addiction, it has to do with parenting.
One day, after reading, I was just shocked.
I was reading a report on the news,
I saw a report about foster care.
Where the foster children had to go
to multiple foster homes,
where they had five different homes,
they had to, and they were trying
to get into a stable home for the kids,
it was just shocking to me, and
then I saw this report, and the
parenting of these children,
and the adults who are supposed
to be taking care of these kids,
these kids are being put in homes,
where they have this chemical, this drug
in their home,
and they aren’t getting
help for it. So that’s part of
addiction, and that’s part of parenting.
Because there’s a lot of adults
who are being addicted
to drugs, they’re not having help,
and they are also taking care of kids
and they’re not getting help.
And if you read the book,
I talk about
and I tell people, when you are addicted,
you are willing to put your drug,
and you are willing to get high, before you get
professional help to get clean, you are willing
to put the drug first.
Not just your life, but you are willing
to put the drug first.
I can see that, because I was
doing that, that’s why
I needed the book. Because
I had to get over the addiction first.
I was willing to get high before I got help,
but now I know, I don’t want to have
that kind of life anymore.
I don’t want to have that kind of life.
And if I can show people that in my story,
it can save lives.
Parents like that aren’t
being helped.
But if they need help, then they can have it.
And if people see that in their life,
if they see that in their life,
they can change their ways.
And we can fix things.
I know people are on the
internet, people are buying
books, but they can’t get past the first few
chapters, they give up, because
they can’t even find a way
to get the book, because they
get blocked. “I can’t get,
I can’t get through these.”
Well I have it on tape, I have
the audio on tape, if you’re
having problems reading,
I’m going to put this on podcasts,
I’m going to put it on YouTube.
I’m going to put it on the social media
that I have, that people can go, “Okay,
this is all the pages, this is all the
information that we need.
Just go through this, you have to
go through this, and you can’t, you just have
to go through these chapters. It’s
not that hard.”
This is not hard. I want people
to see this as not hard,
because I know that we can fix
the problems in our lives.
We can change the things, we can change the things.
We can fix the issues. I just talked to
one person today, and she’s worried,
and I’m just going to show you a few things,
that you need to read, and you can do it.
You can read the book and fix your life,
and you can do it.
And you have to do it, because it’s hard.
I can see that, because I was
trying to do that,
but I could never do it. I could never get
to where I needed to be,
and I know it’s hard,
it’s hard when I was doing that,
to get there,
but if you have the proper help,
if you have a support group of people that
are helping you, a program that you need to go
to, a school that you need to go to,
you have to change. But when you’re on drugs,
when you’re using drugs, it will affect
everything in your life,
if you’re going to be using drugs,
and if you’re not going to get help,
it’s going to affect your life,
it’s going to take a toll. It’s going