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NBA commissioner Adam Silver is a modern progressive. He was not the least bit disturbed when a crowd gathered around the Los Angeles Clippers’ locker room chanting “Build the wall.” We don’t need to go into the various statistics on racism in America. As you probably know, racism is still considered political incorrectness by the vast majority of Americans who think that Donald Trump is a racist. Most of us assume that Trump was talking about building a wall on our southern border to keep Mexican rapists and other criminals from entering America. Trump supporters on the left claim that this racist claim is not about racism at all. It’s about illegal immigrants who are criminals, and if they weren’t in the country, there wouldn’t be a need for a wall. The same people who are so certain about this claim are very sure that the NBA is a bunch of “hippies” who hate America. This is why a vast majority of professional basketball players have chosen to either kneel or sit for the anthem. Well, the NBA has decided to crack down on some of the most progressive players, and commissioner Adam Silver said they will meet with their players. You would think that the NBA would allow players to have the right to protest. After all, this is the country that lets you choose to kneel, sit or lie down in front of a national monument while the “Star Spangled Banner” is playing. It should be one of the most patriotic parts of our national anthem. Why can’t everyone just get along? Trump wants this entire issue to be about one word in his speech. Most of us don’t know what he is talking about. Why is the NFL “weak” for allowing players to protest? Trump has a terrible record when it comes to race relations. We could all point out his history of racism. Yet, most of us aren’t screaming about it. We’re simply expressing our views that racism is a problem in this country. Is racism the only reason these players kneel? Of course not, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t protesting one thing. If they weren’t protesting racism, they would be protesting the national anthem. We could be doing a better job than we have in the past. Trump would like to end the controversy, but he doesn’t get that people who are against racism aren’t outraged at the anthem at all. He believes that people will just forget all about the anthem if they focus on one word. He is right that the anthem won’t make anyone forget about racism, but this is not the time to argue that. The anthem is part of what made the United States of America. Racism is one of our worst enemies, and it should be protested. There’s a new Republican poll out from Monmouth University (I’ve used surveys from Republicans in the past because, quite frankly, they are better polls than the one from CNN). This one is a little different. It’s not the least bit controversial, and it’s not just about issues. It’s mostly about whether or not you like Trump personally. First of all, this poll doesn’t even bother with the whole “fake” stuff. People lie about poll results all the time. Most polls aren’t even accurate because they ask the questions in a poor way that people don’t really mean. Republicans who like the president have some pretty high numbers in this poll. There are two of these polls that cover almost every area of American life. First of all, there are these numbers about Trump: 58% support Trump 41% don’t 41% don’t think Trump has any respect for the media 59% think he does 55% believe that Trump tells the truth all or most of the time 45% do not 59% don’t think Trump is a racist 41% think he is 47% think Trump is a sexual predator 53% don’t 57% think Trump is doing an OK job as president so far 43% don’t The second poll focuses on whether or not you think Trump should be impeached. This is a tough one to read, and some people like it. Some people don’t like it at all. There are a lot of options. These polls aren’t good either because the questions are complicated. Overall, we don’t have to worry about most of the results on the internet. There are no bad polls, but if you want to see what people really think, polls like these can help. As always, I urge you to stop everything and read the latest on Donald Trump. He has gone through his last year as president without us. He is not getting away with anything. We need to be sure to make a difference in 2018. This poll comes from Morning Consult. It’s about one of Trump’s most famous quotes, “Grab them by the pussy.” I have heard some amazing things about Trump during my life. There’s the time he called for a ban on all Muslim immigrants into the U.S. There’s also the time he declared that all Mexican immigrants are rapists and murderers. This is another one of his most famous quotes. Do you believe this quote? According to this poll, 50% of Republicans agree with Donald Trump. Only 45% do not. The fact is that most Republicans don’t believe in many things that Trump says. They don’t want to. But now that Trump is president, they are left with his “brand.” If you’re a Republican, you really don’t have a choice. You might hate Trump’s “brand” more than you hate anything else, but you’ll still support his presidency. I used to support the Republican party. It was always more about being “against” something than it was about being for anything. There was never any point in the party where I felt like I could really get behind my own party and what I thought. The Republican party always wanted to take a hard stance against something without really agreeing with anything. The Republican party was all about doing a hard stance against something without really being for anything. These days, Democrats and Republicans can agree on the issues. There are exceptions here and there, but mostly they do agree on things that are the most important. This poll is an example of just that. Both sides hate Trump’s vulgarity and say he isn’t doing a good job. But Republicans can’t support most of his policies without being the most unpopular side of the country. Republicans will have to decide in 2018 whether or not they are OK with this. Of course they aren’t going to admit it. Nobody has ever decided that they are actually Republicans. Most Republicans get involved in these polls only to show people that they are on the “correct” side of all these arguments. They might even believe that Trump is doing a good job and that he doesn’t need to be impeached, but they are still part of this party. They will do what they can to make sure that Republicans stay in power in 2018. I guess you can say that I am not a “pro-life” Republican, but I feel like this is not even an issue. This poll was done with Democrats. It doesn’t really matter if you agree or disagree with Donald Trump. It just matters that you know where you stand when it comes to the most important issues. I used to believe that the most important issues in our country were jobs and the economy. I remember thinking that these issues were the most important when I was young, but that just seems weird. Even in the 1960s and 1970s, these issues were really important to everyone. Over the years, I have changed my mind and have decided that the economy isn’t really as important as the U.S. Supreme Court. When I hear people from both sides of the aisle fighting about who will be the next Supreme Court justice, my heart soars with joy. I also love it when people fight over who will win on Saturday Night Live. They are literally fighting over the future. Politics is the most entertaining industry out there. With so much going on, you may not know exactly what is going on with the U.S. Supreme Court, but I want to explain to you why this is the most important court in the world. If it gets destroyed, America will take a big hit. Ever since Obama was elected president, America has been divided like never before. Every time Trump or Hillary Clinton was on the presidential campaign trail, it was obvious to me that no matter who was elected, the U.S. would be divided. As soon as Trump became president, the U.S. started to be divided again. The most divisive thing I saw in the last 100 years was when Obama was reelected in 2012. Suddenly, there were people who believed that everyone on the other side was racist, sexist and Islamophobic. Even though I understand why people feel that way, I still think these groups are outnumbered. One day, one of these groups will win. They will be very strong and will get what they want. They will probably want to end the right to abortion in the United States of America. There is no argument against the right to an abortion in this country. The only argument is about how much a government should regulate this right. If it’s made illegal, women won’