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A couple years ago, I made a joke that it’s impossible to draw a funny cat (like this) that looks normal and isn’t being anthropomorphized for fun. I’ve been asked about the joke so many times that I feel like an old man that remembers the time before the digital age. But I never stopped thinking of ways to draw realistic cats. One of my cat-hunting buddies has gotten so many messages about this article that she forwarded me a copy. It’s titled (in its native Korean) How to Draw a Cute Cat With Big Loyal Eyes and is filled with step-by-step drawing instructions. Not all of them are the most precise, but they do show some great details to look for when drawing realistic-looking cats. For example, the guy who wrote this article says you should make the pupils of a cat’s eyes “as round as possible” (for cats, unlike humans, larger eyes make them look more adorable) and then draw a slightly sloping curve to both of them. The result should look like the image above. I’ve been told that cat fanciers think these photos are photoshopped. That’s because every single one of them was. The good news is, you probably don’t have to photoshop your cat photos! All you have to do is learn to draw them correctly. But you can still draw your cat in the Photoshop way by checking out the original step-by-step drawing instructions. It’s a great learning experience for us regular folks who don’t usually draw. You’ll see the similarities and differences. You could even teach us something new about human anatomy, since cats are just humans with fur, legs, and ears. Do you think you can draw a more realistic-looking cat than the ones I posted? Why do you like drawing your cat? Let me know in the comments. Do you have any suggestions for cats we should draw? Let me know in the comments. I think this was the first time in my life that I’ve ever had too many ideas to get them all into the same article. And, even though we already have more comments than we can keep up with, let us know in the comments if you found this post useful or interesting or a combination of both. And, if you do comment, be sure to take our survey, since we want to learn how you felt about the art-and-puns way we wrote this article.