The video of an NY
It has been well-e
Mitt Romney and Pa
LONDON (Reuters) -
Differences in the
Rahul Gandhi to ta
Re: The New Year’s
A high temperature
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Q: How to put con
Astronomy Picture
The use of optical
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1. Introduction {#
Q: How to make te
The use of electro
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/** * * WARNING! This file was autogenerated by: * _ _ _ _ __ __ * | | | | | | |\ \ / / * | | | | |_| | \ V / * | | | | _ | / \ * | |_| | | | |/ /^\ \ * \___/\_| |_/\/ \/ * * This file was autogenerated by UnrealHxGenerator using UHT definitions. * It only includes UPROPERTYs and UFUNCTIONs. Do not modify it! * In order to add more definitions, create or edit a type with the same name/package, but with an `_Extra` suffix **/ package unreal.mesheditor; /** WARNING: This type was not defined as DLL export on its declaration. Because of that, some of its methods are not accessible from C code outside this library. They are declared as such to allow code written in C to access them. **/ @:umodule("Mesheditor") @:glueCppIncludes("IPanelMesh.h") @:noClass @:uextern @:uclass extern class UPanelMesh extends unreal.UObject { /** Whether this panel mesh is a duplicate of another (and therefore should be removed from our local reference cache) **/ @:uproperty public var bIsDuplicate : Bool; /** If this is a child, index of the parent panel this child resides on **/ @:uproperty public var ParentId : unreal.Int32; /** For hierarchical meshes, this is the next level of the node to be added (0 = root) **/ @:uproperty public var NextNode : unreal.Int32; /** Parent UV channel index (for use when creating a panel mesh that is a child of another panel mesh) **/ @:uproperty public var UVParent : unreal.Int32; /** Vertex channel index for the panel's position (for use when creating a panel mesh that is a child of another panel mesh) **/ @:uproperty public var VertexPosition : unreal.Int32; /** Vertex channel index for the panel's rotation (for use when creating a panel mesh that is a child of another panel mesh) **/ @:uproperty public var VertexRotation : unreal.Int32; /** Vertex channel index for the panel's scale (for use when creating a panel mesh that is a child of another panel mesh) **/ @:uproperty public var VertexScale : unreal.Int32; }