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In this article we will share with you the reasons that make India the most dangerous place for women in the world. The reason is not because India lacks laws or policies to protect women but the lack of implementation of the laws and policies by our own police and local governments. The law of our country is not applicable in many parts of India and if we look into the local practices we will understand that these situations arise because the police and local governments do not enforce the laws made by the government. A recent article written by a British journalist about India titled “India most dangerous country for women in the world” made me very sad and scared for the safety of the women in my country. This article has exposed the fact that the women’s safety is not the priority of our country. The article is based on a survey carried out by Thomson Reuters Foundation, which is an international foundation working on the promotion of gender equality and protection of human rights. The survey claims that India is the most dangerous place for women in the world and is on the top of the list of the countries where women have the most fear. It is not the first time India is on the top of the list of dangerous places for women but the statistics are always shocking. According to the research, one out of every four girls aged between 14 and 18 have faced some sort of sexual harassment in the past year. The survey claims that more than 90% of Indian women face physical abuse from their spouse and more than 90% have faced some form of sexual harassment in the past year. The recent survey says that India is also the worst country in the world in which to be born a woman. Even though India has laws for protecting women, but if we look into the statistics the number of women being affected by the crimes against women are high. A report published by Amnesty International in 2014 says that every 14 minutes a woman in India is raped. The report also shows that more than a third of the rapists are either family members or relatives. The Amnesty International reports that one in three women are either raped or sexually harassed during their lifetime. According to the latest census in 2011, female foeticide, infanticide and dowry murders have become a severe problem in India. A United Nations report shows that in India, the ratio of the female-to-male population has dropped from 933 to 914 females per 1,000 males. These statistics show that there is much to improve in the conditions of women in India. The statistics published by Thomson Reuters Foundation says that India is one of the safest countries for women in the world to grow up in. It claims that India is still safe as compared to other Asian countries. The statistics further show that only one out of every thousand women in India have been raped. We can see that the situation is not as bad as the United Nations claims it to be. The problem in the country of India lies in the people who do not enforce the laws and the local governments to protect the women. The article also shares that the survey has been done because of the increasing numbers of incidents of crimes against women across the world. The report claims that the numbers of sexual attacks and harassment on women has increased in Asia, Europe and the United States. It also says that crimes against women and child abuse have reached the highest levels in the world. A spokesperson of Thomson Reuters Foundation says that this survey is not just about sexual violence, but also includes all crimes against women and girls. The spokesperson also says that it also includes crimes against women and girls in the form of beatings, harassment, rape, torture, murder and exploitation. All this data has been compiled from the responses of nearly 100,000 women from 48 countries including Bangladesh, Brazil, Fiji, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda and Tanzania. In India the report says that we need more protection for the women and we need to be vigilant. These figures show that some women have been raped, abused or killed but the real number of such incidents happening on a daily basis may not be much different from these figures. We must always keep in mind that many cases of crimes against women go unreported. It is very important for us to report such incidents so that more women will not be affected by the crimes. We do not have any laws in India that force the government to protect women, we also don’t have any laws that force the local government to protect women. The only thing we have is the Indian Penal Code that governs crimes against women, but even this law does not allow the police to take any strict actions against any of the accused. The police can take action only in cases where there is a public outrage, a public complaint or by themselves. This is why our country has become the most dangerous place for women in the world. The article says that India is still regarded as a very safe place for women in the world. But if we look at the statistics we will know that India is no longer safe as it was thought to be. We need to bring the laws to enforce the law, make sure that the laws are implemented by the police and local government. We also need to educate the people that women have equal rights to men. There are many cases where the laws are applied in the favor of men, this shows that we are not a safe place for women. We need to make changes in our system to bring about a world where women will be able to live in safety. We need to make our laws effective and strict to be able to protect the women. The article rightly mentions that we need a change in the mindset and way of life of the people. If we start practicing gender equality the world will soon become a better place for women. We need to understand that the problem of crime is not because of the government or the laws or the police. The problem is the failure of the government and the society to enforce these laws and our system. The article says that Indian women are not safe because we lack laws and have no system to enforce these laws. We need to be aware that crimes against women are not a result of what is happening in India but they are a result of our system. If we don’t change this system then there is no other way of protecting women. There is no other way to stop crimes against women other than putting strict laws, educating the people and enforcing the laws. The article says that when the women are attacked the government is not ready to take action against the perpetrators. They will only take action in case the people raise their voice or file a public complaint. If these cases do not happen or are not reported then the government will not do anything. We must learn from the example of countries where a lot of action has been taken against the perpetrators. There are a lot of cases where many people are prosecuted for crimes against women. In Australia there were a lot of cases of rape against children and young girls which resulted in the creation of the Rape Prevention, Incorporation and Education Centre (Rape INC) at the University of Sydney. This organization has been successful in providing support to the women who are going through this horrible experience. India should take this matter seriously and understand that we need to take action against the perpetrators. The government should be strict in their policies and make sure that this law is strictly implemented. We should not make the same mistakes that some of the other countries are making by not being ready to take action when a woman is being harassed. We need to learn from the experiences of other countries and make sure that the country becomes a safe place for women. It is sad to see how easy it is to commit a crime and get away with it. The society has to be aware of this matter and make sure that the laws are enforced and that action is taken against the perpetrators. We need to change our mindset and our way of life if we want to make a safe place for women in India. We need to change the way we see women and understand that they are a human and they are as important as men. We need to stop thinking that women need to be protected. We need to understand that men also have a right to live in safety, the same right as women. We need to educate the men that women are equal to them and are also entitled to the same rights as men. It has become very clear by now that India is indeed becoming a very unsafe place for women. This will cause social and economic problems for us in the future. But we cannot forget that these laws are in place to protect us from the violence and abuse. Our government should take strict action against the accused of the crimes against women. This must be the first priority of our country and we must be focused in this matter so that the rights of the women are protected. There is nothing more important than women’s rights and their safety. India needs to stand with the women in these difficult times and we must not let them down.